Abyss Knight

Chapter 517

After mocking himself, he threw all kinds of clergy and crystal heads he had collected at first under his feet. After he threw these things under his feet, the resentment and killing intention around him began to shrink rapidly. The crystal heads and priests scattered on the ground turned into streamers and flew away in the distance.

Some blend into the rocks, hurricanes and magma in front of them, while others fly along the channel and don\'t know where they are.

Looking at the various forms of objects gathered in the space in front of him, kukas respectfully made a courtesy towards them, then looked for a route in them, and continued to go to the next channel in order to reach the central area of the underground palace.

Of course, he saluted these mountains, rocks, hurricanes and other object forms so respectfully, not because his brain was hot, but because he knew that these object forms were actually evolved from the bodies of gods and legends. Under normal circumstances, after the legends fall, except that their heads will turn into crystal heads, other parts of their bodies will either disappear, or because the power contained in them is really powerful, so they will evolve into mountains, lakes and so on.

After death, the gods are usually forcibly pulled to an area called the star world by the rules of heaven and earth. There, the bodies of these gods will evolve into floating continents, and their blood and dissipated heart gods will evolve into strange creatures. If the dead bodies of the gods do not return to the star world after death, their bodies will evolve into mountains thousands of miles in size. The mountains contain countless precious materials and items, and even various magic props condensed by themselves.

However, now the bodies of these dead are imprisoned here. They can only evolve out of small boulders or hurricanes, flames and lightning. Far less powerful than what evolved outside.

He quickly passed through this huge space, but he still roughly counted various forms of objects here. Finally, he was surprised to find that at least nearly 10000 legendary bodies stayed here. To his surprise, he also saw dozens of black purple crystal statues like those he saw in the ice and snow. Obviously, such statues were all made by the black robed caster.

After successfully passing through this space, kukas took a deep look at the evolved objects of these corpses behind him, and then continued to move along the channel.

Along the way, he passed through seven or eight such huge spaces, which were bigger and bigger one by one, and the forms of various objects left in them became more and more huge and powerful.

As for the magma pool that did not know whether it was a God or a legend, the largest magma pool he saw in his first space was only tens of feet in size, but in the space he experienced, the smallest magma pool was also nearly hundreds of feet in size. The bigger one is more than a thousand feet.

Too lazy to sigh, kukas spent some energy before he found a new channel behind a hurricane. This channel is different from any channel he has encountered before. The previous channel was more than ten feet in size, but this channel was only three or two feet in size.

Although the passage looked narrow, kukas felt an inexplicable attraction from it. Even the attraction turned directly into an inexplicable voice, calling him in his mind and letting him enter the channel.

Without any choice, kukas obeyed the call of his heart and entered the relatively narrow channel. After entering the passage, he was surprised to find that various killing patterns were carved on both sides of the passage. In the pattern, some people fight with some monsters, as well as human beings. It\'s just a pity for him that he used a secret method to condense the fighting spirit and instill it into the wall, but he didn\'t get any information from the patterns on the wall, as if those patterns were only carved by ordinary people.

Unable to get any information from the patterns, he resolutely gave up his research on them. After a little rest and calming his mind, he began to hurry.

In the empty passage, only the sound produced by his fast walking. The sound reverberated in his heart, which made his mind turbulence again after he had just stabilized. Fortunately, this turbulence was very slight, and he could still suppress it.

I don\'t know how long he ran in that passage. Kukas suddenly found a bright light in front of him. When he rushed to the light, he found that there was also a huge underground space in front of him.

But this underground space is very empty and tidy compared with other spaces. In this space, except for a central altar and dozens of huge stone pillars around, there was no other thing.

"The central area of the underground palace." kukas took a deep breath and stared at the altar in the middle of the space. He suddenly found that although the shape of the altar was very simple, the smell emitted from it was very similar to the altar he used when he transferred to ghost crying knight. The sudden discovery surprised him a little, but it was a pity that he didn\'t know what kind of transfer the altar was used in.

The doubt didn\'t last long before he threw it behind him. After taking a deep breath, kukas quickly rushed to the central altar. As he got closer to the altar, some illusions began to appear in front of him.

In these illusions, a grey robed caster falls from the sky and appears on an iceberg that doesn\'t know how tall it is. He quickly excavated the cave here, and then built an extremely large underground palace in it.

Then the grey robed caster sat in the middle of the underground palace and began to meditate. Some huge monsters rushed towards the iceberg from all directions and drilled into the underground palace to kill the central area of the underground palace. Some adventurers also appeared here, but before these adventurers found the central area of the underground palace, they were killed by a large number of giant beasts.

Some figures fell from the sky and wanted to penetrate directly into the central area of the underground palace, but they were easily killed by the grey robed caster and threw their bodies together.

In the end, kukas even found himself completely integrated into the illusion.

At the upper end of the altar in front of him sat a caster wrapped in gray smoke. The caster gently waved his arms, even just spoke, and meteors fell from the sky and hit the depths of the underground palace. Those meteors are not real meteors, but the bodies of fallen gods and legends.

Countless powerful smells collided and raged in the phantom world, and the ancient and desolate smell wrapped around the caster. I don\'t know how long later, no bodies fell from the sky, and the caster sat cross legged and motionless.

"Who are you?" kukas asked in a deep voice after touching his bare head.

"I am the beginning of the world, I am eternal, I am the supreme existence, I am the controller of the times." the hoarse voice echoed in kukas\'s ear.

When kukas was about to say something, he found the figure standing up from the altar. His hands were like flying butterflies. Some golden flames flew out of his fingertips. These flames condensed into various strange patterns in the air, accompanied by his soft drink. Those patterns turned into streamers and tore the space in front of him.

The space is broken, revealing a crack more than one person high. Then I saw that the caster\'s head spewed out countless pure spiritual forces. These spiritual forces penetrated into the crack and disappeared in an instant.

"I am the master of this era. Anything against my will will will fall." the image of the caster continued to speak, but as the crack healed, he sat cross legged on the altar again.

"Are you eternal? Are you the beginning? Are you the master of the times? Where are you now? Have you died long ago? Even the body has not been left? This underground palace is your place for latent cultivation! If you really exist supreme, why is your underground palace used as a seal to suppress others? Why do you even protect your own residence? What are you talking about "Eternal and supreme?"

Kukas didn\'t get any answer. The caster just sat with his eyes closed. After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes. Then he saw that the space in front of him was broken like glass. The next moment, a strong spiritual force was drilled out of the broken space to drill into the caster\'s body.

Some powerful mental power followed, but the caster suddenly opened his eyes and turned his hands. With strange notes flying out of his mouth, a rotating and burning golden light emerged in front of him. Jin Guangfei flew out and hit those powerful mental forces, which forcibly smashed them.

The broken space began to condense, and the illusion of the caster began to break a little. After the figure of the caster in front of kukas disappeared from his eyes, kukas found that he had unconsciously sat on the altar.

I don\'t know how long the stone pillars stood, and they began to tremble. With those stone pillars trembling, countless magic flames came out of them. These magic flames rose into the sky, shrouded the whole underground space, and burned violently, making the surrounding space extremely obviously distorted.

He suddenly stood up from the altar. He growled in a low voice, but he wanted to escape from here. Because he felt that those magic flames would burn on the altar and burn him alive.