Abyss Knight

Chapter 514

No matter how surprised kukas is, he has to admit his weakness in the face of reality. But he was unwilling to be hurt by the smell of a corpse, which made his desire for legend more intense.

He fell to the ground. Before he stood up, he was deeply stunned by everything in front of him again.

After the ice on the body was broken, she and the woman survived. Her face was frightened and crazy. She stared at kukas and shouted, "help me!"

The ancient magic language passed to his ears. Although he couldn\'t understand the words, he knew the meaning. "Just her? Save a legend? Let me a sixth order knight to save a legendary mage? How funny!"

When this idea just came into his mind, a black purple light burst out from the resurrected female corpse. The light twinkled, wrapped her in an instant, and finally formed a black and purple statue. The whole statue seemed to be carved from black and purple spar. Kukas was stunned when he looked at the legendary female statue with her mouth still open. His eyes lingered on the statue, but he didn\'t believe what was happening in front of him, even if it was true. At this moment, he would rather believe that he was in a dreamland and was confused by the power of magic.

A legend who had been frozen for many years was killed by a black purple light at the moment of breaking the ice, and finally formed a statue. All this is so unreal. You know, he just heard the words of the female legend. Although he didn\'t understand it, he knew that this language was an extremely ancient magic language.

The power of the ancient times has remained until now, and still easily killed a legend, which made his mind turbulent. For a time, I didn\'t know how to deal with it.

I don\'t know how long later, he was awakened by a sigh. With that sigh, his eyes fell into the void behind the legendary statue.

In that void, stood a mage wrapped in a black robe. The mage carried a simple staff in one hand and a thick book in the other. Although he couldn\'t see his face clearly, he felt a familiar feeling. The memory turned, and the image of the mage who presented the white bone staff to the crazy caster in the old castle came to his mind.

"It\'s you?" kukas swallowed his saliva. I don\'t know why, a strong emotion sprang up in his heart, that is, he must stand up and talk to each other instead of lying on the ground and talking to each other.

He didn\'t know whether the black robed mage in front of him was an illusion made by the forbidden Dharma array or why he appeared here. Now he just wanted to stand up and talk to each other.

"It\'s me," said the black robed mage in a hoarse voice, "you shouldn\'t come here, at least not now."

"Why? What kind of existence are you? You are guarding the seal of Hydra, the nine headed monster snake?" kukas did not hesitate to consume, madly mobilized the original power of the plane to instill into his body, and quickly repaired various injuries on his body.

"What you see me is just a projection of an idea of me from countless times ago." the black robed caster glanced at kukas and then looked at the book in his hand.

"Hydra, the nine headed monster snake? Hehe! It\'s just a garbage wasteland monster. It\'s stronger than them. I don\'t know how many wasteland monsters I killed. I still need to guard it?" the tone of the black robed caster was full of pride. But kukas doesn\'t sound inappropriate. It seems that the caster should have spoken in this tone.

"Now your position is just the projection of a broken river of time. In this period of time after countless times, I have imprisoned this woman forever; now you happen to break into this projection. The projection of fragments has changed because of the operation of the endless void, so you see the same as what happened before countless times It\'s a different process, "continued the black robed caster in his hoarse voice.

"It\'s really lucky to see you in the projection of fragments in the long river of time, but it\'s a pity that my body didn\'t find your trace in the long river of time." when the black robed caster said this, the calm tone changed slightly, some lost and some unwilling.

"Look! I can destroy everything here, but I can\'t kill you. It\'s a little unwilling!" when the black robed caster spoke, he suddenly stretched out his staff and made a virtual point towards kukas\'s position. Then kukas found that some strange writing runes flew out from the top of the staff. These runes, which looked like tadpoles and mixed with strange silver patterns, fell on him. He didn\'t feel anything, but all the ice and snow in the hundreds of miles around disappeared in an instant.

The earth became a lacquered nothingness, and the sky dissipated into the same nothingness. He stood alone in the center of nothingness, but he was so lonely and helpless.

"I have a grudge against you in the future?" in this case, although kukas was very frightened, he still tried his best to urge the killing talent, constantly felt the breath of the black robed caster in front of him, and wanted to remember his breath.

"The future? Maybe the future or the past." the black robed caster quickly turned his staff, then shook his head and said: "The long river where you live has long been broken. There is both the past and the future. I want to kill you, but I just feel that you may become a powerful existence in the future. What a wonderful thing to kill a powerful existence in the bud!"

"I\'m so bad!" Kukas yelled and was so excited that he burst into a fierce fight and frantically attacked the black robed caster in front of him. In his perception, since the other party had no ability to kill him, it didn\'t matter that he did some extraordinary things. Doing so was to vent the other party\'s irrational behavior that he said he might become a powerful legend 。

The siege hammer condensed with fighting spirit disappeared in front of the black robed caster out of thin air. Then kukas saw that the dark nothingness around him began to collapse from a distance towards his place.

Nothingness collapsed, followed by the disappearing ice and snow. At this time, the virtual shadow of the black robed caster began to illusory slowly.