Abyss Knight

Chapter 522

When the blonde general said he wanted to collect the remains of various clergy and some powerful beings, he did not ask kukas for their advice at all. While talking, she wiped her hands on the space crack in front of her body. After closing the initial crack, she unexpectedly released huge and incomparable spiritual force to spread around in an instant to find what she wanted.

The violent mental power flew out of her meditation space. After these mental powers appeared in the outside world, they immediately released the powerful pressure. Although the pressure was not specifically aimed at kukas, he and the female doctor still felt that the pressure was huge, making it difficult for them to breathe.

The spiritual forces from the blonde general condensed into essence in the air. These spiritual forces turned into a big net and spread over their underground space in an instant. As the spirit spread, kukas heard a crackling soft explosion.

"This is the sound of the general\'s mental power colliding with some remaining prohibitions in this place. Unexpectedly, there are so many remaining prohibitions here." the female doctor carefully released her mental power to follow the female general\'s mental power for detection. When she saw that kukas was confused, she quickly explained.

"What is she looking for?" kukas shook his head, saying that he was not surprised by the scene, but wondered what the blonde general was doing for.

"Of course, it\'s the place where you said to bury the bones of the fallen strong!" the female doctor looked at kukas with a surprised look and said, "I\'m afraid the general wants those things most now."

"Eh! I told her the location? I left a mark there, and now I can still feel it." kukas couldn\'t help turning his eyes and yelling at the female general: "general, I left a mark there. You can feel my mark and go directly to save the waste of mental energy."

"Damn it." after hearing kukas\'s cry, the blonde general twitched at the corners of her mouth. She really wanted to find the remains of those buried or imprisoned beings. For a time, she didn\'t think where kukas might leave a mark. In his anger, he couldn\'t help cursing. But then she felt a little uncomfortable, because she hadn\'t said dirty words for a long time. After she became grade 8, she didn\'t do it again.

"Well, it\'s a way." although she was embarrassed, she quickly found a reason for herself, raised her chin slightly, turned her mind, and gathered the released spiritual power back in an instant.

The spiritual force condensed into substance showed a light blue light band in the air, which rolled back and formed a blue vortex of tens of feet around the blonde general. The whirlpool rotates, whistling, and the spiritual force rotates, tearing the surrounding space and distorting it.

After seven or eight breathing hours, the mental power released by the blonde general completely returned to her meditation space. After all the mental power returned, she looked very happy, but she didn\'t say anything, just asked about the brand.

At this time, kukas found that although he could sense the mark on the place where the corpse was buried, he could not sense the specific location. In his perception, the brand wandered constantly, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right, feeling extremely strange.

"Let go of your mind. Well, cancel the defense of your angry space. I use a secret method to enter your angry space and directly sense your spiritual brand." when kukas couldn\'t tell where the brand was, the blonde general said this suggestion in a hurry.

As soon as she said this, she regretted it, but she couldn\'t take back what she said. Unless she could turn back time, now she had to find a way to remedy it.

You know, as a professional, his most secret place is not what kind of fighting spirit he has practiced, nor what kind of fighting secret method he has practiced, but his own fighting spirit or meditation space.

If a professional\'s own space is entered by others, his life and death is actually completely controlled by others. Even under the influence of some secret methods, all kinds of memories and secrets hidden in space will be exposed to each other\'s eyes. As a high-level professional, his own space is an important support for his resurrection. They can use the secret method to settle their soul in their own space. After their body is destroyed, they will use the secret method to hide their space in the void, and then give up rebirth or reincarnation.

"Ha ha! Of course." kukas was a little stunned, then looked at the blonde general and laughed loudly: "this idea is actually quite good. Why didn\'t I think of it at first?"

"Kukas!" seeing that the bald knight had agreed to this request, the female doctor was anxious, reached forward, pulled kukas\'s arm and shook her head to stop his reckless decision.

"Don\'t worry, I don\'t think the general will hurt me." kukas reached out and touched the female doctor\'s small head and whispered, "if she wants to hurt me, she can do it easily now without any conspiracy."

"But" the female doctor really didn\'t agree with kukas\'s explanation. She was worried that the blonde general was secretly branded with prohibitions in kukas\'s fighting space. When he became a legend in the future, she could control him with the help of those prohibitions. Of course, her worry is not groundless, but that there are too many such things in historical records.

Many powerful legends and gods were branded with special prohibitions by some people in their space when they were weak. These prohibitions are extremely strange. They will evolve more complex and powerful prohibitions with the improvement of the strength of professionals, so as to control those professionals forever. Generally, the professionals controlled by others will never be able to get rid of these controls unless they encounter the help of more powerful professionals.

"Nothing, but I don\'t think the general will be bad for me," kukas smiled with his head tilted. In fact, he doesn\'t care at all whether the other party will really brand him any prohibition, because he can explode the fighting space, and then remember that the plane origin is resurrected and restore his fighting space. In this way, he had no reason to worry. Of course, these things are not so clear to blonde women generals.