Abyss Knight

Chapter 551

After being invaded by the scarlet light column, red scales the size of nails appeared on the arm. These scales glowed and slowly absorbed the blood in his body. In a few short breaths, the whole arm was as thin as firewood because of the red scales.

And over time, these red scales not only spread to other places, but also grow into his bones and flesh. After a while, he felt that the heel and foot of those scales pierced into the hard bone, then tore the bone a little bit and began to extract the bone marrow.

The feeling of weakness quickly spread all over the body. After absorbing enough blood and bone marrow, some scales suddenly fell off his arm, and then fell into the air and disappeared. When the scales left, they showed the rotten flesh below.

With more and more red scales falling off his arms, there was a place in the void in front of him that began to twist. At first, the twist was no more than the size of a fist, but every time a scale disappeared, the distorted area was one point larger. A sense of danger came from it. Part of the sense of danger wound around kukas himself, while the other part crossed the void and directly wound into the eyes of the bloody giant hundreds of miles away.

"Dry!" such a strange scene, even if kukas is a fool again, he knows that the thing on his arm is not a good thing. With a curse, a fighting spirit was thrown out of his hand. The fighting spirit passed smoothly through the dry arm, and then hit the twisted space not far away.

The fighting spirit that should have collided with the distorted space did not collide, but just passed through the distorted space and fell on the earth more than 100 feet away, bursting out a pit more than 30 feet deep.

With a slight frown, kukas immediately noticed the bad. He roared in a low voice, reached out and grabbed the dry arm, and then tore it off. Throw the broken arm into the twisted space, but the body quickly retreats behind.

The withered arm penetrated the twisted space, and the twisted space expanded to the size of the washbasin contracted fiercely, and finally swallowed up his broken arm in an instant. After swallowing the broken arm, the twisted space split into two crescent shaped red lights.

The light flickered, and one appeared directly at his neck and turned around his neck. The other appeared directly in his heart.

Kukas couldn\'t react to the sudden scarlet crescent moon. He didn\'t even have the chance to turn his heart. The two crescent moons cut his head and tore his heart.

The passage of life was very clear. At this time, he felt that his mind turned and mobilized the original power to send him out, but it was too late. His head was cut off. When the original power of the equipotential plane sent him to a safe area, he found that his head and neck had been separated.

"The death here is really different!" the mind wrapped the soul and drilled out of the body. At this time, he found that his mind had formed a golden light suspended above the body. Looking at the scarred body below, I felt so strange.

The powerful original power poured out of the void. After the Red original power appeared in the ruling plane, it became golden. They wrapped kukas\'s mind and soul and forced it into the broken body. Then the original power healed the wound, but the body was intact during breathing, and he resurrected extremely smoothly.

Just felt his body, kukas\'s mind could not help violent turbulence. Because he found that the two crescent shaped things seemed to cross the void in an instant and appeared in front of him again.

The head fell, the heart broke again and died instantly. The original power continued to instill resurrection, and then was killed by the crescent thing again.

"What a strange means." kukas was killed dozens of times in a row. Instead of being angry, kukas giggled. At the thought that the bloody giant\'s means would be used on the enemy, he couldn\'t resist his excitement.

After cutting dozens of times, the Red Crescent finally disappeared. It was not kukas who used his means to destroy them, but the power contained in the crescent moon disappeared after crossing the void and killing again and again and consuming all the power contained therein.

Once again from the ground, kukas felt dizzy, but he didn\'t care. He just thought that he was damaged by continuous killing. It only took three or five days for him to be all right, so he didn\'t take it to heart.

After shaking his bald head, he did not use the original power to find a female doctor, but suspended in the air and silently observed the green people below with the blessing of the original power.

After long years of development, the green skins have completely survived in this plane. On the barren earth, some white bulges began to appear. These bulges were not generated by the plane itself, but the green skins kept planting green skins in an area. After countless years of accumulation under the earth, the roots of those green skins gathered together under the action of inexplicable forces, thus forming this white bulge.

When these white protrusions like boulders appeared, a large number of green skins gathered here. They built tribes around this protrusion, and then killed the green skins of other tribes for sacrifice. Of course, these sacrifices are actually a little bloody. I won\'t mention them one by one here.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to these bulges at first, but after he carefully observed them, his mood couldn\'t calm down.

It turned out that after he tried to penetrate his mind into the white bulge, he got a little information from it. This information was revealed to him because he was the owner of the green skin.

According to the information, these white bulges contain some rules, which are formed by the fusion of the green skin\'s blood and some rules in this plane. Under the blessing of that rule, every few days, green skins are born from them. Although the number of green skins that do not need to be planted is extremely rare, they are more powerful than ordinary green skins.

This change reminded him of the growth mode of the Dragon tooth warriors.

"Is it related to the dragon clan?" kukas couldn\'t help thinking of some giant dragons falling in this plane. After careful thinking, he directly simulated an illusory screen with fighting spirit, and then identified the places where giant dragons and even giants fell through the original power, and then compared them with those places with white bulges.