Abyss Knight

Chapter 521

Shortly after the blonde general entered the state of latent cultivation, the giant beasts entrenched here suddenly rioted uneasily. The beasts roared wildly, and then began to dig channels and run out.

The female doctor had planned to leave with these monsters, but the blonde general was still in a state of latent cultivation. In this case, the female doctor had no choice but to stay and wait for the blonde general to wake up. This is the time of several magic hours. When those monsters opened the channel and fled here, the female doctor was still not awake. After most of the beasts left here, the female doctor found that the hydra, known as the nine headed strange snake, had not left.

Xu della hovered greedily beside the blonde general, with fierce eyes, and seemed to want to devour the blonde general. Fortunately, the female doctor responded quickly. She quickly mobilized her own strength and used her secret method to protect the blonde general. Then the nine headed snake xudera became angry and planned to eat the female doctor first.

After several magic hours of entanglement, when the female doctors could not resist, hundreds of scarlet crystals were suddenly drilled out of the ground. These crystals are the ones she just smashed with magic machinery. The crystal suddenly came out of the ground and pierced the nine heads of xudera, stopping his crazy behavior.

"You can\'t imagine what those crystals are," said the female doctor with a mysterious face.

"What? Is it the forbidden Dharma array here?" kukas thought about the particularity of this place, so he guessed indefinitely.

"No." the female doctor shook her head and smiled, "it\'s hair, the hair of the bloody giant." she said quickly with an exaggerated look: "The space where we are now is actually a gap formed on the head of a bloody giant. The bloody giant sealed here suddenly woke up. He saved me and the general, and taught me about the method of making a bloody giant."

"You are really lucky." After listening to the female doctor\'s words, kukas was a little jealous and envious, but then he put those feelings aside. Things have happened. Although he didn\'t get the opportunity from the bloody giant, the information and knowledge he got from the underground palace above is actually no worse than the information transmitted by the bloody giant to the female doctor. Even in his opinion, he got the information More precious.

"Well, yes, I\'m lucky. If it weren\'t for the help of the bloody giant, I\'m afraid we would have died long ago. When you came to revive us," the female doctor stretched out her hand and slowly drew irregular lines on kukas\'s chest. She was very satisfied and excited that kukas could come to find her.

"Where\'s xudela?" kukas turned to observe the huge space full of scarlet light and wanted to find the nine headed strange snake pierced by the crystal. You know, he looked for the nine headed strange snake xudela in order to get his help and deal with those difficult dragon tooth warriors.

"Dead, he became the material and I made this gem seed." the female doctor took out her red gem and held it in the palm of her hand with a proud face. However, the next moment she found that kukas was a little confused. Thinking about it, she revealed the reason.

"But don\'t worry. Although xudera is dead, his ability to devour all things is still there. I got this ability into this gem seed. As long as I plant this seed in a giant, we will cultivate a bloody giant who can devour all things." the female doctor explained quickly.

"That\'s good." kukas couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this. In his opinion, as long as there is a way to deal with the Dragon tooth warrior, whether there is a nine headed monster snake xudera is the same or not. "By the way, I remember that the bloody giant was selected from ordinary people in a special way. How can it be cultivated here?"

Kukas\'s doubts stunned the female doctor a little, and then she sighed softly: "In ancient times, bloody giants were called bloody puppets. At that time, people gathered thousands of ordinary people and asked them to kill each other. Only one in 10000 people could survive. The last person who survived became the so-called bloody puppets after being cooked by a series of secret methods."

"Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of bloody puppets, after endless killing and the passage of long years, will produce a giant among them and be called a bloody giant by people." here, the female doctor said in a daze: "Many people say that this production method is too bloody and cruel. At the beginning, many people despised and despised the person who made the bloody puppet. But in their hearts, they all want to obtain such bloody puppets. They have conducted experiments in private and destroyed many ordinary people. But none of them can succeed."

"Bloody giants handed down from ancient times? Hehe! Maybe they are just uncertain legends recorded by people because they are fragments of the future era projected into the world." kukas smiled in a low voice after listening to the female doctor\'s statement.

"What future era? Do you mean that these bloody giants returned to the past from the future? And they were illusory projections at that time? They were not real noumenon? But what should we call the bloody giant under our feet now? If it is a projection, how can it still exist? Can a projection exist for tens of millions of years?" The female doctor didn\'t agree with and understand kukas\' statement. She thought kukas was refuting her and didn\'t believe her words, so she refuted loudly.

