Abyss Knight

Chapter 542

"Where to build? The plane you control? Or the main plane world you live in?" the old priest of the Danu Protoss asked in a deep voice.

"The theme faces the world." kukas took a deep breath and whispered, "is there any difference?"

"Some thematic worlds restrict the entry of other professionals. If I remember correctly, the thematic world you are in is extremely exclusive. Anyone who enters them will be killed unless there is a special reason." the old priest of the Danu Protoss shook his head to express his regret. He couldn\'t help kukas.

"Maybe you should find someone in your position to help you build something. Well, there are many magic stones produced in this arena. I think these stones are enough for you to pay those people." the old priest whispered: "As for the mercenaries you mentioned, to be honest, I have hired you many times. Now almost no mercenaries are willing to accept this task, because those dragon tooth warriors are too abnormal. Mercenaries need all kinds of money and materials, but the premise is to survive."

"People die for money, birds die for food. I think someone will always accept the task of dealing with the Dragon tooth warriors. What do you think?" kukas touched his bald head and grinned. It was normal for him to do things at the risk of death for a little material. In the face of huge interests, the danger sometimes seemed so insignificant.

"OK! Just in this way, the property you have accumulated here can\'t afford to pay some powerful mercenaries. Do you want us Danu Protoss to pay for you?" The old priest shook his head. He didn\'t recognize kukas\'s persistence. Because his pay is not proportional to the future return. More importantly, they only have the hatred of eating fruits. It\'s not good to deal with those dragon tooth warriors. On the contrary, it will provoke more hatred.

"One more month of green control." kukas said his conditions without care: "as long as I can hold those people down, I can still bear some costs."

"Oh, of course." The old priest of the Danu Protoss had already known the power of the green skins under kukas. Compared with kukas\' efforts, he needed to hire some mercenaries thousands of times less. Such a deal is extremely cost-effective for him and the Danu Protoss behind him. And he will also be more stable in the race because of this deal. As for offending the dragon He never paid attention to the dental alliance. After all, the two sides had been enemies before.

After receiving the promise from the old priest of the Danu Protoss, kukas extracted all kinds of materials he had collected before, and asked the other party to help him collect a large number of materials for secret buildings in the shortest time. Of course, although the quantity of these materials is extremely large, the old priest of the Danu Protoss is provided to kukas free of charge.

"By the way, the people of the deep sea giants once came to you a few days ago, but they didn\'t seem to pay much attention to you, and they didn\'t have much patience. They just stayed here for a day and left." when kukas collected what he wanted and planned to leave, the old priest of the nadanu Protoss suddenly said these words.

"Deep sea giants? Hehe, whether they pay attention to me or not has nothing to do with me." Kukas shuddered at the thought of the ugly image that might appear under the handsome man\'s skin. After having some memory knowledge of the powerful fallen, he had a clearer understanding of the deep-sea giants and some evil interests of the race. Therefore, he thought he could not deal with them without dealing with them.

The old priests of the Danu Protoss were very happy with kukas\'s answer. Although they traded with kukas through the deep-sea giants, when they could get the greatest benefits from others, they would not hesitate to put aside the people who had helped themselves. At their level, all contacts and relations were combined because of interests In the end, they will be separated and even become enemies because of their interests.

After preparing all kinds of materials, this time kukas directly transmitted them to the battlefield center of the plane through the Trojan plane transmission array. Here he released the mission, hoping to recruit enough people to help him make some special buildings. This kind of construction method was actually known to him in the remaining memory of those who fell.

Through this architectural method, kukas can use those buildings to hook some rules of the whole thematic world. Under the action of those rules, he can transfer without the help of the altar. More importantly, the success rate of this transfer is very high, almost 100% success.

However, this method is extremely secret. In the remaining memory of dozens of fallen people, only one once existed as a god knows this secret method. As for whether others know or retain it, it is not clear to him.

In addition to the construction of buildings that can be transferred without the help of the transfer altar, another most important purpose of kukas is to build a ship used by the Thracians to escape the plane: Thrace rescue.

He built Thrace\'s rescue not to cross the void and reduce the consumption of the original power of the plane, but to stay in the endless void for a long time, so as to feel the various rules and powers floating in the void.

After getting the remaining knowledge and memory of many fallen people, kukas was extremely eager to master the rules. In his opinion, in the memory of the dead abyss knight, the means used by the young black robed caster who killed him was definitely the power of rules. It was precisely because of the power of rules that the powerful Knight died instantly, and even the means of resistance were not displayed.

What made him puzzled was that most of the current legends could understand the power of some rules, but in the memory of the dead abyss knight, few people could control or even understand the rules, which made him extremely puzzled.

According to these doubts, kukas delegated tasks to the battlefield center, but in just one day, he summoned enough people. At least thousands of alchemists above level 8 gathered under him.

The agreement was signed and the remuneration was paid in advance. After dealing with these trivial things, he paid a lot of materials, which sent him and the alchemists to the area he selected through the transmission array in the center of the plane battlefield.