Abyss Knight

Chapter 548

"The long river of time is broken? I remember kukas used to grumble about the disorder of time and space and the overlapping of the future and the past." although the blonde female general is the most legendary, she has not heard of the long river of time breaking. In her understanding, the endless void is everything in the world. As for the long river of time, she is just a noun thought up by some scholars lamenting the passage of time.

"So we are not unique?" the strange voice came out of the blonde general\'s mouth again. Her voice was a little confused, making people sound very empty.

"Everyone is unique, but the experience is the same." the blonde general did not think about the words of the soul hidden in her body: "what are your plans in the future?"

"Deep sleep, if there is no accident, I will sleep forever in your body until you drive me out. Otherwise, even if you die, I will still sleep in your body." after the strange voice finished, the blonde general pulled down the crown on his head and threw it on the ground.

Her face twisted and roared at the crown, "you should sleep on this thing, not occupy my body. My body is only under my control."

"Do you think what you say and do is out of your heart? Maybe your heart has been hoodwinked, and now your mind is just based on a heart made by others." the strange voice suddenly laughed, and then no matter how the blonde general roared, the voice no longer came out of her mouth.

Not to mention the blonde women\'s army here, just that kukas returned to the main plane world and was waiting for the completion of the building, some accidents occurred one after another.

Several alchemists who were busy working suddenly lost their lives. Without any resistance, their heads were cut off almost at the same time. After those alchemists died, death began to spread rapidly. In just three days, hundreds of alchemists had their heads cut off.

"Finish this building for me, or even if you all die, you can\'t leave here." looking at the gloomy alchemists, kukas was in a terrible mood. He didn\'t know who was dealing with him, and he didn\'t know why the other party found his position so quickly.

"Knight, we don\'t want to give up the agreement, but hope you can hire some powerful lurks to deal with those lurks hidden in the dark. Otherwise, if this continues for a long time, most of our energy will be on guard against sneak attacks, and there will be no progress in our work." an alchemist said with a sad face.

"Thousands of eighth order alchemists can\'t even catch a few lurks?" kukas asked grimly, touching his bald head.

"We are just alchemists, not those spell casters who are good at fighting. Moreover, those lurks are obviously very powerful. All kinds of magic props we arranged are easily destroyed without half use in front of them." some alchemists complained. As a true alchemist, they rarely experienced combat. Because in this world, professionals actually have great respect for alchemists. Because there is no alchemist, some weapons of professionals can\'t be formed at all.

"Damn it." while talking, kukas\'s killing talent suddenly sensed the smell of the lurk in the distance, but at the moment he just sensed it, the smell of the lurk disappeared again. With the disappearance of the lurk\'s breath, a magical structure in the distance suddenly collapsed. When you look carefully, it was forcibly cut.

After several rounds of fidgety walking, kukas roared ferociously: "who asked you to deal with me?"

The alchemists carefully gathered aside and used their own means to observe the surrounding situation, hoping to find those hidden lurks. But no matter what means they use, there is no gain.

"Dragon tooth alliance, we just take money for business. I\'m sorry." a cold voice sounded from the air in all directions. At the moment of the sound, at least hundreds of alchemists crushed their magic props sealed on weekdays, released the magic power contained in them, and frantically explored around, trying to lock the enemy hidden in the dark. They believed that as long as they locked the enemy\'s position, even if the other party was a legend, their thousands of alchemists could kill him.

Hundreds of magical forces spread wildly around, space twisted, flame hurricane flashed, and bursts of thunder sounded. After dozens of breathing time, these visions dissipated little by little after the magic power dissipated. With the disappearance of the vision, the alchemists\' faces became more ugly.

"Death!" the empty voice sounded in all directions. In an instant, the head of an alchemist who released magic props was cut off. With the alchemist\'s head falling, a golden light flew out of his neck. The golden light instantly tore the void, and then drilled into the crack the size of a palm. Obviously, the alchemist\'s soul and mind escaped smoothly.

"Dragon tooth alliance?" kukas thought of the young dragon knight he saw.

"I don\'t know what you\'ll do if a legend appears here." while talking, he fiercely pulled out the projection of a black flag and threw it in the open space in front of him.

The burning black flag fell on the ground and instantly evolved into a rhombic transmission array. The transmission array turned. The next moment, the blonde general was forcibly transmitted by kukas through the original power of the plane.

The golden fighting spirit gushed out of the blonde general\'s body like a tsunami, and the violent fighting spirit instantly filled the range of nearly 100 meters around her body. In this range, all the people were forcibly thrown out by the fierce fighting spirit. Endless pressure was released from her body, shrouded in pressure, and some alchemists were directly pressed by the strong pressure and couldn\'t stand on the ground.

Kukas was most embarrassed. He didn\'t expect that there would be such a big movement when the female general came out. The violent golden fighting spirit hit him and instantly tore his skin and bones. If the female general hadn\'t temporarily recovered most of the fighting spirit, I\'m afraid he would be torn to pieces by the violent force.