Abyss Knight

Chapter 519

"Hissing Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, deserves to be suppressed here? It\'s just a little reptile. When he saw me hissing, he must kneel down and beg for mercy." the unicorn snake saw kukas speed up, and it also speed up. There was a boulder falling in front of him. He didn\'t wait for kukas to make a move. He just shook his head. The single corner of his head sent out a light and shadow and hit the boulder, tearing the boulder into pieces in an instant.

"Xudela is so unbearable in your eyes?" kukas took a deep breath and asked suspiciously. In what he heard, hsudra was extremely powerful, able to tear apart the void and the earth and live by swallowing planes. Such a powerful nine headed monster snake had to bow down in front of the one horned python, which made him wonder about the strength of the python.

"When such a little reptile is the most powerful, it just swallows the plane. Such a thing is also powerful?" the unicorn Python\'s words are full of disdain, and its words are much smoother than just now.

"What\'s the matter with the bloody giants? Haven\'t they disappeared?" kukas didn\'t argue about the nine headed strange snake xudera. He quickly changed the topic and asked about the bloody giants.

You should know that the strength of the bloody giant makes him extremely eager to have it. According to the female doctor, the legendary bloody giant walks in the endless void, and any creatures that block them will completely perish. Countless powerful ancient gods were destroyed at the feet of the bloody giant, and countless planes and alliances disappeared because of the existence of the bloody giant.

"Bloody giants! They are just puppets made by the underground palace master. When we were caught, they were turned into bloody puppets. All creatures will die where these bloody puppets walk. Finally, when the underground palace master died, he used the supreme magic and secret method to get those giants into the underground palace and suppress them. It is said that the bloody puppets controlled by the underground palace master The puppet was actually obtained from a powerful existence in the future by secret methods. "The one horned Python shook his head and said with some uncertainty:" anyway, there are twelve bloody giants under the underground palace. They are the most powerful existence of all bloody giants. Like the nine headed strange snake xudera, it was just their dessert before. "

"Then why was Madeira sealed here? It\'s so weak." quickly flashed over a giant beast, and kukas asked hurriedly. He felt the call of a female doctor in a fork in the distance ahead. This call is not spoken by voice, but transmitted by mind and spirit.

"I remember a group of so-called gods came here a few days ago. They helped an ordinary man. Well, it was an ordinary man. They helped the ordinary man put a creature here with a void prop. That creature was xudera! To tell the truth, we were a little surprised that the little reptile could survive here. But it was an outsider, and we all rejected it , if I hadn\'t seen a little of my blood on it, I would have killed it. "The one horned Python shook his head and muttered slowly.

"A few days ago?" kukas couldn\'t help rolling his eyes when he heard the words. You know, in the legend, the xudera has been sealed here for tens of millions of years. However, this period of time was described by the one horned Python as a few days ago.

"Well, just a few days ago. To tell you the truth, I\'ve been sleeping. I just woke up a few days ago." the one horned Python said indifferently. For these wild beasts, thousands of years is just a few short sleep.

"I\'ll go first. Someone is looking for it." kukas had no time to talk to each other, because he noticed the call of the female doctor\'s mind in the hole in the front passage.

"You can\'t go. The bloody giant will recover soon. They will destroy everything they can see, whether it\'s the plane, the void turbulence or the kingdom of gods. Any object is the target of their destruction." the one horned Python gave a kind warning to the knight kukas. Of course, it is just talk, and will not really stop him from leaving. After all, they don\'t have much friendship.

Kukas didn\'t hear the one horned Python\'s persuasion. He just said it politely and wanted to enter the hole to find a female doctor. But then he remembered something else, so he hurried up and quickly asked, "how can I contact you in the future? I mean, I want to ask you something about the ancient times. Of course, I will pay."

"Gaga! I don\'t know. I want to find a place to sleep well. I\'ve never slept safely in that damn underground palace." the one horned Python hissed and sped up again. Because more blue liquid flowed out of the crack not far away, it had to speed up in order not to contaminate the liquid.

Kukas couldn\'t say anything. He quickly stepped back, found the hole and went in.

After entering the hole in the passage, he found that the hole was not very big, but only three or five feet in size. There were fresh traces of sharp claws everywhere in the passage. It was obvious that these were temporarily excavated by those fleeing monsters.

There were no monsters escaping in the passage. Kukas followed the passage and increased his speed to the limit. Fortunately, the passage was straight down and there was no turning place, so he didn\'t waste much time.

The more he went down, he felt the call of the female doctor more and more urgent and strong. However, after he walked hundreds of miles down, the call of the female doctor suddenly disappeared. This result made him feel bad.

But bad is bad. He didn\'t give up and still moved down. In his opinion, even if the female doctor died, he would find her body and take her back. Of course, more importantly, he wanted to see what hurt the female doctor. After all, he can be resurrected, and female doctors can also be resurrected with the help of the original power of the plane under his secret method.

After walking hundreds of miles down again, kukas felt the call of the female doctor again. But this call is not anxious, but a happy and relaxed call. Feeling this, his mood suddenly relaxed.