Abyss Knight

Chapter 541

After thinking hard, he could only blame the caster in the knight\'s memory for the disappearance of his mental memory. Only the young black robed caster shot in the knight\'s memory, and his shot tore the last memory of the knight.

"Just an image living in the memory of others can tear apart the memory scene of his own life over countless times." kukas thought silently to infer the strength of the other party. "As a legendary professional, you can\'t even bear your eyes. How powerful are you? Why don\'t you have your name in the records of books? Is it because the years are too long that those books that can be preserved for thousands of years forget you? Or because you belong to the future? It\'s just because of the disorder of time and space that your projection fragments arrive here Just inside? "

Thinking about this, he unconsciously forgot his original thoughts and thoughts, and his whole mind wandered on the young black robed caster. The image of the caster condensed by the supreme power in the mysterious ancient castle overlaps with the image of the caster in the knight\'s memory. Sometimes it is the mysterious breath of the other party, and sometimes it is the strange eyes of the other party that float in his mind.

I don\'t know how long it took kukas to wake up slowly. He couldn\'t help laughing bitterly when he felt that he had been tangled for so long because of a person who might have died for countless years.

After calming his mind, he put the matter of the black robed caster behind his mind and focused on remembering and learning the remaining memories of other fallen people.

As time passed, after he remembered the memory of all the fallen, he suddenly found that except the abyss Knight riding three black dragons, other powerful professionals, whether legends or gods, had no information about how to be killed in their memory. This strange phenomenon made him wonder for a while, but he soon threw it behind his head.

Sorting out knowledge, although the memory of those fallen people has been very incomplete, even the incomplete memory contains far more knowledge than kukas imagined. The knowledge memory of any fallen person is many times or even dozens of times more than the knowledge he has mastered.

Strange secrets and strange experiences all opened his eyes. Some abilities that have never been thought of have been shown one by one in these memories, some things that have never been heard of have appeared in these memories, and some ideas that have never been thought of have been confirmed and speculated countless times in these memories.

"Such a big gap!" kukas sighed again and again, feeling the knowledge and information contained in these memories.

After a long time, he ended his useless exclamation. After tidying up his mood a little, he appeared directly in the material world of the main plane with the help of the power of the plane origin.

The powerful plane source force tore the void and came to a barren desert of the main plane world. As soon as his body appeared in the desert, thousands of powerful forces crossed the void and appeared around him. These forces revolved around him. After discovering that the fluctuations emanating from him contained the fundamental flavor of the thematic world, those forces left one after another.

Kukas is used to such things. He knew that the powerful forces just now actually came here to prevent people from other planes from sneaking attacks. At first, he was very dissatisfied with this situation, but with the experience of some things, he not only recognized this behavior, but also agreed and supported it very much.

Of course, now he still doesn\'t understand why those people are so sure that as long as they emit the fluctuation of standard, they are safe. In his opinion, traitors will appear everywhere. Even if there are no traitors, they will be controlled by people of other forces. In that way, they can still do what the enemy wants to do. Unfortunately, he is still very weak and doesn\'t understand the specific things.

After coming to this thematic world, kukas didn\'t go there. He just released his mind to search the surrounding situation. After finding a quiet area, he quickly arrived there.

The area he selected is still located in the desert, with no population for thousands of miles. After imprinting a mental mark here, he once again mobilized the original strength of the plane to return to the arena island in the plane of Troy.

After the latent repair of Pires plane and burning plane, the time in Troy plane is only more than half a year. As soon as he came to the throne of Troy, the old priest of Danu came to the door.

The old priest\'s face looked very good, red and smiling.

"Why? What\'s the good news?" standing at the highest point of the underground city of the arena, kukas was rarely calm when he looked at the cold streets outside through the surrounding glazed crystals.

"Nothing, just with your green cannon fodder, we control several planes. Ha ha! By the way, it\'s lucky that you\'re here. If you don\'t come again, I\'m afraid your fenlia warriors will lose everything." the old priest of the Danu Protoss tilted his head and carefully observed kukas. Not seen for half a year, he found that kukas was very different from before. This difference was not in strength, but in his own breath and mind fluctuation. In the past, he observed kukas and found that his mind fluctuated very violently, but today he found that the mind of the bald evil man was so calm.

"The loss is exhausted? Don\'t those fenglia warriors have the ability to resist the Dragon tooth warriors?" kukas couldn\'t help but move. Although he temporarily shifted his energy to other places, it doesn\'t mean that he paid less attention to the Dragon tooth warriors, let alone that he gave up dealing with the foberg. Naturally, the injury of the Banshee delayed his speed to become an eighth level professional. He would never forget such hatred.

"Help me hire some strong mercenaries. I don\'t ask to kill those dragon tooth warriors, just ask to delay them." kukas rubbed his temples and said with a headache: "this time I\'m here to ask you to hire some casters to help me with some construction facilities. Do you have such a person who is good at architecture?"