Abyss Knight

Chapter 533

Just as he was thinking, he found that there was a diamond crystal suspended in the vortex in the distance. The fluctuations emitted by the crystal were very familiar. It was a diamond crystal condensed by the female doctor\'s mind.

While he was struggling to support, the rotation speed of the vortex around him began to slow down, and all stopped rotating after more than ten breathing times. Before kukas thought about how to leave here, a powerful force wrapped his mind. The next moment, his mind returned to the noumenon.

"I\'m sorry, I\'ve just mastered these things and I\'m not familiar with them." as soon as my mind returned to the body, kukas heard the apology voice of the blonde general: "well, let\'s go! There\'s nothing here. And several big guys will come out from below soon. If we don\'t run away, I\'m afraid we will be affected."

After hearing this, kukas turned his eyes and wanted to refute each other, but the female doctor on one side stopped him and sent him a message: "kukas, we haven\'t lost anything. Don\'t you find that your mind power is much purer and stronger than before? That vortex purified our mind, and the loss is far less than our harvest."

When the female doctor passed the message to kukas, the blonde general looked at them with a funny face, but they didn\'t answer. After kukas nodded, she stretched out her hand and waved in front of her, and then a space crack more than ten feet high appeared in front of them. "Go!" the female general whispered, and then took the lead in it.

Without waiting for kukas to say anything, the female doctor came forward and pulled his arm and followed. This time there was no channel in the space crack. Kukas just felt his eyes bloom, and then found that he had seen the sky.

"It\'s crazy." looking up at the sky, kukas muttered, "we caused this?"

"Ha ha! I think we caused a large part of it." the blonde general raised her mouth slightly and smiled. She glanced at the sky, frowned slightly, stretched out her hand and suddenly patted in front of her.

The golden light flew out of her hand. The light spread and instantly formed a semicircle to wrap kukas and the female doctor. And she herself floated in the air and roared up into the sky. The crisp howl pierced the sky, stirred the surrounding space, distorted and turbulent. At the same time, endless murderous spirit and fighting spirit erupted from her body. These fighting spirit and killing spirit hovered around her head, like a python.

There are countless monsters in the sky. The smallest of these monsters are hundreds of feet in size, and the larger ones are more than a thousand feet or even thousands of feet. The largest is at least ten thousand feet in size according to kukas\'s estimation.

Countless monsters roared and ran in the air, and countless powerful professionals were suspended around these monsters. There are countless legends and gods.

Burning boulders tens or hundreds of feet in size appear in the air like raindrops, and then fall down. Space cracks appeared and disappeared, and huge bodies and small heads disappeared with the appearance and disappearance of these cracks.

The violent power fluctuation directly tore the earth and stirred the magma in the depths of the earth to erupt. The giants carried the weapons of magma condensation and collided with those giants. In each collision, the giants or giants were injured or even fell, but even so, the two sides still didn\'t stop killing. And because of the death of his companions, the killing is more fierce.

Kukas stared at the endless murderers in the sky. The blood on his body couldn\'t help boiling. He watched violent collisions again and again and listened to roars. He wished he was one of them.

Dozens of sacred pressure came crashing towards kukas from all directions. The pressure surged in, bringing bursts of wind and thunder. The surrounding space was distorted and turbulent, looking terrible.

"Go away!" the blonde general didn\'t care about the dozens of powerful breath. She drank and stretched out her hands to grasp the void in front of her. Hold your hands empty, and then separate to the left and right. The dozens of powerful and powerful pressure from the distance seemed to encounter some powerful resistance, and instantly hit the broken earth left and right, leaving dozens of pits hundreds of feet deep.

There was a dull noise in the pit, and some foul smelling magma gushed out from below. After these were sprayed out, they didn\'t spread out. Instead, they were condensed into burning puppets in the air by secret methods. The puppets roared, stabbed their hands into the earth, then extracted a large amount of soil to condense into strong sticks, and then frantically rushed up to the giants in the sky.

Unable to suppress his emotions, kukas growled in a low voice, and the violent ghost sobbed out of his body uncontrollably, and then formed two unreal siege hammers on his arms. If a female doctor hadn\'t hurriedly pulled him aside, I\'m afraid he would have rushed out and started the fight.

"Let\'s go! The fools who stay here are going to die. We don\'t have much time." the blonde general sneered. She looked at the gods and legends everywhere in the sky with disdain and contempt.

As the blonde general said, the giants in the sky may have noticed something. After killing their opponents, they don\'t love war, but gather together to break through in the distance. As for the gods and legends who blocked them, they did not notice the abnormalities in the big underground. They thought that these huge beasts would destroy their Pires plane, because they wanted to limit all these beasts here and kill them one by one.

"Leave this plane?" kukas forcibly withdrew his fighting spirit reluctantly, and then looked forward to looking at the blonde general: "let\'s see here and see what power the legendary bloody giant has. I have 13 plane origins as backup. Even if this plane is destroyed, we can leave here."

"Hehe! Of course I won\'t leave here. I also want to see with my own eyes how powerful the legendary bloody giants are. The descriptions in books and inheritance projections are not too detailed. Only when I see them with my own eyes can I know whether they are true or not." when the blonde female general spoke, he pulled kukas and the female doctor into a streamer and flew away in a moment. At the same time, the visor on her face slowly faded, revealing her beautiful face.