Abyss Knight

Chapter 527

"Well, what we are arguing about now is not about the space passage, but about finding the place to bury those powerful corpses. Moreover, the general also agreed to a request of the bloody giant, and now we must complete it. As for whether we can tear the space, don\'t we mention it now?" the female doctor said quickly, She didn\'t want to see kukas arguing with the general on such a small matter.

Neither kukas nor the blonde general spoke. They just looked at each other and staggered their eyes.

The blonde generals reach out and touch the light door in front of them. As long as they pass through the light door, they can reach their destination. Of course, when touching the light door, the female general mobilized her huge strength to prevent accidents, and motioned the female doctor and kukas to step back. Because before coming here, the virtual shadow of the bloody giant had told her the possible danger here.

Slender fingers gently touched the light door. Sure enough, a strong and violent force rushed madly into her body along with her fingers. The golden fighting spirit is released from the body and collides with the power transmitted from the light door.

When kukas saw that the blonde general told him to be careful, he wondered about the light door in front of him. At this time, seeing a golden glow from the place where the general\'s finger touched the light door, he recognized his guess even more.

"It\'s funny that he was stopped by the exit of the space channel he built." kukas snorted coldly, but began to ridicule the blonde general. In his opinion, if someone can block the space exit, it means that the other party may even tear such a space channel. This made him more convinced of his original idea.

"There are a lot of prohibitions here. Although the whole underground palace has collapsed, the prohibitions here are not so easy to disappear. Just now it was just the natural defense of the remaining prohibitions here." the blonde female general snorted and whispered: "You should know that the person who built this underground palace was a very powerful existence. The passage of time can\'t let the prohibition he set collapse."

Kukas snorted coldly and didn\'t bother to say anything. He just jumped to the side of the blonde general, waved his fist and smashed the light curtain.

Kukas\'s reckless behavior was seen in the eyes of the blonde general. She just frowned slightly, but she didn\'t say anything to remind him. She wanted to see his end when he was beaten out by the prohibition hidden behind the light curtain, so as to teach him a lesson.

However, when kukas hit the light curtain, her face became strange.

It turned out that after kukas hit the light door formed by the space channel, he was only slightly blocked, but in an instant, the little block was torn to pieces by the ghost cry and fighting spirit wrapped around his fist.

Seeing that most of her man\'s arms penetrated the light behind the scenes, the female doctor shouted excitedly. She quickly ran to kukas, took out a pill and slapped it on him to integrate the medicine into his body. In doing so, she was afraid that he would suffer any internal injury in the collision just now.

"You really care about him." the blonde general on one side pulled his mouth slightly and said softly with a smile: "I didn\'t expect you to tear the prohibition behind so easily. It\'s really strange."

"Ha ha! What\'s so strange? I can\'t say it\'s because your power just consumed the last power of prohibition. Now I just took the opportunity to pierce it." Kukas touched his bald head and giggled strangely. However, although he answered the blonde general in this way, there was a layer of deep doubt in his heart. He didn\'t think that the strength of the female general just now was not strong enough, nor did he think that the prohibition behind the light door could be torn apart only by his little fighting spirit.

Although he had strong doubts in his heart, he couldn\'t think out why, so he shook his head and suppressed his doubts.

The blonde general was afraid of any accident. Her slender fingers came and went to puncture the light door again. The white and tender fingers easily passed through the light door without any obstruction. After her whole arm went in without any obstruction, she motioned to kukas and motioned them to follow up.

Kukas grabbed the female doctor and followed the female general through the light door. He only felt a flower in front of him, and then appeared in an underground space.

Before he could stand on his feet and see the situation around him, he felt the endless strong force coming from all directions and tearing up his body crazily.

"Roar!" His lower abdomen sank and his chest bulged high. The next moment, he roared loudly. The sound of the secret method flew out of his mouth, forming visible ripples and spreading around. At the same time, he raised his feet fiercely and stamped the earth under his feet, and the fierce fighting spirit gushed out from his feet. Then, through the transformation of the secret method, he formed a halo and quickly expanded around Get out.

The ripple and halo went hand in hand, and kukaston felt that the pressure around him was reduced a lot. At this time, the female doctor in his arms was not idle. She drank, suspended into the air from kukas\'s arms, and then raised her hands to suspend a huge pill the size of a baby\'s head from her hands.

Several mysterious words came out of her mouth. Supported by the female doctor\'s own strength, these words manifest in the air and then integrate into the green pill between her raised hands.

Breathing time, the female doctor drank in a low voice and slapped her hands down in the void. The green pill exploded to form a twisted light drilling everywhere. The light twisted and spread around like a crazy twisting poisonous snake.

Bang bang! A loud noise accompanied the spread of these lights.

At this time, kukas also saw the situation around him. I saw a hurricane surrounded by countless flames raging in the air. Countless fist sized stones are flying around, and various lights emerge from the void. These lights instantly devour the rocks flying in the air.

As kukas looked around, the halo formed by the pill in the woman doctor\'s hand had expanded to the limit. The green halo formed a calm area tens of feet around them. In this area, wind, fire and lightning burst in and disappeared instantly. Those stones flew in and fell powerlessly to the ground, and then turned into all kinds of magic metals and even drugs over time.