Abyss Knight

Chapter 528

The female doctor was still floating in the air. When she saw that kukas had not been hurt, she couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then her eyes were attracted by all kinds of metals and drugs on the ground. She could recognize most of these things, especially the drugs.

If she guessed correctly, these things were transformed by the bodies of those gods and fallen legends under some secret method. The treasures of these things almost catch up with those low-level plane props. So many drugs and metals were scattered on the ground that her first thought was to collect them.

Kukas did not pay attention to these materials. After he found that the female doctor resisted the wind, fire and lightning around, he began to quickly observe the space.

The previous brand is still in this space, but all the magma pools and rocks seen before have disappeared, everything has been torn apart, wind and fire are intertwined, and lightning is rampant. All this shows that when the underground palace collapsed, the prohibition here was destroyed to a certain extent, so the corpses sealed here all showed this change.

Moving his eyes, kukas soon found the trace of the blonde general. I saw the blonde general suspended in the air. At this time, she neither broke out fighting spirit nor summoned a mount. She just suspended quietly in the air, released huge spiritual force, woven into a big net, and frantically searched everything in the air.

The large net of spiritual illusion can not only roll up the broken rocks, but also catch lightning, wind and fire. After these things were captured by her spirit, they immediately evolved into various materials, and then flew into the magic bracelet on her wrist.

During this period, there were hurricanes tearing her mental net, but the next moment will be repaired by the blonde women\'s army.

Seven or eight priests were swept up by a hurricane and danced wildly in the air. The blonde female general tried to collect them several times, but they were escaped by those priests. Maybe she felt something or thought of something. After receiving seven or eight breathing times, she suddenly sent a voice to kukas: "wait here first, I\'ll go to the central area."

"Go and work for the projection of the bloody giant?" kukas quickly asked, "I think we should collect the things here first. Otherwise, it will change later. In case of any accident, I\'m afraid our harvest will be greatly reduced this time."

The blonde general took a nostalgic look at the seven or eight priests brought by the hurricane. In fact, she wanted those priests more than anyone in her heart. But the virtual shadow of the bloody giant has appeared in her mind, constantly urging her to go to the central area. And although those priests have no masters, they struggle with instinct and want to collect them. They can\'t do it without three or five magic hours. And the bloody giant absolutely doesn\'t want her to delay for so long.

"Forget it, just think I didn\'t see these things." the blonde general took a deep breath and comforted herself. She also ignored kukas\'s words, but released her strongest fighting spirit.

The golden fighting spirit gushed out of her body like a huge wave. These fighting spirits erupted and combined with her spiritual power, and then formed a larger huge net flying in the air. The huge net shook, and finally rolled countless gravel, wind, fire, lightning and hurricane into the area formed by female doctors.

A large number of items evolved from these rubble and hurricanes, and were collected by female doctors who had been prepared before they fell to the ground. The blonde general himself flew quickly towards the central area in the distance under the gaze of kukas.

"I\'ll go out and collect it for you." after the figure of the blonde general disappeared from his eyes, kukas whispered his thoughts to the female doctor.

"Elsewhere, there are hidden restraining forces in the air. These wind, fire and lightning are not very powerful, but the remaining restraining forces in the air are extremely powerful. You can\'t resist it." when the female doctor saw kukas walking outside, she couldn\'t take care of anything in a hurry and said her opinion very directly.

"It\'s all right. I\'ll come back if I can\'t resist it." kukas took a deep breath, then burst into a fierce fight, and rushed out of the green halo despite the obstruction of the female doctor. Although the female doctor suspended in the air could stop him, she didn\'t do it. She just sighed, collecting all kinds of materials and paying attention to kukas. As long as any accident happens, even if she doesn\'t collect these precious materials, she will save kukas.

Not to mention the thoughts of the female doctor, kukas was leaving the shelter of the female doctor. As soon as he stepped out of the green space, he felt countless powerful forces and began to pull his body from around. This time, after understanding the situation, he didn\'t use any secret method to force the collision, but mobilized the ghost cry and fighting spirit to spray out of his body, forming a burning fighting spirit defense on the body surface.

The fierce ghost sobbed and burst into the sky, wriggling around him like a burning flame. Almost every time he breathed, he felt a lot of fighting spirit consumed. Fortunately, as a ghost crying knight, although the growth rate of fighting spirit is dozens of times slower than that of other professions, his recovery speed is dozens of times or even a hundred times faster than that of other professions.

A lot of fighting spirit was consumed to resist the tearing force in the void, but more fighting spirit poured out of his body and continued to maintain the surrounding barrier.

Although kukas could still feel the strong tearing force under the protection of fighting spirit, his body, which had been tempered countless times, had been able to resist these tearing forces.

Nodded to the female doctor, indicating that he was all right, he summoned the ghost crying war horse out. Speaking of the ghost crying war horse, he couldn\'t help feeling a little uncomfortable, because in the inheritance of ghost crying Knights he got, those ancient ghost crying Knights took great care of their mounts. Although they can summon new ghost crying horses countless times, those Knights will try their best to protect the first horse they summoned.

The war horse followed them through killing again and again and began to evolve. In the end, there are thirteen horsetails, each of which is composed of nine baby skull like skeletons. The war horse runs and makes a whining cry. Even legends should deal with it carefully, otherwise a careless person will be torn by the whining cry and have a space for fighting or meditation.