Abyss Knight

Chapter 511

Looking deeply at the blonde general for a long time, kukas finally nodded and decided to agree.

"The doctor must go with us this time. I think we need her there." the blonde general did not stop because of kukas\'s consent, but continued to whisper: "it\'s best to bring all your test equipment. I think we will use it."

Hearing this, the female doctor looked a little gloomy and suddenly became excited. Although she was addicted to various experiments in this zero order plane, she was still extremely eager to be with kukas in her heart. She thought that this time the female general left and left herself here alone, but she didn\'t expect to go out with her man.

Looking at the eager eyes of the female doctor, kukas agreed without any hesitation. He didn\'t bring a female doctor before. On the one hand, it was her own requirements, on the other hand, he was worried about her strength. Although she was an eighth level professional, kukas thought her combat effectiveness was low and was afraid that she would encounter danger in the dangerous Trojan position. Now there are blonde women generals accompanying him, but they think her safety can be guaranteed.

But even so, he was still a little worried: "leave me your heart and blood."

"What do you want to do with this?" the female doctor asked some blankly, while the blonde general\'s eyes lit up when he heard the speech, but he thought of something.

"Keep one of mine for you! At least it\'s safer." the words of the female general made the female doctor more confused, but she was very obedient and condensed a trace of her mind and blood.

A trace of mind goes into the blood. This mind is not an ordinary mind, but a mind with a trace of soul imprint. It has all the memory of the master, and even the memory in it will gradually increase with the master\'s future life. As for the blood, it was not ordinary blood. It was a drop of blood essence from the female doctor\'s heart. The whole body of this blood essence is cash red, and there is also a soul brand in it.

Of course, whether it is the soul imprint in the mind or the soul imprint in the blood essence, these are not the active blessing of the female doctor, but the imprint of her body instinct.

The mind and blood essence were fused, and the golden red blood essence completely turned into a drop of golden blood. The blood was suspended in the air like water droplets. Kukas urged the fighting spirit, mobilized a trace of the original strength of the plane to integrate with the fighting spirit, and then wrote words out of thin air.

Driven by the fighting spirit, these words look like black and gold. They are all written by kukas in extremely ancient Knight words.

Hundreds of ancient Knight characters were written, which did not dissipate out of thin air, but suspended in the air. After the last character was written, all the characters were drilled into the blood essence provided by female doctors.

After the words entered the blood essence, the drop of blood essence beat slightly like a heart. After a few breathing times, a trace of golden light came out of it.

These golden lights are like silk threads, but when you look carefully, you find that the silk thread is completely formed by the back and forth connection of ancient Knight characters. Words flow, combined into various sentences and words, and finally formed some effects that kukas wanted.

The golden light weaves around the blood, but it weaves a small throne in a few breathing times. Although the throne is small, it looks very luxurious. The streamer flickered above, and strange patterns emerged or sunken. Finally, the light on the throne flickered, and a crown was condensed out of thin air and fell above the drop of blood.

Then kukas incorporated the throne carrying the blood essence of the female doctor into the face treasure, and then threw the treasure into the air. The face treasure circled around the female doctor, and finally disappeared directly in the void.

Just like this, kukas explained what he had just done to the female doctor after the blood of the blonde general was carried by a plane treasure and integrated into the void.

"I just use your blood essence to give you a way back and store your blood essence in this plane source. In this way, even if you die, you can revive through this plane source." reaching out and touching the woman\'s long light green hair, kukas laughed: "So if anything happens this time, even if it\'s suicide, don\'t be caught by others. If you\'re caught by someone with a heart, if they have any more secrets, I\'m afraid you can\'t escape all your life."

"Will you let me be taken away?" the female doctor tilted her head, raised the corner of her mouth and whispered to the questioner.

"How could it be? It\'s really not. I\'d rather kill you and let you show off and resurrect here than let you be caught." kukas said solemnly: "I was very worried when I knew you were arrested by the mage Alliance for experiments. You should know that their experiments are extremely evil. They are several times more evil than me, who killed hundreds of millions of people. I don\'t want those evil experiments to bless you and let you experience."

"Normally, my experiment is also extremely evil. If I become the test object, there is nothing to complain about." the female doctor smiled softly. Not only did she not get angry and depressed because of kukas\'s answer, but she was happy in her heart. She knew that the man in front of her still had some status in her heart.

"Well, you two are in a mess. At that time, even if kukas can\'t do it, I\'ll do it myself." the blonde female general said coldly, "Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, has survived for countless years. I\'m afraid he has mastered more means and secrets than any power alliance. It\'s too normal for some accidents to happen during this period."

"Are you worried about an accident after you release him?" kukas heard what the blonde priestess meant. "He promised. I don\'t think he will break his promise."

"It\'s no big deal for a creature like him to break his promise occasionally. In fact, what I\'m most worried about is whether he will be blocked by some people when he unlocks the seal. After all, xudera is too powerful. It\'s said that many powerful beings helped secretly to seal him. Otherwise, how can I seal him with an ordinary person?" The blonde general spoke out all her concerns.

She was worried not only about xudera\'s final repentance, but also about the obstruction of other forces that did not want xudera to appear in the world.