Abyss Knight

Chapter 540

After dealing with some trivial things in the burning plane, kukas hid in a secret room tens of thousands of feet underground to meditate. This underground secret room was just made by him to prevent being disturbed by irrelevant personnel.

His mind was immersed in the altar in the center of the fighting space, and some strange words were instilled into his mind from the central area of the altar. After these strange words entered his mind, he immediately understood the meaning of these words, but he still couldn\'t write and say them. But it made him very satisfied.

These ancient words have powerful power. Speaking them in battle can not only confuse the enemy, but also increase their own strength. It is for this reason that some professionals often use all kinds of strange languages to call out their means and names when fighting with others.

Words flowed slowly from his mind. Kukas\'s heart was heavy when he understood the meaning of each word. Through the remaining memories of those who fell, a fragment that did not know whether it was the future or the past gradually emerged in his mind.

In that clip: a powerful existence tears the void and suddenly reaches a plane. There he looked for an iceberg hundreds of thousands of feet high, where he excavated the underground palace for latent repair.

Some gods and legends gathered together to hunt the powerful being because of hatred and other reasons. However, after they entered the underground palace, they didn\'t even see the noumenon of existence, and were killed in a few breathing times. The soul is sealed by eternity, the mind is broken, or exiled to the endless void, swallowed by all kinds of void monsters, or discarded into the endless abyss to evolve into all kinds of irrational demon monsters, which sink and wander in the abyss forever.

After reading the remaining mental memories of seven or eight fallen people, kukas was surprised to find that there were only incomplete images before and after death, but there was no memory when they were really killed. This lack made him more curious about how these powerful beings died.

There was no time to look through the memory of those fallen people on Cultivation and secret methods. Kukas quickly looked for the memory of their death. After turning over the remaining mental memories of dozens of fallen people, he finally found the moment of his death in the mind of an abyss knight.

A knight wrapped in black armor fiercely pierced the void in front of him with a long gun. The void twisted and collapsed into a space crack tens of feet in an instant. The three black dragons that the knight sat down hissed, waved their wings and twined with thunder and fire. As soon as the knight came out of the crack, he saw the projection of a black robed caster standing quietly in front of him.

The light around the black robed caster was distorted. Although he did not use any magic power, all the light naturally disappeared when it flew to him. The whole person is surrounded by endless darkness. Under the cloak was a pair of bright eyes. In those eyes, the knight saw two rotating thirteen awned stars condensed and outlined by silver patterns.

The projection of the black robed caster saw that the other party appeared in front of and behind him. Unexpectedly, it was just a simple deep finger to point to the knight who rode three black dragons as a mount.

There is no majestic magic wave, and there is no gorgeous brilliance. The knight and his three black dragon mounts stopped all their movements in the air. The knight and the black dragon struggled frantically, urging the fighting spirit to break away from the inexplicable prohibition, but it had no effect.

The invisible confinement force tore the knight and his black dragon mount in just a few breaths. During this period, the legendary knight and the three black dragons who are about to become legends have no ability to resist.

The broken body was pulled up by a mysterious force. Under this mysterious force, the fragments of the body and the soul wrapped by the knight\'s mind quickly hid.

An extremely complex text came out of the mouth of the black robed caster, flying in the air and suspended on the broken bodies. These vague bodies about to disappear became clear in an instant. As for the soul and mind that were going to disappear, they were hit hard by the words.

The soul is broken and the mind is scattered. Some directly disappeared nothingness, completely disappeared from the world. Others were grabbed by the black robed caster, then tore the space and threw it to an unknown place.

Kukas\'s mind was attached to the shadow behind the knight. He saw that the black robed caster threw these broken bodies on the ground, and then these bodies turned into rocks and hurricanes.

"Go back!" perhaps aware of the existence of kukas, the black robed caster fiercely looked at kukas\'s mental position after dealing with the body fragments in front of him.

An inexplicable force appeared directly in his mind. This powerful force tore his mind in an instant. At the moment of breaking his mind, kukas found that the darkness around the projection of the black robed caster faded, revealing a pale young man with a mysterious smell.

"It\'s him." kukas trembled, but instantly recognized the identity of the young black robed mage. The mysterious smell of the other party was the same as the young mage condensed by a powerful existence he saw in the mysterious castle.

"Who are you?" part of the broken mind rolls back, returning to the noumenon along with the knight\'s mind memory, while another part condenses to convey the past information to the caster.

"I am" the young black robed caster glanced at kukas and spoke. Unfortunately, kukas\'s mind was directly torn by the other party\'s eyes. The remaining mind did not hear the other party\'s words clearly, and then was forcibly withdrawn from the knight\'s mind memory.

"Damn it." kukas roared angrily. He was about to know each other\'s name, but at this moment, his mind was kicked out, which made him extremely annoyed and angry.

He turned his mind and wanted to enter the mind memory of the black armor Knight again to explore the identity of the black robed caster, but he turned his mind and found that there was no mind memory about the black armor knight in his morale space altar.

"How is this possible?" after repeated checking dozens of times, kukas confirmed that the remaining mental memory of the black armor knight had completely disappeared. Because the black robed caster tore his mind and disappeared.