Abyss Knight

Chapter 534

"Want to go? After releasing these monsters, do you think there\'s nothing for you?" when the blonde woman rolled the military golden fighting spirit into kukas and they flew away, dozens of stronger breath rushed down from the distance. Accompanied by these smells, dozens of strong professionals are catching up in a streamer.

It turned out that when something unusual happened in the burial place, some powerful organizations who knew the secrets here and once held Hydra, a nine headed strange snake, felt bad. When they sent people here, they found countless monsters coming out of it.

A large number of giant animals appeared, which made the first people here happy. At this time, they didn\'t realize the danger behind. They just wanted to kill these giant animals to obtain their extremely precious materials. Even professionals who are good at manipulating puppets wanted to capture these giant animals to act as their own puppets.

However, with the emergence of more and more giant animals, this group of talents found abnormalities. A large number of giant animals walked in the sky and the earth, tearing up the space and destroying the earth. In a short time of magic, not only the whole swamp area was completely destroyed by these giant animals, but also the place millions of miles away was wiped away from the earth by these giant animals who had just escaped from their cage.

The heavily guarded giant fortress cities have been trampled by those giants, and the descendants of countless dignitaries and powerful professionals have turned into dust and even the food of giants. With these monsters spreading wildly around, more and more powerful professionals want to kill them. After all, this is the plane of Pires and their hometown. They don\'t allow these sudden giants to completely destroy their hometown.

With the obstruction of a large number of legends, gods and some high-level professionals, the giants who have just escaped are more crazy. These monsters have been imprisoned for countless times, and their power has been greatly weakened over the long years. Therefore, they tear the earth, devour magma and some flesh and blood creatures to supplement their consumed strength, so as to tear the space and escape from this plane after recovering to a certain extent.

The emergence of those strong blockers made these hungry beasts see the hope of escaping from this plane. So they kill and devour these high-level professionals madly, so as to accumulate strength and prepare to escape. However, a few powerful beasts directly tore the plane space after escaping from the underground palace, instantly entered the endless void and fled to the distance.

The divinities who were good at prophecy began to speculate on the cause of this matter. They found kukas and their trace in it. Therefore, even in the fierce struggle with the giant beast, some legends and gods still pay close attention to the following information in order to find the culprits of kukas and them.

It was for this reason that when the blonde general came out from the depths of the underground palace with kukas and female doctors, they were immediately noticed by these professionals. In order to ensure that one shot is sure to kill, these dozens of legends and gods unite to rush towards kukas and them.

"Who can stop me when I go?" the blonde general snorted coldly. She turned her head and looked at dozens of powerful professionals behind her. Then she tore a crack in front of her body and wanted to throw kukas and female doctors inside the next moment. And she herself decided to face dozens of powerful professionals alone.

"Deal with them together." kukas noticed the blonde general\'s mind, so he grabbed her wrist with his backhand and shouted. He is unwilling to be protected by a woman, even if the other party is a legend.

"You can\'t resist their coercion alone, how can you deal with them?" the blonde general felt funny. She knew what kukas meant, so she shook her head and refused to continue to act according to her own ideas.

"Why fight with them? Let\'s leave this plane directly. I think they will continue to chase us or stay to deal with those giants. Kukas, let\'s go to your zero order plane. If they dare to chase the past, you will imprison them forever. I think I need some gods and legends to experiment." Female doctors are very angry with the dozens of strong occupation behind her. If it is not for the speed of the blonde, the means are exquisite enough. When she and Kukas face these people, they will not be able to kill or arrest even one breathing time.

"Yes, good attention." kukas did not speak, but the blonde general\'s eyes brightened, and a trace of evil suddenly appeared on his beautiful face: "I happen to be doing it for some time. If they dare to catch up, they will do my experiment with them."

Some surprised looked at the blonde general, and kukas said no more. He saw that there were prohibitions and magic around him, and then he was violently smashed by the blonde general. He knew that the pursuit of dozens of powerful professionals behind him became more and more urgent. Therefore, without delaying the world, he directly took out 13 burning black flags, condensed them in his hands, and then turned them into a battle axe and cut them into the void in front of him.

The Tomahawk crossed the void and, under the influence of the secret method, hooked the huge plane origin of the thirteen planes. The original power of the plane condensed into essence showed a golden color in the shape of glass. They immediately shrouded kukas and female doctors, and then dissipated out of thin air in the next moment.

At the next breath of kukas\' disappearance, a powerful professional with bare hands and full body armor appeared where they disappeared. Feeling the newly healed space crack fluctuation and the residual plane source power, the legendary professional smiled grimly, but fiercely stretched out his hands and ruthlessly pierced into the void in front of him. The position was the same as that of kukas hooking the plane source.

The hands were separated from the left and right, and the newly healed space was torn out of a crack again. The legendary armor professional just wanted to jump into the crack, but was stopped by the people who caught up behind.

"Don\'t chase, they escaped to a low level. We don\'t have any level props. We will encounter a lot of trouble entering the low level." a young man in a priest\'s robe reached out and patted the legendary man on the shoulder, stopping his recklessness: "Remember their breath and kill them after cleaning up these giants. If we cause so much trouble in Pires, no matter which organization alliance is behind them, we must kill them."