Abyss Knight

Chapter 529

Looking at the ghost crying war horse who sat down without any evolution, kukas felt a little uncomfortable, but soon the idea disappeared. The fighting spirit surged into the horse. A layer of white bone armor spread from the horse and covered him. With the protection of this layer of armor, he felt that the pulling force around him was greatly reduced.

There are hurricanes, thunder, fire and magma in the air. These powerful things that exist in the illusion of corpses are wandering around in this huge space. They destroy everything and want to get out of this place.

When kukas came out of the shelter of the female doctor, a thunder fire rushed towards him from a distance. Thunder and fire roared and distorted the surrounding space, and there were even thumb thick and thin space cracks everywhere. Before that, these things swam in this space, but they distorted the space at most. Now there are cracks. It\'s obviously the ghost of the blonde general.

In the face of thunder and fire, kukas\'s eyes became scarlet, and his killing talent was urged with all his strength. In his sight, what he saw was not a regiment of thunder and fire more than ten feet long, but a ferocious Knight riding a three legged monster.

The knight\'s armor was broken, with a long gun in his hand, sat down, and the three legged monster was like an ox or a horse. When he walked, thunder roared and lightning twined.

"Thunder knight?" through the inheritance of ghost crying knight, kukas immediately recognized the knight identity transformed by thunder and fire in front of him. Thunder Knights like this are similar to ghost crying knights. They are all powerful knights in ancient times. They can only have one mount, that is, this three legged monster.

With the passage of years, these three legged monsters gradually disappeared in all planes. Now, because of the disappearance of the three legged monsters, the thunder Knight faded out of people\'s sight from the endless void.

"Drink!" a low roar sounded like thunder from the knight\'s mouth. Although the knight\'s armor was worn, his face armor was extremely complete. With his low roar, the armor twisted fiercely and began to wriggle like a living creature. The visor wriggled, and lightning gathered in the position of his eyes, and then turned into two twisted lightning to chop down at kukas.

"Kill!" with a strange cry, kukas took out a gun axe with his backhand. This gun and axe was left to him by the old knight, but he forgot why it was left to him. Now, facing the dead knight with the illusory remains of the powerful existence, he did not know why he took out this ordinary gun and axe to prepare for battle.

Through the bone armor gloves, he felt the cold transmitted by the gun and axe. A faint killing intention was wrapped around it. It was obvious that the gun and axe had been contaminated with a lot of blood. As many as an ordinary weapon that has not been tempered with any fighting spirit contains murderous gas.

The killing intention contained in the mind was released. Perhaps it was the killing intention in the ordinary gun and axe, or it was because the opponents were once powerful beings. Kukas only felt his blood boiling. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the two lightning bolts cut in the air through the gap in his visor.

At the moment when the lightning was about to chop on his head, the war horse neighed, a sobbing sound sounded, and kukas\'s figure appeared in mid air.

The gun and axe in his hand were raised high, and then a strange arc was drawn in the air, wrapped around the violent ghost cry fighting spirit and green phosphorous fire, and fiercely killed the thunder knight who turned from the wreckage.

When the gun and axe crossed, he instilled all his killing intention into it. The huge killing intention was instilled into the gun and axe, and the gun and axe screamed. The axe blade crossed the sky and distorted the surrounding space. Tens of feet away, he immediately crossed the past and directly appeared on the head of the thunder knight.

The thunder Knight didn\'t escape from the chopping axe on his head. He roared, and more lightning appeared on the three legged monster under him. The thunder and lightning twisted and spread along his body, and instantly sprayed out from the top of his head and hit kukas\'s gun and axe.

Boom! With a loud noise, the lightning dissipated and the gun and axe rolled back. The thunder Knight\'s body was instantly blurred from kukas\'s eyes.

The killing talent that has been promoted to level 9 conveys a strong killing intention, which comes not from the rear, nor from the sky, but from below kukas.

"Really find a place." after feeling the source of the killing intention, kukas sneered with disdain. He was just a sixth order ghost crying knight. Now he showed his secret skills and appeared in the air from the earth to attack. Now the secret method is over, his body falls down involuntarily, and the enemy is preparing to attack where he falls.

"Go away!" kukas did not panic, but screamed grimly. The rolled back gun and axe crossed a semicircle beside him, and then a new ghost cry and fighting spirit was instilled into the gun and axe through his hands, and an extremely complex attack structure was hidden in the axe through the secret method. A lot of fighting spirit is instilled into this structure, waiting for the final outbreak.

The spear and axe that had drawn an arc in the air collided with the long gun of the thunder Knight whose skeleton had evolved. For a moment, the fierce fighting power contained in the gun, axe and spear burst out.

A large number of ghost sobs and fighting spirit poured out of the gun and axe. These fighting spirit was released along the axe blade, forming dozens of twisted chains in the air, and the virtual shadow was hanged to the place.

Although the thunder knight was just a projection of the evolution of the corpse, he instinctively inherited some combat skills.

When kukas\'s chain was wound down, the thunder Knight instantly retreated to the ground with the help of the force of gun axe collision. Instead of running away, the three legged monster roared up to the sky.

A roar, but endless thunder and fire came out of its mouth. Some of these thunder and fire wound around the knight to form a winged armor, while the other part fell on the ground and burst. The exploding thunder and lightning enveloped all the spaces within seven or eight feet of the room. Even kukas, who was falling in the air, felt the power of the thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning struck him indiscriminately. Although it did not tear his fighting spirit and armor defense, it constantly shook his fighting spirit space and internal organs.

A strange language came out of the thunder Knight\'s mouth. When the language was spoken, kukas felt a sharp pain in his heart. The next moment, I saw that the place where the thunder Knight stayed was empty, and there was a killing intention behind him.