Abyss Knight

Chapter 535

"It\'s not too late. If you want to kill them, kill them now. I\'ll take people to destroy them." as soon as the legend in the priest\'s robe had finished speaking, someone objected.

The man was thin and dry, like those old men herding livestock among ordinary people. However, he was wearing a gorgeous mage robe and the magic wand with purple and gold light in his hand, which made people feel that he was extraordinary.

"I have 30000 black rock giants. Ordinary professionals are suppressed in the lower level, but those giants will not be suppressed at all." the dry old mage narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "if I don\'t kill them, my mind will not be here." while talking, his eyes showed fierce light and hatred. Obviously, his relatives were hurt in the rage of the giant beast, Otherwise, there will never be such a phenomenon.

"Since you want to kill, you should do it more simply and kill all the creatures in that face! In recent years, the face of Pires is much softer than before. Some forces and organizations are ready to attack us and take this opportunity to beat them." another person said: "I can mobilize 3000 magma giants to help you kill them."

"I can pay five hundred dragons here," someone said.

For these legends and gods, it is very simple to deal with some things. In a few words, the hard-working old mage found forty or fifty thousand giants and dragons or other strange race members who are good at fighting on the low level.

The dry old mage outlined a simple teleportation array in the void, and then inlaid the teleportation gate he had made a long time ago with a secret method. Under the action of this secret method, the teleportation gate and teleportation array operate in a wonderful state. Other legends or gods who promised to provide him with troops put their own brand on it, and then put it directly with the help of this thing His men sent it.

Black rock giants thousands of feet tall, magma giants hundreds of feet tall, double headed dragons with four wings on their backs, and snake men with three heads and six arms. In just over a dozen breathing times, they gathered tens of thousands of killing troops.

On one side of the space crack was a God. He saw that all the troops had assembled. After receiving the sign of the dry old mage, he spit out a strange text. The text melted into the crack, and the whole space crack expanded to more than a thousand feet tall. The trace of directly following kukas and them appeared in the ruling plane.

The battle troops swarmed in, and the dry old mage flew to the head of a black rock giant. On his head, there was a small palace inside. The palace was completely made of things with low-level planes, and the additional prohibition array was the most powerful in the low-level planes. In his opinion, even the zero level plane could be used with the materials of the palace Protect his safety. Moreover, there are various materials in it, which are enough for him to make transmission scrolls and other things in a short time according to the rules of the low-level plane. It is precisely for this reason that he dared to lead his men to the low-level plane to chase kukas in a hurry.

Not to mention how the dry old mage chased kukas and them, but just that kukas forcibly separated from the 13th order Pires plane with the help of the plane origin and returned to the burning plane, the blonde female generals stabbed into the void, then turned inside for a while and grabbed a large number of gold coins.

These gold coins were made millions of years ago. Under the secret method of some alchemists, these gold coins were made into gold coins with strange power, which continued the name of the ancient times and was called the melody of fate.

A gold coin was bounced in the air by the blonde general. The fate melody that should not have released its ability in the zero order plane flew into the air and rotated under the bullet of her white tender hand. With the rotation of these gold coins, layers of golden halos and complex patterns flew out. These things fell on the three people evenly and disappeared.

"How did you do it, general?" kukas took a deep breath, stared closely at the female general in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

"It\'s just a small skill gained after experiencing in this zero order plane for a long time. This skill can only be used in this zero order plane. After leaving this zero order plane, these skills are nothing." the blonde female general looked at kukas\'s nervous expression and knew she had to explain it again.

"Is it really just like this? I hope the general will not deceive me. You know what harm it will bring to this plane if other legends have this ability and suddenly exert great power in this plane." While talking, kukas\'s eyes flashed fiercely, but he couldn\'t stand his killing intention. The current means of the female general completely broke his previous cognition.

Thinking that legendary professionals can use legendary means after entering this position, his killing intention soared several times.

"I remember telling you before that other people can\'t use this method for the time being. Even if they have mastered it, do you think he can exert legendary power in this zero level plane? I\'ve learned it for thousands of years. Finally, I can only exert some rules on a small scale. In these rules, I can only exert the power of the seventh level peak. What\'s more powerful is I can\'t show it. If you don\'t trust me, I have no other way. "The blonde general looked at kukas reluctantly and shook his head. At this time, she found that kukas\'s memory had decreased. You know, he wasn\'t like this before.

"OK, I believe you." kukas took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his killing intention, and then stood there in silence. Not to mention returning to Pires to watch the birth of the legendary bloody giant, nor to go anywhere else, the three stood quietly in place for a time.

The atmosphere became more and more stiff. Since then, the female doctor on one side broke the silence. She apologetically nodded to the blonde general, then took kukas\'s arm and said, "let\'s go back and have a rest. I don\'t think there will be any big change in Pires\'s position in a short time. I just went to see the natural Banshee and see how she recovered."

"Well." kukas\'s mind has been on the means just used by the female general. He didn\'t hear the words of the female doctor at all. He just habitually answered, and then he was pulled away by the female doctor.