Abyss Knight

Chapter 539

"It\'s a little urgent." after the blonde general organized a speech, he quickly said: "the scarlet queen is trapped in a position and is seriously injured. We need the help of a doctor."

"Ha ha! To tell you the truth, I thought she had died in that evil plane." kukas suddenly flashed in his mind the scarlet queen and what happened to him in that seventh evil plane. For those things, now he has long been bearish.

"The scarlet queens of all dynasties are not so easy to die. A seven level evil plane has no ability to limit her." the blonde female general said in a deep voice.

"The doctor is in the laboratory, you can ask her, she agrees, then I have no opinion." kukas thought a little, and finally put the decision-making power to the female doctor. Although he has a very close relationship with female doctors and needs the bloody giants made by female doctors to deal with those dragon tooth warriors, he does not think he has the right to restrict the ideas and freedom of female doctors.

After receiving such an answer, the blonde general nodded gratefully to kukas. She knew that she had been helped by the female doctor. Persuading a female doctor to help a person is dozens of times easier than persuading kukas.

The blonde general who left in a hurry had a very tight time. She not only had to choose some black robed professionals who came here with her, but also had to convince the female doctors who were addicted to the experiment. Of course, the preparation of some trivial items is indispensable.

After the blonde general left, kukas didn\'t bother to calm his mind to control those knowledge, but immersed his mind in the fighting space to smooth and polish his fighting spirit.

It wasn\'t long, and it was just a magic time. The blonde women\'s general brought more than 300 high-level professionals shrouded in black robes and female doctors with light green long hair.

"This is wave coordinate of the that plane," blonde general outlined her hands in front of the her, and a diamond crystal emerged from her hands between her breaths. The crystal unfolds slowly like a blooming flower, and a golden light spot emitting strange fluctuating power is suspended in the center.

"Ha ha!" he stretched out his hand and gathered his fighting spirit to take over the face coordinates. Kukas didn\'t ask the other party what means they got it. He just took a deep look at the blonde general and began to use his secret skills to prepare to send them away.

The female doctor apologized and explained to kukas. After he said he didn\'t blame her for her decision, she was secretly relieved.

Watching kukas waving his hands in the air and condensing 13 burning black flags, the virtual shadow pierced into the expanding plane coordinates, a trace of uneasiness suddenly appeared in the female doctor\'s heart. This uneasiness flashed by, but in the blur, she sensed the figure of the scarlet queen.

"What\'s the matter? Is there a talent for prophecy awakening in me?" she wondered. She mobilized a lot of spiritual strength to pursue the uneasiness that flashed just now. Mental power wandered in her mind and meditation space, searched all the memories and feelings, but there was no discovery. Just when she wanted to explain this to kukas, the transmission array outlined with the help of the plane source power had been formed and operated.

The original plane coordinates were continuously expanded under kukas\'s secret method. After accommodating the projection of 13 burning black flags, the expanded plane coordinates suddenly formed an extremely complex golden law array. The Dharma array rotates in the air and instantly wraps up female doctors and blonde female generals.

At the same time, kukas gave up his control over the golden light and handed over the control right to the legendary blonde general. He himself focused on mobilizing a large number of plane sources, instilling them into the void through secret Dharma, and blessing them on the Dharma array.

The golden meteor ejected from the plane, crossed the endless void in an instant, and then flew towards the destination. In an instant, I don\'t know how many hundreds of millions of miles. Although it\'s only more than a dozen breathing times, the Dharma array appears on the plane where the scarlet queen is located across the endless void, but kukas found that in this short more than a dozen breathing times, the amount of his plane source consumption is enough. It takes 13 plane sources to accumulate their own source power for at least more than a decade.

Such a large-scale consumption of the original power, it is false to say that it is not distressed. But more importantly, kukas was worried about the trip of female doctors. He believes that since so many plane sources will be consumed, one aspect is that the rules in that plane are extremely strong and strict, resulting in a significant increase in the consumption of source power tearing space. Another reason is that plane is so far away from its zero order plane that a lot of the power is consumed on road.

After a moment of random thinking, kukas put these concerns behind him. After all, he is worried that it will only bring pressure to himself, but he can\'t bring any help to female doctors. However, even so, he finally manipulated a large number of plane original forces, hidden in the female doctor\'s body, and some condensed into crystals and fell directly into the hands of the blonde female general.

The female general immediately understood kukas\'s idea when she found that a large number of plane sources were directly condensed into crystal stones in her hands. However, she still shook her head and smiled. This plane is a high-order plane, where her power will not be suppressed. Therefore, she also found the original power of kukas hidden in the female doctor.

"It\'s just a little small." feeling the original power in the female doctor\'s body and her own hands, the blonde female general was a little moved in her heart. For ordinary professionals, these plane original forces may only be used as ordinary precious materials, but for women generals, these original forces can do a lot under the action of some secret methods. Even in some special cases, these original forces will become a means of their final victory.

But kukas said that after sending off the blonde generals, he observed the invaders again. After making sure that these invaders would not appear in his central area, he began to prepare for retreat. As for going to Troy to kill those dragon tooth warriors, he won\'t go for the time being. Because in his opinion, fighting with those dragon tooth warriors now is a pure waste of his time. It\'s not too late to deal with them when you have the way to kill the Dragon tooth warriors.