Abyss Knight

Chapter 520

When he relaxed, he had time to observe his current position. After careful observation, he became interested in the surrounding walls and the giant animals digging the passage.

It turned out that the surrounding walls were not ordinary mountain stones, but a kind of tattooed stone he had only seen in books. This kind of stone was extremely hard, dozens or even hundreds of times harder than obsidian. In the books he watched, it was recorded that in ancient times, some gods used this stone as a foundation for their kingdom of God. Some people use this stone to build cities, and finally carve all kinds of magic prohibition defense on it, so as to form a fortress that will never fall. Of course, with the passage of time, both the plane and the void jump out, not to mention some buildings?

After going down the channel for more than a thousand miles, kukas finally found some light in front of him. Running thousands of miles in the dark passage made his mind a little anxious. At this time, when I saw the light, my heart suddenly calmed down.

The speed has reached the limit, but kukas still wants to be faster at this time, so he urges the fierce fighting spirit to instill it into the ghost crying war horse under him again.

The war horse neighed, the white bones on his body bounced, and cracks appeared on it. The cracks spread, and those white bones almost broke. However, a large number of ghost tears and fighting spirit were vented from them, which not only accelerated the speed, but also protected the white bones from breaking.

A layer of silvery white light appeared in front of him without any stop. He directly drew the long gun of the evolution of the plane black flag and pierced the light film. The imaginary obstruction did not appear. The long gun easily pierced the light film, and then his body rushed in.

After he rushed through the silver light film, he found that there was a scarlet in front of him, and the air seemed to be filled with endless bloody breath. In this space full of scarlet light, kukas soon found the figure of a female doctor. Accompanied by the female doctor was the blonde general with a long ponytail.

The female general was suspended straight in the air, and there were violent mental fluctuations around her. These mental fluctuations are not attacking others or defending anything, but communicating with the scarlet light everywhere in the air.

The female doctor squatted on the ground and placed all kinds of strange instruments beside her. Some instruments were running under the power of magic, but some instruments were not opened.

The red crystal pillars with a thickness of seven or eight feet were pulled over by huge magic instruments, and then crushed to form small crystals. These crystals are then ground and refined, and finally turned into some red powder.

When kukas dispersed the ghost cry and the war horse quietly walked behind the female doctor, he found that she was holding some red powder and watching in some small instruments. There were all kinds of lights flashing on those instruments and all kinds of words shaking. Kukas just felt confused, but he couldn\'t understand what the other party was doing for.

Hundreds of red crystals were crushed and polished into powder by huge magic machinery. Finally, after a little refining and dispersion by the female doctor\'s hands, a red gem appeared on the small instrument in front of her after seven or eight magic hours.

The gem is formed, just flashing a red light. The female doctor jumped up excitedly after seeing the red gem. She shouted loudly and danced with the red gem in her hands, looking very excited.

"What is this?" kukas asked in a low voice.

"Good thing, the seed of the bloody giant. As long as there is this thing, I can make my own bloody giant." the female doctor didn\'t notice kukas\'s arrival, but when someone asked, she couldn\'t restrain her excitement and said it quickly. When she finished this, she reacted.

"Kukas, when did you come?" the female doctor was very excited when she saw kukas: "I didn\'t call you in my heart, but you didn\'t appear. I thought you had returned to the burning plane." the female doctor said this, in fact, she thought kukas had died and resurrected in the burning plane.

"I haven\'t been here for a long time. I don\'t die so easily. I heard your call, but I don\'t know how to respond to you. How did you come to this place? I walked at least a thousand miles down that channel before I came here." kukas reached out and picked up the female doctor, looked at each other\'s excited face and couldn\'t help kissing.

The female doctor shyly shook her body and signaled that the female general was there. But kukas didn\'t care. He frantically kissed the female doctor\'s small mouth until he made her lips red.

"We walked in the wind and snow and appeared here out of thin air. At first we thought it was a fantasy, but later we found that it was a real place." the female doctor said quickly. She reluctantly put down the gem in her hand, then curled up in kukas\'s arms and began to tell him what had happened.

Through the story of female doctors, kukas gradually understood what they experienced after they separated.

It turned out that after the separation, the female doctor and the blonde general were not separated, and the place where they appeared was not ice and snow, but a forest. Later, when the wind and snow began, the time when they walked only a few magic was transmitted here. There was no sign, as if the forest where they were at first was a fairyland, but they were released because the time came.

After appearing here, they found countless monsters entrenched here. At first, they were frightened, but later they found that these monsters would not hurt people. They just squatted quietly and closed their eyes to rest.

Here, they found a strange snake with nine heads. The strange snake shedra told them in detail how he was imprisoned here, and then told them that this is the most central area of the whole seal. Unless the seal in the underground palace outside is opened, they will never want to go out.

The female doctors did not pay attention to this situation. Especially the female doctor, she saw that there were countless giants here, so she used the secret method to try to talk to those giants. Perhaps because of her profession or her people, in a word, some giant beasts entrenched here handed over some of their blood and scales to female doctors for research.

After such an episode, some lively beasts began to talk to female doctors and told them a lot of things that happened in ancient times. The blonde women\'s general also had some insights in such a story, so she began to cultivate here.