Abyss Knight

Chapter 537

After these burning black flags were projected on the edge of the basin hundreds of thousands of miles in size, they immediately turned into a giant pillar connecting the sky. Under the control of this plane source, countless green skins were instantly transmitted to this huge basin. Layers of green skin spread all over the basin in an instant. They waved weapons made of white bones, made strange noises in their mouths, and rushed to the giant in the distance like a mountain peak.

The green men\'s behavior is undoubtedly death, but they are still so crazy under the command of kukas and the urging of belligerent blood. Some hulks are mixed in them. These hulks are a race born in this burning plane after the systematic cultivation of female doctors in the past. Although they are seven or eight feet tall or even more than ten feet tall, they are still no different from ants in front of these more than a thousand feet tall enemies.

After seeing that there was no enemy in the crack, kukas immediately mobilized the plane source to heal the crack, and specially spent a lot of source power to strengthen it.

There is no suspense of torture and killing. Tens of thousands of giants like mountains walk on the earth. No green skin can survive wherever they pass. The earth cracked and magma gushed out of it. Before the magma could spread out, it was swallowed by some magma giants with flames all over. After swallowing the magma, the giants looked more fierce and fierce.

"Ha ha!" kukas burst out laughing at what was happening in front of him. At first, he thought he controlled the whole plane. There were hundreds of millions of green skins here, and no creatures could survive here. But now tens of thousands of giants like mountains have appeared, completely breaking his previous ideas. The huge contrast made his unstable psychological state almost completely collapse.

He stared at the rampant giants, but kukas was too lazy to look any further. He trembled and roared loudly. Then he hid 13 giant pillars that connected to the sky, and then returned to his palace group with the help of his original strength.

"How long will it take for the bloody giant to make it." kukas took a deep breath and interrupted the busy female doctor.

"Three years, only three years, I can cultivate the most primitive bloody giant. When the most primitive bloody giant appears, the remaining giants will be easy to cultivate." the female doctor is busy. She turned her back to kukas and didn\'t notice his abnormality.

"Three years? It\'s too long." kukas took a deep breath and forced his impatience down. He looked at the things in the hands of the female doctor. She was holding a scarlet gem and drawing lines on it with some tools. I didn\'t bother him.

"It\'s not long at all. Three years is just a short time in the thematic world. You know, this time I added the ability of Hydra, the nine headed strange snake, to the giant\'s body." the female doctor continued to depict the gem in her hand without looking back.

"Well, I\'ll go first and let me know as soon as I get results," kukas said in a deep voice after touching his bald head.

"Go ahead. You can communicate with the siren banshees and improve your fighting spirit. Well, after the essence blood of the natural banshee is replenished, you can become an eighth order knight in advance. Have you figured out the type of Knight you want to transfer?" the female doctor asked casually.

"Everyone has to fall into an endless abyss, because their hearts are not pure, because their souls are dirty." kukas whispered what an abyss Knight he saw in a book said.

"Abyss knight?" the female doctor knew kukas\'s ideal for the first time. The records about abyss Knight quickly appeared in her head, and then frowned and said: "abyss knight is not suitable for you. In ancient times, this kind of Knight represents sin and depravity, death and crying. Many gods and churches do not allow this kind of knight to be born."

"In ancient times, real powerful beings came out of the abyss. Hehe, I just need to do things according to my ideas. Who else can govern me? What qualifications do they have to control me? Who doesn\'t allow abyss knights to be born in this world, then I won\'t allow them to be born in this world."

"A person has no ability to oppose the whole world. What we have to do is to obey the world." the female doctor shook her head, put down the gem in her hand, turned to look at kukas and said seriously: "powerful organizations such as the Holy Alliance and the gate of heaven have made a declaration to prohibit the emergence of the abyss knight."

"A person has no ability to fight against the whole world because his strength is not strong enough and he doesn\'t kill enough." kukas grimly smiled and looked at the serious expression of the female doctor and said seriously: "these organizations are afraid of the strength of the abyss knight, and they don\'t have the ability to become the abyss knight, so this prohibits the emergence of the abyss knight."

"More importantly, you don\'t know what an abyss knight is. The abyss Knight you think is not as recorded in books."

"What\'s that like?" the female doctor frowned slightly. She didn\'t believe what kukas said. In her opinion, the abyss knight is the abyss knight, and there will be no other statement at all.

"Ha ha, I don\'t know." kukas hesitated a little, and finally didn\'t say the description of the real abyss knight.

"Well, whatever you say. In a word, when you want to transfer, you must think clearly. In fact, the ghost crying Knight you are transferring is strong enough. I really don\'t understand why you want to transfer. You know, every time you transfer, the danger increases greatly. I\'m worried that you will fail when you transfer, and then"

"There is no failure. But even if I fail, it will not lose me. I can perfectly revive again with the help of the original power of the plane. I want to try more times and I will succeed in the end." kukas shook his head and smiled.

"What are your plans in the future? I mean, what are you going to do after you get rid of the Dragon tooth knights?" kukas asked in a deep voice, holding the female doctor\'s body and putting her on his knee.

"I want to give you a child, inherit your blood, establish a family, and then open a college to improve the status of doctors, even surpass the priests of the church." the female doctor blushed slightly, didn\'t think much, and immediately said her future plans.