Abyss Knight

Chapter 532

Suspended in the air, the still skeleton began to collapse slowly after staying in the air for three or five breathing times. Yes, collapse, first expansion, then fierce contraction, and instantly disappeared into the air. It was just a breathing room, and all the bones in the whole hall disappeared.

The disappearance of thunder, fire, wind power, magma and boulders immediately emptied this huge underground space. Until this time, kukas, who had been on guard, saw the blonde general floating in the sky in the distance.

The uniform of the blonde general had disappeared, leaving only a golden armor barely wrapped around three points. She wore a crown and carried a three foot long Knight\'s long gun in her hand, suspended in the air with her eyes closed.

Around her, the space collapsed faintly, and some colorful lights evolved into words and went into her body. With each additional word, her armor is complete. In just seven or eight breaths, a pair of golden armor with sacred breath completely wrapped her. Behind her, a pale blue ocean projection appeared, which rolled and made a strange roar.

"Dead!" the blonde general suspended in the air fiercely opened her eyes, the golden light on her face armor swam away, and two golden lights gushed out of her eyes. I couldn\'t see how she moved. I saw the gun in her hand shaking slightly, and the blue ocean projection behind her collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

Then, under the gaze of kukas, dozens of scenes appeared behind the blonde general one after another, but without exception, these scenes were instantly torn apart by the female general\'s long gun.

The broken projections condensed around her. Under the incredible gaze of kukas and the female doctor, these broken projections, accompanied by the soft drink of the blonde general, all gathered three feet in front of her and began to solidify.

These projection fragments gathered together are constantly compressed together. After dozens of breathing time, they form a thick book. The book is very large, two cubits long and more than a cubit wide, about five or six inches thick. Countless virtual shadows like butterflies danced around the book, and bursts of divine pressure were released from it.

"The falling book!" the blonde general closed her eyes and breathed silently for a few minutes. Then she opened her eyes again and looked at the book in front of her. She said in a deep voice, "you have recorded everything about the falling people, and you will become the most powerful killing weapon." while talking, she fiercely pierced the knight\'s long gun in her hand into the book in front of her. The book trembled, Quickly absorbed the long gun. Then the blonde general put the books down on herself, and the books instantly integrated into her body.

After that, the blonde general flew down from the air and floated directly in front of kukas. Only then did the bald evil hankucas really see the other party\'s current dress.

The golden whole body armor is covered with various exquisite patterns and lines. Even if there is no light released, he still feels strong pressure from it. This kind of pressure is not released by the female general, but by the golden armor.

It was not the whole body armor that attracted him most, but the helmet and face armor with the evolution of the crown.

There are still 13 star brackets on the golden helmet, with 13 blue gemstones flashing on it. Although it looks strange, staring at the gemstone and watching the breathing time makes him feel nervous turbulence and unstable space. These gemstones have dark blue flames that explode and collide to form various runes, and then jump directly from one gem to another. It looks quite strange.

The golden armor perfectly outlines the face of the blonde female general. If the golden armor is turned into flesh color, it looks no different from the face of the female general himself.

With the mental changes of the female generals, there are either gorgeous wings on the visor, exquisite patterns, flame spread, or streamer. Kukas just looked at the breathing time, and the whole person\'s mind was deeply attracted. Even the female doctor on one side, after watching the face armor, all her mind was uncontrollably attracted by the face armor.

The mind fell into the armor, and immediately an invisible force surged up from all directions, and then frantically tore up his mind. If the killing talent hadn\'t sensed the danger and sent a message to kukas, I\'m afraid he wouldn\'t be able to wake up. But after he woke up, he found that his mind fell into a golden vortex. The whirlpool turned and tore his mind apart. And these broken minds disappeared from him forever. At the same time, the vortex that tore his mind grew, and the intensity of tearing became greater.

"Roar!" kukas suddenly became anxious. He was just a low-level knight. He couldn\'t take the initiative to cultivate his mind power. Now the mind power disappeared and wanted to supplement it. I don\'t know how many years it would take. You should know that this mental power is too important for a professional, even comparable to morale, magic and spiritual power.

If a professional\'s mental power is too weak, he will not be able to control the powerful power, but will be destroyed by his own power because he loses control of the power.

When such an important thing was lost, he struggled frantically in the vortex. In order to prevent the vortex from tearing his mind, he had to forcibly gather his mind power to resist the tearing power of the vortex.

The mental power gathered together almost became a substantive state, but he still felt that the vortex was absorbing his own power, so he had to continue to gather.

In the end, his mind completely condensed into essence, forming a rhombic cylindrical structure in the vortex. At this time, his mind power torn by the vortex was one percent of all his mind power.

Although the rest of the mind condensed into rhombic crystals, the vortex still polished the mind power attached to it very slowly. Until this time, the blonde general still didn\'t appear here to release him.

"Damn it, it can\'t be occupied by the bloody giant!" kukas thought of the appearance and behavior of the blonde general just now, and an extremely evil idea came up in his heart. A ferocious and ugly giant occupied the body of a beautiful girl. At the thought of these, he had a strange taste in his heart.