Abyss Knight

Chapter 552

After comparison, he found that only a few of the places where the dragons and even the giants fell coincided with or were close to those baisensen bulges, and most of the others had nothing to do with them. And this result made him more confused.

Looking at the green skins eating, drinking and killing below, kukas suddenly grinned: "ha ha! Whatever it is, as long as these things are still in my hands now. As for what changes they will have in the future, that\'s what will happen in the future. It\'s really not possible at that time, so I\'ll just lose these green skins." thinking of this, his mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

Until now, in some of his thoughts, everything in the world has little to do with himself. When things get out of control, he will not hesitate to discard them. As for the harm and benefits that this will bring to others, he is not willing to pay attention to. Here, he just regarded the creatures here as virtual characters in his previous life.

The killing of previous lives has already completely sealed some of his ideas. For himself, he can give everything and ignore the life and death of anyone in the world. Of course, all these are his thoughts now. As for whether there will be changes in the future, it is not what he can predict.

After observing the new things of the green skins, kukas quickly returned to the central area of the palace and found a female doctor.

In the female doctor\'s laboratory, she was lying on a test-bed with some drugs, and there was a crystal ball more than one person in the distance behind her. There was an image shaking in the crystal ball. When you look carefully, it was the scene of the bloody giant fighting with the recovered nine headed monster snake. Obviously, this thing is placed here for female doctors to observe the bloody giant, but I don\'t know whether she made it with magical power or where she got it.

Kukas did not bother the female doctor, but stood by the crystal ball and watched the struggle inside. He knows that the experiments of female doctors are often very important. If she is interrupted, she will not only waste her previous efforts, but may even image her mood, resulting in that she can\'t work seriously for a long time.

Through the crystal ball to observe the newly born bloody giant and the nine headed strange snake, kukas suddenly made a new discovery. "Is it just an instinctive fight? And there is no powerful means to show it. If only these means, can they deal with those dragon tooth warriors?"

"No, the bloody giant and the nine headed strange snake are a little bigger than when I saw them just now. Well, although they are only a little bigger, they are growing and growing rapidly." looking at everything in front of him, kukas suddenly came up with some strange ideas: "If it grows to tens of thousands or even millions of feet tall, how long does it take?"

While thinking, the female doctor who was preparing the medicine was still busy with her work. However, at this time, the battle between the bloody giant and the nine headed monster snake ended. After the two giants made roared, they went east and west respectively. The crystal ball was divided into two parts to lock the two giants. Obviously, it was not before These things had happened, otherwise the crystal ball would not have shown the traces of the two giants so separately.

The two giants separated from each other, but countless green skins followed them. The bodies on the ground were taken away by the green skins, either eaten directly, or brought to the white bulges for all kinds of strange sacrifices.

Kukas focused his attention on the nine headed snake. After walking hundreds of miles to the East, the monster entered a huge crack. There, more green skins were entrenched. The green skins made a huge cry. It was obvious that they were cheering the return of the nine headed snake.

After entering the huge crack, the nine headed strange snake rolled up, eight heads closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep, while the remaining head opened his mouth, his chin fell to the ground, and a large number of green skins lined up to enter the snake\'s mouth.

"Hydra, it seems that you haven\'t lost the talent and ability of your race when you recover from the coarseness!" kukas giggled at the greedy Hydra: "well, you don\'t have to eat these bad green skins right away. Maybe those strange dragon tooth warriors are the good things in your diet."

After mumbling a series of words that he couldn\'t understand himself, he turned his eyes to the figure of the bloody giant.

After walking hundreds of miles to the West with heavy steps, the bloody giant entered a huge valley. In this valley, there was no green skin lining up to enter his mouth, but dozens of huge green giants entrenched here.

When these green giants saw that the bloody giants would come, they immediately crossed with it. Yes, crazy crossing. The green giants entrenched here are all huge female giants.

Kukas even found that some of the green giants had a big belly, and it was obvious that they had been pregnant. But even so, they still had sex with the bloody giants, and they didn\'t know whether it was nature or something else.

"Inherit the bloody giant in this way? But is it feasible?"

"Maybe it\'s feasible, maybe it\'s not feasible, how do you know if you don\'t try?" the voice of the female doctor sounded behind kukas. In fact, when kukas came here and began to observe the huge crystal ball, she noticed it, but her experiment was at a critical juncture, so she didn\'t speak until now.

"I\'ll take them to the Trojan plane and try their specific powers." kukas touched his bare head and said in a deep voice, "can you still make a nine headed strange snake, shedra?"

"There are not enough materials. At first, I planned to put the stomach of the nine headed strange snake xudera on the bloody giant so that the bloody giant could have xudera\'s power. But later, I found that I could perfectly copy these strange snakes, so I tried. Well, I lost once, but I succeeded the second time. But it was because of my failure that I couldn\'t continue The female doctor shook her head and said with some regret.

"However, this nine headed monster snake can reproduce, but because of their blood, it will take at least millions of years to reproduce. I don\'t think we can wait until then."