Abyss Knight

Chapter 553

"Do you want to debug them now?" kukas asked in a deep voice after touching his bald head.

"The debugging has been completed." the female doctor snuggled her body in kukas\'s arms, rubbed her small head on his chest for a few times, and said in a sinking voice, "it can be used at any time."

"If you don\'t have anything to do, let\'s go to Troy now. Put on the bloody giant and the nine headed strange snake." kukas narrowed his eyes and snapped, "by the way, what about the natural Banshee?"

"It\'s recovering, kukas. Don\'t worry. It will only take a hundred years for her to recover as before. By that time, you will be able to successfully become an eighth order knight." the female doctor has heard kukas\'s query for countless times. Now she just answered his query perfunctorily.

"I\'m just worried about what happened to the natural Banshee." kukas laughed. He knew he was too interested in the natural Banshee at this time. "I\'m still a sixth order Knight now. I can\'t wait to become an eighth order. I\'ve delayed a lot of time."

"I don\'t think you\'ve wasted any time. Tell me, you can kill a seventh order knight. Can\'t you?" the female doctor looked at kukas, nodded and smiled: "Other people are promoted faster than you, but their career types have doomed them not to be your opponents. Even if they are lucky enough to become professionals above level 8, they have no chance to become legends. Since ancient times, everyone who has become legends has a very solid foundation. In fact, I don\'t suggest you use natural banshees to improve your strength, Even if it\'s natural, the Banshee doesn\'t have any side effects. "

"Why? I\'m worried that I can\'t control the sudden increase of power? Because I don\'t have a lot of feelings because I don\'t get promoted step by step?" kukas grinned. He took the female doctor\'s face in both hands, looked down at each other and asked.

"Yes, you should know that if you use the normal method to change from level 7 to level 8, you will feel countless information at the moment of success, and these information will be very helpful for you to understand the rules of heaven and earth in the future, and even whether you can become a legend in the future. If you are promoted through the natural Banshee"

"Through the promotion of natural banshee, I can feel countless information, which doesn\'t affect anything." kukas took a deep breath and interrupted the female doctor\'s words.

"Don\'t deceive yourself. Although the use of natural banshees can make you feel the information, the number is several times less than that of promotion by normal means. Such consequences will make you regret later." the female doctor said with a bitter smile.

"It\'s just a little information gap. It won\'t stop me from becoming a legend in the future." kukas kissed the female doctor\'s forehead, then changed the topic and said: "bring the bloody giant and the nine headed strange snake together, and we\'ll go to Troy now."

"OK!" The female doctor shook her head reluctantly. She knew that kukas was actually deliberately avoiding some problems. However, as kukas said, although there would be less information when he was promoted, it would only delay the time and speed of his understanding of the rules, but it would not image the legendary promotion. Otherwise, those Danu protoss had already given up nature Banshee is a good thing to improve strength quickly.

When the female doctor used the secret method to shrink the huge crystal ball, kukas used the secret method to get in touch with the Danu Protoss old priest of the Trojan plane with the help of the original power. He hoped to get the help of the old priest, and then transported the nine headed monster snake and the bloody giant to the Trojan plane. Of course, it was said to him that he wanted to bring some powerful thugs who were not Trojan planes.

The old priest of the darnu Protoss agreed without hesitation. Although Troy banned some strange creatures from other planes, it was very easy for kukas to carry two external creatures with them. After all, the strength of Troy made their restrictions on some alien creatures much weaker.

After a brief conversation with the old priest, kukas ended the conversation. The female doctor who had already prepared said with some worry, "I\'ve miscalculated. I\'m afraid we can\'t bring the bloody giant to the Trojan position."

"Why?" kukas was puzzled about what the female doctor said.

"Don\'t forget what has just happened in the endless void." the female doctor smiled bitterly at kukas: "According to the general, the bloody giants have destroyed more than 100 planes of different sizes. I\'m afraid some interested people are searching for all the information about the bloody giants. If we bring the bloody giants to the Trojan plane, I\'m afraid they will notice. At that time, I think they will rob them madly."

"Can they identify the bloody giant?" Kukas thought about the blonde general and the description about the bloody giant he got in the memory of some fallen beings, and then thought about the bloody giant who was only more than ten feet tall outside. He couldn\'t confuse them. If he didn\'t get the news at first, he wouldn\'t regard the giant as a bloody giant, because all this was inconsistent with his understanding.

"The bloody giant grew up step by step. It is said that the original bloody giant was as strong as your green cannon fodder, but it was stronger than ordinary people and could not compete with other professionals. However, with the passage of time and the killing, they became stronger and stronger. However, the more important reason is that the powerful existence that created the bloody giant constantly used him To enhance the power of those bloody giants. Later, bloody giants who can tear the plane and use the plane as weapons came out. At first, they were called bloody puppets. "

"Feel the smell of the bloody giant carefully. It\'s very different from the smell of blood caused by killing. Some people can still recognize it if they have the heart. What\'s more, this time we\'re dealing with the Dragon tooth warrior, not others." the female doctor said her mind: "But what I doubt is how the people of the Dragon tooth alliance put a large number of dragon tooth warriors into the position of Troy."