Abyss Knight

Chapter 550

After thanking the blonde general for his reminder, kukas did not return to the burning position to see the female doctor at the first time, but ordered the remaining alchemists to continue to work as before. After that, he personally led some people to deal with the bodies of the dead alchemists. According to the alchemist\'s habit, these bodies were sealed with special magic materials, then loaded into a coffin, sealed by an alchemist with secret methods, and finally thrown into the random space transmission array. These coffins reduced to the size of a baby\'s fingers were put into the endless void. As for whether these coffins were swallowed up by empty monsters or fell into other planes, it is not a matter for the living. All this is just the custom of alchemists.

They believe that all the knowledge they have is perceived by the ancient predecessors from the endless void. Now they are dead and the body belongs to the endless void, which can be regarded as a reward for the help of the endless void.

Although he was greedy for the silver heads, hard bones and even flesh left by the alchemists after their death, kukas seriously buried the dead according to the alchemists\' customs. He didn\'t want to offend a lot of alchemists because of a little magical material on the body. In that way, he believed that even if there were contractual constraints, the alchemists would trouble him.

After dealing with the trivial things in the main plane world, kukas returned to the burning plane.

Back to the burning plane, the first thing kukas has to do is not to find a female doctor to see the bloody giant and the recovered nine headed strange snake xudela, but to mobilize his original strength to observe the giant invaders.

Tens of thousands of giants and a large number of dragons have long lost their previous pride and contempt. Now they are like lost dogs running around on the barren land. A noble dragon was torn by the green skin and fell to the ground, but more dragons and giants changed because they swallowed too much green skin. Finally, they lost all their reason and became an active green monster walking on the earth at a loss.

After the emergence of kukas, these mutated dragons and giants were not as hostile to him as those mutated barbarians before. On the contrary, they sent out a message of fear after feeling the breath of kukas. Some dragons folded their wings and landed on the earth from the air that day. Then they fell on the ground and trembled, waiting for the master\'s words.

Most of those mutated giants just instinctively feel fear. They move in the opposite direction to where kukas appears, but they don\'t surrender like the giant dragon.

Kukas was relieved to see the intruder like this. He ordered the greens to continue to deal with the giants and dragons in the same way as before, and then returned to the center of the palace in the central area of the plane.

As soon as he returned to the central area of the plane, kukas saw two giants fighting madly thousands of miles away from the palace. Around them, countless green skins guarded there. At intervals, the green skins rushed to the two giants and let the two huge creatures devour them.

I saw that each of the two giant creatures was tens of feet tall, and the creatures in the West landed on two feet. It seemed no different from ordinary giants, but during the struggle, two huge flaming wings appeared on the giant\'s back from time to time, and there were 13 eyes and a big mouth on his head. Thirteen horns grow on the head the size of a boulder. The horns are red and branded with tadpole like patterns. These lines swam with the giant.

When the giant walked, one footprint became a magma pool, and the other footprint became hard frozen soil. Thirteen eyes opened and closed, and red columns of light gushed out of them. Where the light column goes, the space is distorted and a whistling sound comes out. Condensed into a substantive bloody breath, it formed a huge mace in its hands. When the stick is waved, it can tear the surrounding space and produce a shrill whistling sound every time.

The giant fighting with the giant is a strange snake with nine heads. The strange snake has only one body, but it has nine heads. The nine heads fluttered and shook in the air, some spewing flames and hurricanes, and some spewing poisonous smoke and cold ice. There is a snake head with infinite suction between the huff and puff, and countless green skins are swallowed by it like ants; A snake\'s head opened and closed its big mouth, making a hissing sound. The green skins were surrounded by broken flesh and blood, separated bones and flesh, and were lingchi alive by the sound.

There was a huge sarcoma on each head of the nine headed strange snake. These sarcomas formed a triangular crown. There was a single angle in the center of the crown, and a black flame burned on the single angle. The sparks burst and scattered around. They did not ignite the air or distort the space, but instantly evolved into black water. The black water fell on the strange snake and quickly repaired its injuries.

"Bloody giant and hydra, the nine headed monster snake?" kukas looked extremely excited at the two monsters with tens of feet high. Although he has seen the invader giants thousands of feet high, it is still between the two whether they can be preserved in the burning plane or not. But now the bloody giant was born from his burning plane. Presumably, by means of female doctors, they can reproduce in the burning plane. At the thought that he had countless bloody giants as his men, and that these bloody giants might grow up to be easy to destroy, he couldn\'t help roaring in a low voice.

With a low roar, the bloody giant noticed him, and thirteen eyes looked at him, accompanied by thirteen red pillars of light.

"Open!" kukas was excited, but instead of dodging, he waved his fist and hit the light column hard.

The huge fist hit the thirteen pillars of light. As soon as they collided, kukas noticed something bad.

There is no huge impact force in the light column, but a strange fluctuation. The wave spread and instantly penetrated the fighting defense on his arm. Where the waves went, kukas immediately couldn\'t feel his limbs.

"What a strange power." his body suddenly appeared hundreds of miles away. Then he looked down at his arm and couldn\'t help taking a cold breath.