Abyss Knight

Chapter 513

"Yes," the blonde general nodded, then said in a deep voice, "it should be left over from an extremely ancient era, maybe even earlier than the suppression of the hydra."

"If it had been earlier, the ordinary people who went in before would not have been in danger. I think we might not be in danger either!" the female doctor licked her lips and said with some difficulty.

"Just go in and have a look." kukas was too lazy to continue his nonsense. He knew that no matter what they discussed here, they had to enter the cave in the end. No amount of discussion now is just a waste of time.

Kukas was at the front, and the female doctor and the blonde general walked side by side behind him. Everyone was silent and moved forward quickly along the dark channel.

After walking for tens of miles, kukas, who was walking in the front, only felt a flower in front of him. The dark channel disappeared in an instant and was replaced by a white and piercing cold.

Large snowflakes fell from the air and brought him a biting chill. Hurricanes swam and collided in the distance. Boulder ice danced with the hurricane, or collided with each other, or fused together to form larger ice.

Turn around and look around. Except for a huge mountain in the distance, all other places are covered with ice and snow. You can\'t see the end at a glance.

Take a deep breath, wait in place for dozens of breathing time, and there are no blonde women generals. He used the secret method to contact them, and there was no response. In this ice and snow world, all the communication secret methods lost their effect.

"Damn it." kukas cursed in a low voice. He leaned over and grabbed a handful of ice and snow and rubbed it in his hands. Even with the protection of fighting spirit, he could feel the bitter chill: "the real world? The world? The world? The world? The maze? Is this what xudela said?"

After a long time of hesitation, he quickly walked towards the mountain in the distance. In his opinion, if the blonde generals and female doctors came to this place, they must also go to that mountain. Because there is no reference in other places, only the mountain is so conspicuous.

All the way, there was no sound and no life except the fierce cold wind. Hurricanes walked on the earth in disorder, tearing out dozens or even hundreds of feet deep gullies on the earth. He specially waited for a hurricane to swim past and went to check the gullies. It was found that what was revealed under the tens of feet or even hundreds of feet deep gully was not soil, but hard ice.

The fist that condensed the virtual shadow of the siege hammer hit a piece of cold ice, leaving only a bowl size depression on it, but the surrounding cold ice was not affected.

The mountain was not far from where he was, but kukas felt that he had walked for three or five days, but he still didn\'t reach the mountain. Such strange changes forced him to stop his steps.

He stretched out his hand to catch the cold wind blowing in front of him, but the cold wind flew away through his fingers. "It\'s three or five days\' journey. With my feet, I can walk thousands of miles in these three or five days, but now I can\'t even reach the mountains hundreds of miles away. What kind of prohibition affects me?"

In doubt, his mind was immersed in the fighting space. In the spirit fighting space, a large number of ghosts cry and spirit fighting are constantly burned by chains, columns on the altar and flames. After repeated extreme quenching, they are finally stored in the altar waiting for the master\'s mobilization.

Feeling the extremely slow growth rate of those ghosts, he suddenly woke up. "Ha ha! I see." after patting his bald head, kukas had a vague understanding of his experience.

It turned out that after his mind was immersed in the fighting space, he found that the number of fighting increased was not the number of fighting increased in the previous three or five days, but equivalent to the number of fighting automatically increased in the previous magic time.

This result made him think that he had passed a long time in this ice and snow world, but the real time was only very short. Moreover, he also suspected that the seemingly hundreds of miles\' journey was actually covered by prohibition. The real situation could not say that he was tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles away from the peak.

With such a vague idea, he no longer hesitated and confused. After identifying the direction through the randomly flying snowflakes, he continued to walk quickly towards the snow mountain.

"No matter whether it\'s magic or secret prohibition, as long as I go down, I will be able to get there." kukas cracked his mouth and smiled strangely. The strange laughter floated around and was soon torn to pieces by the cold wind. It was not until his laughter hooked several hurricanes in the distance for some reason that he stopped. After avoiding the winding of the hurricane, he continued to walk towards the mountain in the distance.

On his way this time, he almost forgot all the time. He just felt that the fighting spirit in his fighting space increased at the same rate as the number of fighting spirit he had increased in the past ten days.

No living creature spoke to him and walked all the way, except ice and snow. The whistling hurricane blew in the distance, and he completely gave up avoiding, because he found that even if he didn\'t avoid, the hurricanes that should have been rolled on him either dissipated by themselves or shifted direction when they reached a certain distance from him.

Loneliness, a deep loneliness wrapped around his heart, which was stronger than his latent cultivation in the burning plane for hundreds of years. The body was covered with ice and snow. For a long time, some flesh and blood had been frozen to death, and then fell off the body, revealing scarlet flesh and blood. Fortunately, he was still able to mobilize the plane source power here, hooked the plane source power, treated the wound, and then continued on the road.

He didn\'t want to stop, he didn\'t want to change direction, but in the end he put these ideas aside.

An ice sculpture appeared on his way. The ice sculpture was not carved with ice, but the body was wrapped with a layer of ice and snow.

The ice sculpture faced him with panic and madness. This was the tenth ice sculpture body he met. The body was a young female mage dress. She wore a Jewel Crown, a red mage robe with complex patterns, and a broken staff in her pale little hand.

Although the staff was incomplete, kukas still felt the powerful magic power contained in it through the ice wrapped outside. This magic power was even stronger than the power released by some eighth order casters. Obviously, only the more powerful caster can have such a powerful staff. Such a powerful caster was frozen here, which made his heart a little heavy.

"Did you escape from that mountain?" looking at the extremely powerful body, kukas couldn\'t help thinking of the ice sculptures he saw before.

The ice sculptures he saw earlier were frozen in the direction of walking towards the distant mountains. The highest of them was only an eighth level professional, and they looked like adventurers. Now the ice sculpture is gorgeous, but it leaves from the direction of the mountain.

Thinking, he suddenly found that the ice sculpture in front of him was a little different from other ice sculptures. Under this ice sculpture, he saw a flash of black and purple light.

"Hallucination?" his mind turned, and kukas stopped on his way and stood in front of the ice sculpture to observe it carefully. After a short time, he saw the black and purple light flickering on the body again, and returned to normal again in the next moment. Such a strange change made him interested.

He pulled out the burning black flag, and the magic growth gun pierced the ice sculpture in front of him. At this time, he didn\'t care to respect the dead, and his mind was full of the flash of black and purple light. He believes that the black and purple light is an important prop to arrive or leave the ice and snow world.

"It may even be the way to solve the so-called maze, or an important thing to release xudela." I guessed wildly in my mind, giving myself a reason to destroy unknown corpses. Of course, the reason is very ridiculous and shameless, but it is enough for him.

One after another, the puncture was on it, and the palm sized ice fell down little by little. These ice fell to the ground and evaporated immediately, as if they had never existed. Kukas didn\'t notice this at all. He just watched the ice on the body decrease and became more and more excited.

When the ice on the body was reduced by a third, when kukas\'s long gun could penetrate the weakest layer of ice again, a strong breath suddenly burst out on the body.

The breath rose to the sky and tore all the ice on the body. The strong breath directly shook kukas out.

Under the impact of that breath, kukas only felt as if he had been beaten out by those professionals when he couldn\'t fight before. The internal organs vibrated, the blood rolled, and a stream of hot blood gushed out of his mouth uncontrollably. The skin on his body burst, and the blood splashed on the ground and condensed into red ice blocks in an instant.

"Legend?" kukas muttered absently. He didn\'t expect to be made like this by the smell contained in a corpse. At this time, there was only one thought in his mind that the frozen body was a legend.