Abyss Knight

Chapter 516

These so-called clergy are actually what some gods got from the void in ancient times. With the priesthood, the gods will appear extremely powerful in one aspect, which can be regarded as a special talent. However, after having a clergy, the holder must comply with the rules represented by the clergy. If he cannot comply, he will not only be unable to get the bonus help of the clergy, but will even be weakened or even backfired to a certain extent.

Today\'s gods gradually give up the sharp weapon of controlling the clergy because of the disadvantages of this ancient clergy, but they are still keen to find various clergy. After they get these clergy, they will use secret methods to refine these clergy again and again, or make various weapons and props, or integrate them into their own clergy to expand their own clergy.

After knowing the specific origin of those rhombic crystals, kukas became more concerned about the collection of such things. However, what puzzled him was that there was no deity here, which puzzled him. You know, even in the ancient times, the gods also had divine personality, and because most of the gods at that time got divine personality from the endless void, the power of those divine personality was several times or even dozens of times stronger than the divine personality condensed by the gods themselves.

Thinking carelessly, he forgot where he was now. I don\'t know whether this underground palace comes from the future or the past.

Walking through the channels, I see some giant animals from time to time. These monsters are full of strange things, one more ferocious and one more powerful. But no matter how fierce and powerful they are, when they face him, they all stay in place and ignore him. Maybe it\'s because of the rules in the underground palace, or maybe it\'s because of the brand of the black robed caster on him.

Kukas did not think about these things. He walked quickly in these channels in order to reach the central area of the underground palace as soon as possible, so as to open the seal there and release the nine headed strange snake xudera.

I don\'t know how long it took. After passing through channels, kukas found that a huge underground space suddenly appeared in front of him. There are no monsters in this underground space, only strange rocks, lakes, magma, never-ending hurricanes, random lightning and flames of different sizes.

Strange fluctuations wandered in the underground space. After feeling these fluctuations, kukas\'s mind was violently impacted. Even his fighting space began to fluctuate slightly under the impact of the strange fluctuations.

Endless murderous intent and towering resentment rushed towards him from all directions. These things were directly transformed into the images of various monsters, strange races and even some professionals in his mind. These illusory things use his mind as the battlefield and his fighting space as the supreme booty. They are crazy killers in order to become the final winner, so as to control kukas\'s fighting space.

These murderous thoughts and resentments fought in the mind, and the breath fluctuation made kukas\'s eyes gradually red. He gasped and his muscles beat quickly. Finally, he carried a burning black flag and turned into a growth gun and began to attack a boulder in front of him. His mind has been affected by the killing intention and resentment, and he has made the boulder in front of him his most powerful enemy.

A man with a strong breath stood in front of him. When the man raised his hands and feet, he twisted endless fighting spirit and hanged him. He shook his spear wildly and showed all his fighting skills in order to kill each other.

The spear pierced the man, and the golden blood flowed out, but the breath emitted by the man became more and more powerful. Finally, even his fighting spirit increased again and again.

The man in kukas\'s eyes was bleeding, but the real situation was that some gravel was constantly breaking out on the boulder in front of him. These rubble fell on the ground and instantly formed all kinds of precious magic materials. There are magic metals for eighth level professionals to cultivate Qi fighting armor, materials for high-level spell casters to make magic books, and even broken priest fragments and divine lattice fragments.

All kinds of precious materials scattered on the ground were absorbed by distant rocks or hurricane lightning after only a few breaths. It\'s a pity that kukas didn\'t notice such a strange scene.

Frantically fighting with the phantom in front of me, I don\'t know how long it has passed, maybe dozens of breathing time, maybe half a moment of magic time. In a short time, a large number of fighting spirit were output continuously, which made his strong and abnormal fighting space unbearable, and finally there was a large-scale turbulence.

Although he was aware of the violent turbulence in his fighting space, the enemy offensives in his mind continued. He could only bite his teeth and insist on it, but he was unwilling to stop and admit defeat. He thought he was going to die in the end in front of this powerful enemy, whether he conceded defeat or lost. Since they are all going to die, why not die more vigorously? Die with dignity?

It was with this idea that he forced every effort to urge the fighting spirit again and again, and constantly released the fighting spirit accumulated in the fighting space. In this case, his fighting space began to crack rapidly, and even showed signs of collapse.

Seeing that the whole fighting space was about to collapse, a brand suddenly appeared on the altar in his space. The brand was ordinary, without any breath or vision, just like his own common brand. But what makes up this brand is not mind and fighting spirit, but some tadpole like words and silver patterns.

The brand flew out of the fighting space, then integrated into his mind and swam up. Just breathing, those murderous and resentful smells that were raging madly in kukas\'s mind disappeared in an instant, and all were absorbed by the brand in a short breathing time.

Without these images of resentment and killing intention, the man in kukas\'s eyes disappeared in an instant. Looking at the disappearance of the figure with a strong breath in front of him, the bald evil man woke up slowly.

"I see." after quickly checking his mind and the turbulent fighting space, kukas couldn\'t help grinning bitterly. What happened just now made him have a faint awe of the rocks, hurricanes and lightning here.