Abyss Knight

Chapter 512

"It\'s useless to worry. When things get to this point, the only thing we have to do is release the nine headed monster snake xudela. Even if he doesn\'t help us, we won\'t lose anything. Then we will put all the responsibility on the Dragon tooth alliance. Because of the actions of the Dragon tooth alliance, the nine headed monster snake xudela will be released, so there will be no harm Poor vanity. "Kukas smiled strangely, opened his mouth and said his plan.

Although the blonde general despised and despised his remarks, it was hard to say anything. The female doctor was silent. In her opinion, in order to get rid of possible troubles, some necessary means must be used.

After settling down in the burning plane, kukas did not return to the Pires plane for the first time to find a way to release the nine headed monster snake xudela, but fooled around with the female doctor and two siren banshees for dozens of days before deciding to return there.

Before going to Pires, kukas specially checked the physical condition of the natural Banshee under the leadership of the female doctor. The natural Banshee lives extremely comfortably here. She is accompanied by two sirens and is not lonely. Under the command of the female doctor, the natural goddess becomes her maid and serves her every day.

In case of accident, the female doctor also sent hundreds of tough women and more than a dozen green giants to protect her. After all, she is about kukas\' cultivation and his transfer.

You know, kukas has been transferred twice, and he needs to be transferred twice when he becomes an eighth order knight. The success rate of two job transfers is very low. For the sake of safety, this natural Banshee that can ignore the success rate is even more important than more than a hundred years of fighting spirit and cultivation.

The golden light flickered, and the powerful original power of the plane took kukas and the female doctor, who instantly appeared at the burial place of the plane of Pires. When the golden light dispersed and saw that the swamp no longer existed and the colored glass crystals condensed on the earth, kukas guessed that a large-scale struggle had taken place here when he left.

The heat on the ground still exists. It doesn\'t take long for his feet to step on the walking surface to feel bursts of hot air drilling into his body. Even if his meridians are very strong, he still can\'t bear it. Fortunately, the female doctor on one side quickly threw out a pill.

The pill burst and formed a light green fog in the air. Part of the fog was integrated into his body and formed a thin light curtain on the surface of his skin; Others are integrated into his body, infiltrating into the meridians and flesh, slowly nourishing his body.

Moving around, kukas felt relieved and found that his place was where he had left at first.

"The place of burial?" the blonde general looked at the glass crystals on the ground, then stretched out his hand to point to a small soil slope in front and asked suspiciously: "It is said that the place where the bones are buried is not very tall, but in order to suppress that xudela, a mountain peak was finally made and pressed on his central head. Did it not look like this after so many years?"

"I\'m afraid the people who made these things lost the mountain!" kukas stamped the glass crystal under his feet, and then took it for granted. In his opinion, the blonde general should be able to see this clearly.

"It\'s impossible. If the mountain that suppressed xudela could be burned by some flames, he would have escaped from the bottom of the mountain. How could he have been suppressed for so long? Is this not the sealed place of xudela? Or is the mountain you saw at first not the real mountain?"

"Who knows? It\'s all very ancient times. You don\'t know. Do you expect me to know?" kukas rolled his eyes when he heard the speech. He didn\'t care whether the mountain existed or not. All he wanted to do now was to release the nine headed strange snake Xu dela.

"You know, you have been inherited by the ghost crying knights. Don\'t you even know that?"

"Ghost crying knights are powerful, but they don\'t know about it. They can only kill people, not scholars at all." Kukas muttered carelessly. While talking, she pulled the female doctor and walked towards the distant earth slope. The blonde general frowned slightly, muttered softly and followed him. It was obvious that her mind was still spinning on the mountain of xudela.

The hillside was only a hundred meters tall, and the rocks on it were also burned into glazed crystals. Before kukas could find the weakness of the seal land, the blonde female general found a piece of glazed crystals in the north of the hillside and a cave under it.

"Let\'s go!" the blonde general was obviously very interested in the cave. She played with her small hands and grabbed kukas\'s bald head and the female doctor\'s small hands and appeared there in an instant.

