Abyss Knight

Chapter 525

"The bloody giant gave it to her." the anxious female doctor relaxed when she saw kukas wake up and heard his clear voice. She took kukas by the arm and quickly told him what had just happened.

It turned out that after the spirit and spirit of the blonde general entered the fighting space of kukas, a scarlet Dharma array suddenly appeared from the earth below. This array is in the shape of a three-dimensional crystal column, but the rotation of the crystal column blinds the body of the female general and the split mental induction.

After the crystal column appeared, some red silk threads drilled out of the interior and then pierced into kukas\'s body. With the appearance of these silk threads, the virtual shadow of a giant appeared in front of women doctors and blonde women generals.

The giant\'s virtual shadow was seven or eight feet tall. He had wings on his back. One wing flashed and rolled out fire, and another wing waved and rolled out black smoke. The fireworks twined and formed a cloud about the size of an acre under his feet. On the huge head, there were thirteen eyes. On the top of his head, antlers like antlers rose into the sky. The streamers on the antlers turned, and red runes flew out and back.

After the giant appeared, he grabbed the blonde general in his hand. Although the blonde general released a little spiritual power into kukas\'s fighting space, her noumenon did not decline because of the lack of that spiritual power. But even so, under the giant\'s virtual shadow, she didn\'t even make the means of resistance, and was caught by the giant\'s virtual shadow in an instant.

After the giant virtual shadow caught the blonde general, he carried it in his hand and looked at it. After about a few breaths, he opened his big mouth fiercely, and then a blue faint light flew out of his mouth.

The light in the blue light collided and burst into clusters of starlight. The blue ribbon hovered over the head of the blonde general, and then condensed a golden crown on her head.

The crown fell on the head of the blonde general, and then the golden light twined and spread, tearing her clothes in an instant. Seeing that the golden light was about to penetrate into her body, her body suddenly burst out with a golden light.

The golden light flashed, and a set of golden gorgeous armor spread out from under her skin. The armor wrapped her body in an instant, trying to protect her. The armor that could resist several full-scale attacks by the legendary strong man unexpectedly failed when it spread to her head.

The Jewel Crown that had just fallen on the head of the blonde general suddenly emitted a faint blue light. The light spread and instantly melted the armor just emerging from the female general. The next moment, the blue light swallowed the golden armor, and then formed a new armor to wrap around the female general. It\'s just that the armor looks extremely simple. But the blonde general felt that this seemingly extremely simple armor was many times stronger than the armor she had condensed at first.

After listening to the words of the female doctor, kukas looked at the female general strangely, and then laughed strangely. He remembered the exposed armor of the female general just now. This made him feel some strange thoughts just after he got some memories of the female general.

"Put away your evil thoughts, kukas, we must do something." the blonde general frowned slightly and appeared in front of him. Then she stretched out her tender white finger and gently touched kukas\'s forehead.

A golden light burst from her fingertips. The golden light instantly pierced kukas\'s head and flew to the wall dozens of miles away. The hard and incomparable wall burst open in the golden light, revealing a deep pit within a square foot.

Hit by the golden light, the female doctor on one side shouted in a low voice. She slapped her hands on kukas quickly. The green light burst out from the place where the palms touched and wrapped kukas in an instant.

"It\'s okay, just let him wake up." the blonde general thought a little and ignored the angry and crazy eyes of the female doctor. She reached out and gently knocked the crown on her head. The crown began to illusory, and finally disappeared on her head.

"Well, I\'m sober, but general, your method is really surprising." kukas touched his bald head and muttered uninteresting on his face.

When the golden light of the blonde general ran through his head just now, in fact, the golden light penetrated into his mind and washed his mind. Although his mind was turbulent and painful, under this scouring, he felt that his mind power was a little more condensed than before.

"Put away your dirty thoughts." the blonde general raised her chin slightly and said softly, "the bloody giant gave us some benefits just now, so we should help him do something."

"Well, as far as I know, I didn\'t get any benefit from them." kukas tilted his head and said strangely. "Don\'t you go looking for that thing? You said you wanted to collect priests."

"It doesn\'t conflict with my collection of clergy. Well, kukas, you have also benefited." when the blonde female general said here, her face suddenly blushed. In the mental power detection just now, her mental power and kukas\' mental power were integrated with each other, and many secrets were exposed to him. Moreover, the full integration of mental power and mind is like two people madly intersecting once, and the feeling is even more exciting than that.

"Go." after saying this, the blonde general reached out and grabbed the female doctor\'s shoulder, then stood up with one hand, and then chopped into the void in front of him. The void was lined up, and a space crack more than ten feet high appeared in front of kukas. When the crack appeared, kukas felt a subtle fluctuation, which integrated into his mind, making him seem to understand something, but also like he didn\'t understand anything. Such a thing was the first time he noticed it, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

In his opinion, some feelings understand is understand, don\'t understand is don\'t understand, like this kind of like understand and like don\'t understand feeling, let his heart extremely uncomfortable.

The female doctor quickly stretched out her hand and pulled kukas\'s arm. Under the traction of the female general, the three people filed in and soon entered the crack.

Perhaps because of the blonde general, kukas found that there was a great difference when he entered the space crack and shuttled through the void through the transmission scroll and the plane source power.