Abyss Knight

Chapter 515

"What is the long river of time? What is the fragment of the long river? What is the great beast? What is the so-called projection of you after countless times?" kukas asked hurriedly. He wanted to get some answers from the black robed caster in front of him. Unfortunately, he asked too late. The blurred figure of the black robed caster quickly dissipated into nothingness. At the next breath time, the collapsed nothingness arrived in front of kukas. Then he felt a flower in front of him and lost his intuition in an instant.

I don\'t know how long it took. When he woke up, he found himself at the mouth of a new cave. The cave is very big, at least more than ten feet in size. The shape of the cave is almost the same as the one with stone tablets he saw before. But I saw that the cave was empty and lifeless, and now the cave where he was was was passed out from time to time. Moreover, there is no stone tablet erected in front of the cave, and there is no killing intention condensed into essence.

The animal roars passed from the cave one after another. Even if he heard these sounds alone, he felt that his fighting space was slightly turbulent under the stimulation of the animal roar. But what surprised him was that his killing talent could not feel any killing intention actively transmitted from the cave. This strange phenomenon made him not know how to deal with it for a time.

"Go in, the nine headed strange snake you are looking for is inside. The giants living inside will not attack you, because I have branded my mark on you." the hoarse voice of the black robed caster appeared in his mind out of thin air: "but you can\'t take the things inside, because those things are not yours."

"Why should I listen to you?" kukas took a deep breath, looked at the empty cave entrance and asked in a deep voice.

"Unless you don\'t want to release the little snake." the hoarse voice sounded directly in his mind. With the sound, some information appeared in his mind. Then whatever kukas asked, the voice disappeared.

"Go in?" looking at the cave in front of him, kukas hesitated about breathing time and made a decision. Because he knew that the mysterious black robed caster could instantly transfer him from the ice and snow to here, and kill a legend over time, and the other party must be able to throw himself into the cave.

He didn\'t doubt that the other party didn\'t have the ability to enter the cave, but his doubt just flashed in his mind. In his opinion, the other side is so powerful that even legends can be destroyed. How can that cave not enter?

It was for this reason that when he saw the voice of the black robed caster disappear, he directly stepped into the cave. What he didn\'t know was that after he stepped into the cave, the huge cave disappeared out of thin air, and when he was inside the cave, he could still see the light at the exit of the cave.

After stepping into the cave, the roar of the beast became more intense. After walking more than ten miles along the cave, he finally saw the monster in the cave.

At the fork of the passage, kukas saw the so-called great beast. Yes, in the news given to him by the black robed caster, the place where the cave is connected is actually a temporary place where an ancient powerful existence has been latent.

The monsters entrenched here are actually the great beasts of the ancient times. During the latent repair of the powerful existence, these giants were attracted by some booty in the hands of the powerful existence, and then gathered here from all directions. Finally, they did not grab the booty from the powerful existence, but were trapped here forever.

The wild beast entrenched at the fork looks not big, only seven or eight feet high. But kukas knew that this form was only forcibly limited by the powerful existence of that ancient era. If these wild beasts recover their bodies, they will be like mountains, at least thousands of feet tall.

The heads of the three lions, the bodies of the bison, the wings of the eagle, the scales of the dragon and the claws of the black bear. This wild beast seems to be hard pieced together with some creatures. On its lion\'s head, two antlers grow on each head, with staggered branches, which are branded with countless patterns and talismans. It seems that it is not the day after tomorrow, but born on it.

When he looked at the horns that radiated powerful magic waves, it was like the runes on the branches of a stag\'s horns turned and the patterns swam away, and all kinds of gemstones condensed in an instant.

These gemstones are the size of an adult\'s head. They fall off the branches and turn into Colorful streamers in front of kukas.

"What kind of monster is this?" kukas gasped. In a hurry, he frantically urged the fighting spirit to spray out of his hands. The fierce fighting spirit condensed into a fighting shield in front of him. At the same time, he quickly retreated to get out of the cage of the gem.

He retreated faster, and the gemstones flew faster. When they saw that the gemstones were about to hit the shield in front of them, the gemstones stopped fiercely, then turned into streamer, but returned to the monster\'s head.

These gemstones turn into streamers and return to the horns on the head. They hang on the horns like that. They don\'t melt or return to the horns. It looks strange to hang on them.

The wild beast also seemed a little unhappy. It roared and shook its head. The horns on its huge head fell off and turned into six streamers, and then new horns grew on its head.

However, the streamer turned from the six horns broke through the space and fell into an ordinary plane in the endless void after flying out of the cave. These horns hovered in the air and integrated into the heads of three male deer.

After the three bucks got the horns hung with precious stones, they immediately changed into colorful bucks, with four hoofs smoking. Although the power is still not comparable to the powerful Warcraft, it is countless times better than being at the bottom of the food chain before.

The wild beast roared at kukas in a low voice. It wandered on two fork roads, and finally curled directly in the middle of the fork road, revealing the channels on both sides. Looking at it, I no longer intend to stop him, but prepare to let him pass smoothly.

"Is it the mark?" kukas looked up at the wild beast not far away, but he really believed the Mark said by the black robed caster.

Choosing any passage, kukas walked in. When passing by the giant beast, he stared at it nervously, but to prevent accidents. The giant beast didn\'t even look at him, but lay on the ground, closed his eyes, motionless, like a corpse.

After successfully passing through the wild beast, kukas casually chose a channel and went in. Because the black robed caster told him that no matter which channel he met in the cave, as long as he kept going, he would be able to reach the central area of the underground palace.

After entering the new passage, kukas found that he was covered with sweat. After he was often relieved, he calmed down and planned to continue walking in front. At this time, something in the passage caught his attention.

In this wide passage, some crystal skulls are scattered on the ground. These crystal skulls emit charming luster. There are golden lights colliding and rotating with each other, or forming patterns or characters. It looks very wonderful.

"Legendary head." looking at the crystal heads lying quietly on the ground, kukas rushed up uncontrollably, grabbed a head with both hands, and immediately instilled fighting spirit into it, hoping to obtain the knowledge and information contained in it through secret methods.

The fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit gushed out of the palm. After the secret method was transformed, it formed a unique wave. These waves hit the head, not only did not enter the head, but were directly crushed by the crystal head.

Unwilling, he casually lost his head and grabbed another one for the same attempt, but this time the result was still the same. Even if he changed dozens of secret methods, he could not detect the information contained in these crystal heads.

"It\'s impossible. Something must have gone wrong." kukas crazily grabbed those crystal heads and played with them. He thought wildly and quickly stuffed them into his magic ring.

After keeping the crystal heads scattered on the ground on his body, he clapped his hands contentedly and continued to move forward. By this time, he had already forgotten the admonition of the black robed caster. The temptation of the crystal head made him a knight who desperately wanted to be strong and completely lost his heart. At this time, he is far more eager for the heads of legends than in the burning plane.

He walked down the passage. Every time he walked some distance, he would encounter some crystal heads and some strange diamond crystals.

At first, he didn\'t know why these diamond crystals were with those crystal heads, but after feeling the mysterious waves emitted by these crystals, he didn\'t hesitate to put them into his magic ring.

However, after collecting a large number of diamond crystals, he remembered the origin of these crystals. At the thought of the origin of these diamond crystals, his interest in those crystals decreased greatly, because these diamond crystals with golden brilliance in them were not evolved from the bodies of legends, but from the so-called clergy of some gods.