Abyss Knight

Chapter 518

He jumped up from the altar and wanted to leave, but at this time, he found that the more and more intense flame did not burn his body, but slowly sank, and then burned the earth and the altar under him.

Endless magic flames flew out of dozens of stone pillars and kept burning, while the unknown altar under him was frantically absorbing and soaking these magic flames.

With the altar absorbing these magic flames, kukas found that the central area of the underground palace was more unstable. The ground of the underground palace and the surrounding walls constantly burst out some powerful magic forces. These magic forces were rampant, or hit the stone column that erupted magic flame and shook it unceasingly; Or collide with each other to form magic hurricanes.

Various images emerged out of thin air. In these images, kukas saw the figure of the grey robed caster sitting on the altar. He either tears the space and puts spiritual force into the crack, or goes directly into the body. Sometimes he caught a monster and escaped from it. Dozens or even thousands of powerful spiritual forces came after him.

These images include not only the battle scene of the grey robed caster, but also the scene of him deducing magic and writing words. Unfortunately, these scenes are too obscure for kukas. He can\'t understand them at all. However, he forced his mind to remember these scenes. He thinks that if he can\'t understand these things now, it doesn\'t mean he can\'t understand them in the future.

The turbulence in the underground palace lasted for a little while. Finally, the magic flame disappeared around, the stone pillars collapsed, and large stones fell from above. Cracks tens of feet deep began to appear in the underground palace. And the magic power on the wall began to dissipate, all of which indicated that the underground palace, which had existed for many years, began to collapse.

"Leave here." without any hesitation, kukas summoned the ghost crying war horse and began to run out along the same road. When he left the central space of the underground palace and reached the outer channel, he was stunned.

I saw a large number of holes on the originally smooth channel wall. These holes are big and small. A monster that has never been seen jumped out of these holes. They made bursts of harsh roars and ran crazy along the channel to the distance.

A giant beast, seven or eight feet tall, ran ahead with two small giants in its mouth. It was very fast. After it caught up, all the other giants instinctively flashed aside to make way for it. There are also giants who are not good at running, but some giants who are good at running will run with their tails or even big mouths.

"Interesting." the cracks on the head kept falling, boulders fell, and even magma and strange blue liquid gushed out. Some giant beasts are entangled by magma, and they struggle out in an instant, but they are contaminated by those blue liquids. Even a little, they will turn into an ice sculpture in an instant, and then fall to the ground.

For these giant animals turned into ice sculptures, other giant animals are crazy to avoid. They don\'t trample on them because they are in the way, but go around. Sometimes it\'s really impossible to get around. A giant beast spits out a hurricane, or tears the earth, takes away these ice sculptures in an instant, and then passes quickly.

At first, kukas thought that the giants were respecting the dead, but when he saw a giant beast accidentally come to a frozen monster, it also turned into an ice sculpture in an instant. Seeing this, he realized the power of those blue liquids.

With this understanding, he also extinguished his mind to study the blue liquid. He just ran with the giants and left the collapsed underground palace as soon as possible.

There are more and more monsters in the channel. Some grumpy monsters can\'t stand it and begin to attack other monsters in the front. Some of the first to pull other giants also gave up. Before survival, they gave up their help to other similar animals.

Kukas relied on his small size and fast speed. He quickly shuttled between giant beasts, and the speed rose again and again. At the end, the ghost cried and the war horse ran wildly, making a sobbing sound and a sobbing sound tearing the air.

A huge stone fell from the front, and kukas didn\'t dodge. He just roared, fiercely urged the fighting spirit, and grabbed a heavy javelin from the magic ring. The javelin was thrown and pierced the boulder. The force that should easily tear the boulder here has a very low effect. The javelin pierces it, but it barely drives the boulder to fly aside, but it can\'t tear it.

A one horned Python catapulted fiercely. It shook its head, hit the boulder hard, and smashed the boulder in an instant. Then the python tilted his head and glanced at kukas. The cold eyes made him feel cold in his heart. This look is several times sharper than the projection of the dragon he met.

Kukas has long been used to such eyes. When he escaped from the passage, almost every time he passed a giant beast, the giant beast would look at him.

"Damn it, you are all so-called wild beasts. Are you still afraid of the underground palace collapse and being buried underground like me? If I were you, I would have found a safe place to hide. As long as there was no invasion of the blue liquid, you would never be in any other danger!" kukas glared at the unicorn python, He mumbled his thoughts in his mouth.

"Hiss, there are some bloody giants under the human hiss underground palace. Hiss, do you want us all to be eaten by those bloody giants?" to kukas\'s great surprise, the unicorn Python he stared back spoke. Looking at the feeling that other giants didn\'t care, he immediately understood that these giants might be able to speak human language. Of course, he doesn\'t understand that the unicorn Python is the only beast that can appear in this common language.

"Bloody giant? Isn\'t a hydra, a nine headed monster snake, suppressed below?" kukas saw that a giant beast wanted to surpass him, so he instilled some fighting spirit into the sitting ghost crying war horse again. The war horse neighed and faster. In his opinion, as long as he can surpass other giants, his chances of survival are relatively greater. Of course, if he had not been afraid that he would not be able to return here after leaving with the help of the plane origin in this strange place, he would have left here with the help of the source power.