"Ha ha! The history of the bloody giant you said was told to you by the bloody giant below?" kukas shook his head, did not argue with the female doctor in this regard, but changed the topic and asked.

"No, this bloody giant just told me about the means of cultivating new bloody giants, without mentioning their history. I also asked, but he just didn\'t respond to me." looking at the red ruby seed in her hand, the female doctor whispered: "I don\'t care whether the records in those history books are correct or not, I just know that I have the method to make bloody giants. History is history after all, and what is recorded in books is not necessarily correct, and these have nothing to do with us, aren\'t they?" after that, she looked up at kukas, hoping to get a certain degree of recognition from him.

"Yes, history is history. It has nothing to do with us, especially the bloody giant." kukas nodded and continued: "there is only one bloody giant here? When will he leave here?"

"There should be twelve bloody giants here, but they are not gathered together, but separated. He is recovering his strength now, and will not leave here until he recovers a certain degree of strength. I don\'t know when he will recover his strength." the female doctor looked anxiously at the blonde general suspended in the air and said: "I don\'t know when the general will wake up. The longer he stays here, the more dangerous it will be for us."

"It\'s all right. We can all revive with the help of the original power of the plane. The general is now feeling. The more time she feels, the greater her progress in the future. I don\'t hope she can wake up as soon as possible, but I hope the longer she feels, the better." After kukas touched his bald head, his big hand slipped, caught the female doctor\'s chest and began to rub it.

"Are you crazy? You can\'t be here." the female doctor slightly resisted, but kukas\'s technique was too subtle, which soon aroused her desire, and she herself had some desire because of the accumulation for a long time. After several times of evasion, they went crazy in this strange place.

Maybe it was because someone was on the side, or maybe it was because the place was strange. They were very excited. After their physical communication, they found that the blonde female general didn\'t know when to end the latent cultivation. Moreover, she sat on the side and looked at them strangely.

"I don\'t know what\'s wrong with you. As a professional, controlling your desire is the most fundamental means. Can\'t you even do these?" the female general raised her chin slightly and motioned kukas to put on her clothes.

"Ha ha! Why should I control my desire? I constantly practice and want to be strong, not for immortality, but to vent my desire wantonly; whether it\'s physical or other aspects, practice and strength are just for desire. If I control my desire and have no feelings, what\'s the meaning of living like this "It\'s unrealistic to pursue ethereal eternity." kukas still held the female doctor and didn\'t dress her. The female doctor bowed her head shyly. She wasn\'t used to it.

"We\'d better leave here as soon as possible. The bloody giant below doesn\'t know when to act. If he moves, I\'m afraid we\'ll all be unlucky." after taking a deep breath, the blonde general said his worries: "but before that, I think you must put on your clothes."

Taking advantage of the blonde general\'s words, the female doctor finally broke free from kukas\'s arms. She gave kukas a white look, then quickly picked up her clothes and dressed neatly. KUKA just shrugged and took out a pair of leather pants to put on.

"What did you realize?" in order to break her embarrassment, the female doctor asked the blonde general.

"Shh! It\'s a secret. I don\'t want him to know it. When I get back, I\'ll tell you secretly." the blonde general rarely mischievously made a small move, and then said softly with a smile: "go!" while talking, with a wave of her arm, a fighting golden belt came out of her hand. The belt wound and rolled up. Kukas and the female doctor wanted to tear the space and leave here.

"Wait a minute, let\'s stay in this plane. After those bloody giants leave here, we\'ll come here to find something." kukas saw that the blonde general tore the void and planned to leave. He was moved, but he thought that the prohibition array here had disappeared, so he thought of the bodies of various powerful beings he would see in the underground palace.

When those corpses stay on the throne, they will evolve various precious magic materials. Now he wants to collect those materials to prepare for his future. Especially after he is promoted to level 8, he needs a lot of materials to practice.

These materials are very precious. If he collects them alone, I\'m afraid it will not only consume huge materials, but also delay him a lot of time. That\'s why he put forward such a proposal.

The blonde general looked puzzled. She nodded to kukas to say something specific. Kukas also quickly said everything he saw in the underground palace. After he said this, the blonde general\'s expression suddenly became excited, even more anxious than when he saw those things.

"What you said is true? No, we can\'t wait. We\'ll go there to collect it now. God knows when these bloody giants will come out. If others find those good things here during this period, I\'m afraid we\'ll get a lot less." the blonde general thought a lot for a moment, and finally she quickly said her plan. She knew far more about the bodies of gods and legends and the value of various clergy than kukas did.