Abyss Knight

Chapter 549

Even though the blonde general temporarily recovered most of his strength, kukas was still in a mess. Paralyzed on the ground, although his body was instantly repaired under the instillation of huge original power, the bald evil man felt that he could not hang on his face, so he squatted on the ground calmly and stared at the female general who showed great power.

Blinking at kukas, the blonde general threw her eyes into the distant void. The fierce golden fighting spirit accompanied the female general\'s line of sight, rolled in the air like a wave, and then pressed down into the void where the blonde general\'s line of sight was located.

Fighting spirit surged, the space was turbulent, large areas of space were directly distorted, and even a large number of space cracks appeared in some places. The alchemists around retreated in horror, but they did not dare to come forward to provoke the woman suddenly summoned by kukas.

The surging fighting spirit just crossed hundreds of feet in an instant. When it was about to hit the void, four black short knives suddenly emerged from the air. Virtual shadows flew from these short knives and hit those fighting spirit. At the same time, a milky light column condensed instantaneously with the four short knives as the center.

"Transport scrolls. Kill them." when kukas saw the Milky light column, he didn\'t squat on the ground, but roared and forced his feet. The whole man rushed hundreds of feet away like a strong wind.

The shrill sonic boom sounded, and the dark ghost cry and fighting spirit condensed the virtual shadow of a siege hammer on his arm. He waved his arm and drove the virtual shadow of the siege hammer to hit the Milky light column, that is, the appearance of the forbidden array formed by the transmission scroll.

"Bang!" under the violent impact, the siege hammer condensed with ghost cry and fighting spirit could not bear the impact, and broke instantly. A large number of ghost cry and fighting spirit turned into wisps of black smoke and flew around like a poisonous snake. The Milky light beam trembled slightly, and a circle of ripples appeared at the center of the point where it collided with kukas\'s siege hammer. In addition, the transmission light column didn\'t do any other damage.

"How could this be? The transmission scroll is so powerful that it can resist my attack?" kukas couldn\'t help wondering when he saw that his attack was resisted by the transmission light column. You know, he had dealt with the light column generated by the transmission scroll before. At that time, he was weaker than now, but he easily passed through the transmission light column and killed the man who was going to escape. But now he was blocked by the beam of light again, which made him subconsciously doubt whether his strength had been weakened invisibly.

"Want to go? Have you asked me?" the blonde general sneered when she saw that her fighting spirit was blocked by the other party\'s short knife. She did not see any movement, and her body appeared fiercely on the fighting spirit she released.

Stepping on the sea, a pair of white and tender hands poked out, and then pierced the Milky light column. The light column that could stop kukas\'s full strike was like a white paper fool under the little hands of the female general, and was torn to pieces by the white and tender hands of the female general in an instant.

"Death!" an old knight\'s words came out of the blonde general\'s mouth. With this sound, four halos flew out of her arms. After the halo of fighting spirit separated from her arm, it shrank in the void in an instant.

With the contraction of these auras, kukas saw that the surrounding space was extremely distorted, and four murderous Qi rushed out of the aura. Some black fighting Qi accompanied these murderous Qi to hit the aura and wanted to break the aura. At the same time, an inky black knife light burst out from the center of the halo and jingled against the halo, which not only did not cut the halo, but accelerated the contraction speed of the halo.

It was just a breathing time, and the four halos contracted into four fist sized golden light balls. With the formation of the golden light ball, the killing intention disappeared, and the knife shadow cut out of the void also disappeared.

"Dead?" kukas asked suspiciously, looking at the four light balls held by the blonde general.

"Hehe! Is there such a cheap thing? I just let them fall into a deep sleep. I\'m going to do some experiments during this time, and I\'m just short of experimental products." the blonde female general smiled softly. While talking, she looked up and looked up. Her eyes seemed to pass through the void, through tens of thousands of feet deep underground buildings, and suddenly appeared in the sky outside: "I\'ll go out for a while. I\'m afraid some people want to come to trouble you."

"People of the Dragon tooth alliance?" kukas nodded. He couldn\'t ask about the behavior of the blonde general at all. After all, the relationship between the two people is still a little tense. In particular, he was dissatisfied with the female generals in his heart, so the things between them could not be eliminated so easily.

"No malice, just to clarify my identity." the blonde general took back her eyes to the void. The golden fighting spirit surging around was better. It dissipated slowly in the air like steam. I don\'t know whether it was taken back by her secret method, or directly dissipated by her or hidden in the void. "The buildings here look really strange."

Obviously, when the female general said this, she had checked the underground building with a secret method.

"Ha ha! I just like to make some strange things. If the general likes, I can also help you get one." kukas laughed at the speech. He is not worried that the other party knows the specific function of this kind of building. Of course, he also believed that no one would know the specific role of the building except himself and the female doctor.

"I don\'t have any thoughts about these." the blonde general just shook his head when he heard the speech, but didn\'t bother to ask about the efficacy of the building in detail. After a slight pause, he talked about women doctors: "By the way, your little lover has made the bloody giant for you. I think you should go back and have a look. I think the bloody giant will surprise you. What\'s more, to my surprise, she perfectly revived the dead Hydra."

As soon as the female general said this, kukas\'s spirit was boosted. Especially when he heard the news about the resurrection of the nine headed strange snake xudela, he felt much better at once. The anger just brought by the assassination was completely washed away by the good news.