Abyss Knight

Chapter 536

"Sooner or later, he will go crazy." looking at kukas\'s back, the blonde general snorted and quickly deduced what he might develop in the future. Of course, this deduction is only done according to his current character and mental state. The specific future development will not be clear to the female general.

After returning to the palace center, the female doctor took the lead in checking the situation of the natural Banshee. After careful inspection, no abnormality was found. This result made kukas and she relax. After all, this natural banshee is too important to kukas.

After dealing with the natural banshee, the female doctor did not busy with her experiment, but sat on a high mountain with kukas\' arm in hand and whispered something. Most of them were kukas talking, while the female doctor listened.

Under the guidance of the female doctor, kukas subconsciously said all the confusion in his heart, which was extremely cumbersome, like an old woman muttering about his experience in the world from beginning to end, and even repeated it three or five times or more in some places. Sometimes he would wave his arms and subconsciously show his strong emotions.

"Kukas, you\'re really tired. After dealing with those dragon tooth warriors, we\'ll go back to the main plane world and relax for a few years, don\'t you think?" after a long time, when kukas finished venting, the female doctor put her head on his leg and whispered her thoughts.

"Very tired to live?" kukas tilted his head, looked at the bright eyes of the female doctor, and then smiled bitterly: "I don\'t want to be so tired to live, but the reality forced me to go on like this."

"If you go to Pires to watch the birth of the bloody giant, you go! I want to tidy up myself here." through the narration and vent just now, kukas\'s mood calmed down a lot, and the hot blood seduced by the struggle between the giant beasts and the powerful professionals calmed down. At this time, he clearly realized that going there by himself was just a waste of time.

"I\'m not going there either. I\'m going to experiment immediately and make a new bloody giant. And I promise you, the power of this bloody giant is definitely more powerful than the nine headed snake Hydra." when the female doctor said this, the corners of her mouth rose slightly and showed a trace of pride. Yes, she has the right to be proud, because the benefits she gets in the underground palace buried underground are beyond ordinary people\'s imagination.

"As long as we can deal with those dragon tooth warriors," kukas nodded. He didn\'t see the pride on the female doctor\'s face. He just closed his eyes and lay tired on the boulder behind him thinking about something.

The female doctor squirmed on him a few times to try to stir his desire, but she failed. Seeing that kukas couldn\'t close her eyes, she sighed softly, kissed kukas on the forehead and left. She knew that she must make a new bloody giant as soon as possible. In the conversation just now, although kukas muttered about the past in a very plain tone, she still felt the other party\'s anxious mood.

After the female doctor left, kukas turned his mind and appeared directly in front of the blonde general. At this time, the blonde general was still standing in place. She didn\'t know when her golden armor disappeared. She was wearing a very ordinary military uniform.

Seeing kukas\'s sudden appearance, the blonde general sighed in her heart, because she knew what the presence of this man meant.

"Send me away! Don\'t worry, I will never"

Before the blonde general had finished speaking, kukas shook his head to stop her and continued: "general, things have happened. You can still stay in this position, but you can\'t reveal these secrets. And I hope those under you had better not know these secrets."

"I know that." the blonde general nodded, then turned around without looking back and walked towards the palace community in the distance. She sensed that kukas was mentally ill and knew that she could no longer stimulate him. A series of things and powerful enemies have made this bald evil man\'s inner endurance reach the limit. If he continues to have pressure to the depths of his heart, I\'m afraid he will be completely crazy and do extremely irrational things. At that time, even now she may not be able to leave alive in this position.

Just as the blonde general turned and was about to leave, kukas suddenly noticed that his plane was forcibly torn apart, and a large number of planes were consumed madly in order to resist the space crack. In just a few breathing times, the number of plane primitives consumed reached the number of primitives increased by the plane itself in more than a year.

"Hey, hey, have you come after me? I\'d like to see what you rely on." kukas looked up into the distance. In his induction, a space crack thousands of feet in size appeared over a basin thousands of miles away. A giant of more than thousands of feet jumped out of it and fell heavily to the ground.

The strong shock wave alone killed all the green skins within a radius of hundreds of miles. Even some transformed hulks were injured or even killed by the shock wave.

The mind controls the original power of the plane, gives up resistance and allows the space crack to float on it. And he roared, his body disappeared in an instant, and the next moment appeared on the edge of the basin thousands of miles away.

Giants like mountains fell to the ground. They roared and walked around. Where they go, countless green skins are either trampled to death or shocked to death. These green skins with extremely tenacious vitality have no means of resistance like ants in front of these thousands of tall giants.

More and more giants appeared. When tens of thousands of strange giants and some strange creatures came down, kukas\'s heart became more and more crazy.

"Thunder strike, in order to kill the three of us, such a strong team was sent out. It seems that you really want me to die!" kukas thought carelessly. He reached out and grabbed thirteen burning black flags from his back, projected them, and then threw them around the huge basin.