Shaking his head to get rid of the small hands on his head, kukas turned his eyes to the blonde general suspended in mid air and muttered, "can you not grab my head? Your hands are so small, can you grab it?"

"Ha ha! Maybe this is the real entrance to the land of xudera seal!" the blonde general snorted and ignored kukas\'s obvious idiot words. She grabbed the female doctor with one hand and gently touched a piece of glass crystal in front of her with a white and tender finger.

"Click! CLICK!" a slight sound sounded, and some cracks appeared in the glass crystal centered on the fingertip of the female general. These cracks spread more than ten feet around in just a breath. Finally, the female general\'s fingers bounced on it, and the glass crystals tens of feet in size collapsed.

Broken glass crystals were flying all over the sky, but the female doctor on one side had a small mouth and ejected a green pill from her mouth. The pill turned, rolled up countless colored glass crystals and disappeared in an instant. After all the crystalline powder disappeared, a huge hole tens of feet in size appeared in front of kukas.

"The nine headed snake told me that there was a huge maze inside. Only after passing through the maze can we find the seal and release him." kukas swallowed his saliva and said in a deep voice.

The blonde general did not answer, and her eyes were all attracted by a huge stone tablet at the mouth of the cave. The stone tablet is three or five feet wide and as tall as the hole. The above crooked curves depict some lines, which outline strange patterns, and it is those strange patterns that attract her.

"What is written on the stone tablet? Is it text? Or what?" the female doctor pointed out that the stone tablet looked very simple and uneasy. She felt that the stone tablet brought her a trace of dangerous smell. If she hadn\'t protected herself with secret methods, I\'m afraid her mind would have been destroyed by the dangerous smell released from the stone tablet.

"Words, words full of killing breath, any trace of breath into your mind can make you an idiot." kukas took a deep breath and protected his mind with a secret method: "it\'s a pity that I don\'t know the words above."

"Ha ha! You are illiterate. What else can you know besides some ancient Knight characters?" the blonde general on one side shrugged her shoulders and whispered, "let me see what it says."

"Look, we\'re all going in. I think what\'s written on it must be words like the death of intruders." kukas touched his bald head, then reached out and grabbed the little hand of the female doctor, but he was afraid of her worry.

"Maybe there are some hints above." the blonde general didn\'t answer, while the female doctor on the side quietly explained to kukas: "it\'s impossible for us to get some information from this stone tablet. Maybe these information can help us finish our things smoothly."

Just as the female doctor whispered, the blonde general, who was staring at the stone tablet, whispered in an uncertain tone, "meditation death leaves eternity."

"What does this mean?" kukas was stunned when he heard the speech. He thought that the female general could interpret the above words, but he didn\'t expect to just interpret these simple words.

"I don\'t know. These words are very similar to some ancient magic words. I can only interpret them. I haven\'t seen or heard of other words at all, so I can\'t interpret them. I think it must be very dangerous." the blonde general turned pale after saying those words. And kukas also felt a lot of breath leaking out of her. These smells were turbulent. It was obvious that the female generals did not take the initiative to release them.

"Absolutely dangerous." feeling the increasingly chaotic atmosphere of the blonde general, kukas did not hesitate to hook the plane origin and prepare to treat the other party. But the woman doctor on one side did it first.

She took out several colored pills and crushed them. The broken pills turned into colorful light bands flying in the air, scattering countless light spots to integrate into the female general\'s body from all directions. After dozens of breathing time, the turbulent breath on her body slowly stabilized. It lasted for less than half a quarter of the magic time, and the female doctor threw out dozens of pills one after another to completely stabilize the breath of the blonde female general.

"Let\'s go in!" although the breath of the blonde general was stable, her face was still very pale. I don\'t know whether she was injured or caused by other reasons.

"The cave left by the extremely ancient existence?" kukas glanced at the stone tablet again. Under the perception of his killing talent, the killing intention on the stone tablet has condensed into essence, as if the whole stone tablet is condensed into pure killing intention.