Abyss Knight

Chapter 526

When he used to travel through the void, he just felt the light shining, and then he arrived at his destination. It was when he first used the plane source power to shuttle, that he felt the endless void and the scene of the golden source power shuttling in the void. After that, when he used the original power of the plane to shuttle again, he only needed to feel his brand on other planes and arrived in an instant.

Now, in the torn space of the blonde general, he does not appear directly at the destination, but in a crystal channel. The channel is completely condensed by crystal like crystals, and there are various lines and lights on the wall. He didn\'t notice anything wonderful about these things, but the female doctor on one side brightened her eyes, and the huge mental power was released, covering the whole channel in an instant.

It was only three or five breaths, and the female doctor breathed a long sigh of relief. She nodded gratefully to the female general, and then grabbed kukas\' arm.

"Let\'s go!" the female general just raised her mouth slightly, smiled, and then she took the lead to walk along the channel to the front. Along the way, the crisp sound echoed in the channel. Kukas just looked at the surrounding channel curiously. At this time, he also understood that this channel is of great help to the eighth level professionals. Even the girl doctor looked like this.

He tried to remember the lines and light in the crystal wall, but he felt that he remembered clearly, but there was no image left on the altar in the fighting space. Recall memory, is a blank.

"When you become level 8, you will understand these things. Now even if your mind is strong and your mental power is pure, you have no ability to sense the rules contained in it." the blonde female general noticed kukas\'s behavior, so he spoke softly to save him a waste of mind and energy.

"Rules? You mean there are all rules in it?" kukas was stunned when he heard the words. In his head, he just thought that these things were at most a secret law similar to prohibition. He didn\'t think of the existence of rules at all. It\'s easy to understand the secret method, but it\'s very difficult to understand some rules. But then he was relieved when he thought of the identity of the place.

"I always thought that transmitting the void was just a short passage opened up by secret methods such as forbidden Dharma array. Unexpectedly, it was condensed by rules. What a surprise. Ha ha!" kukas laughed at himself.

"What you think is actually right." before the blonde general spoke, the female doctor quickly explained: "In general, professionals tear space for transmission and use channels opened up by prohibition and secret methods. However, such channels have great defects. It is said that in ancient times, there was great power that could force people out of this space in an instant."

"Later, someone found that rules can be used to tear the space and transmit. With the protection of rules, it became impossible to forcibly pull the transmitter out of the void."

"Some people can pull people out of the void channel opened by the forbidden secret method, and others can tear people out of the void channel protected by the rules. What do you think, general?" Kukas was stunned when he heard the speech, and then he asked the blonde female general with some uncertainty. Although there was not much about tearing the void in the inheritance of ghost crying knight, he still got this inference from the words of female doctors.

"It\'s impossible. You know, only professionals above level 8 can understand the rules, but there is a big difference between understanding the rules and applying the rules. Legends and gods can apply the rules to a certain extent, while others can\'t." the blonde general in front retorted softly: "After you understand the rules, although you know some rules loopholes, you can\'t tear the space channel in an instant with the help of these rules loopholes."

"Since I became a legend and was able to use rules, I have tried to tear apart other people\'s space channels. But in that short moment, I can only reluctantly lock his channel track. I can\'t even figure out whether his channel was made by prohibition secret method or built by rules. What\'s more, at which moment, even if you know what his channel is It still takes you some time to crack the method outlined. The forbidden array may be easy to crack, but the rules outlined are difficult to crack. At that moment, you can\'t crack the rules outlining the space channel. "

"If you can\'t do it, it doesn\'t mean that others can do it. Maybe the bloody giant can do it." in front is the exit of the channel. There is a light door, which stands at the end of the channel like a portal. Here, kukas stopped, looked at the blonde general seriously and said: "The projection of a bloody giant can catch you, but you have no way to resist. Do you think such a person can tear the space channel constructed by the rules?"

Silence, the blonde general was silent for a few breaths, then turned to kukas and said, "he can catch me, but it doesn\'t mean that he has more control over the rules than me. This doesn\'t mean that he can understand and destroy the channel through the loopholes in the rules at that moment."

"Power can tear everything. In this endless void, nothing can resist absolute power." kukas took a deep breath and retorted. He remembered some of the memories passed on to him by the ghost crying knights.

In those memories, the ghost crying Knights saw the bloody giant carrying the plane as a weapon. They tore the void and swallowed up countless gods and legends hidden in the void. Although such pictures are very rare and broken, they are enough to let him know something.

"Day by day, one day, you will understand that your idea is actually wrong." the blonde general had no intention to explain to kukas. She shook her head and came forward to go out through the light door.

"Yes, whether it\'s right or wrong depends on the erosion of time." kukas touched his bald head and grinned. "But I still think someone can tear the space channel outlined by rules."

What else did the blonde general want to say, but she was interrupted by the words of a female doctor.