Abyss Knight

Chapter 508

The two rotating and staggered guns collided with the virtual shadow of the three headed strange snakes on the other party\'s fist, and the violent explosion crackled. For a time, kukas only felt a powerful force transmitted from the other party\'s hand to his body through the long gun. What surprised him more was that the virtual shadow of the three strange snakes retreated with him and quickly caught up with him. The strange snake opened its mouth and grew bigger and bigger, trying to swallow him.

The ancient and desolate breath was suppressed on him, which made kukas feel extremely depressed. When he saw that the virtual shadow of the three headed strange snake wanted to swallow him, his killing talent trembled, but he found that the virtual shadow was only empty, but had no half strength.

In retrogression, Kukas was squatting in the mud, and his hands were lifted up high. He used a secret method to mobilize all the courage and courage into his hands from the fighting space.

The palm the size of a PU fan slapped hard on the ground, and the two fighting spirits sank into the mud. They instantly merged with the long guns evolved from the two pole position props that fell first.

The big man with red hair used a secret method to urge the ancient breath to release. Although he only had his appearance and knew that kukas would find it sooner or later, he still did so in order to leave himself a little time to continue his attack.

When he regained his fighting spirit and accumulated strength, he instinctively felt a trace of danger. The three headed strange snake at his feet noticed the bad smell with the monster\'s intuition.

I saw the three strange snakes hissing, circling their bodies fiercely catapulted out into the distance, and their thick tail beat wildly in the swamp below like a random whip. For a moment, the mud rolled all over the place, and no one could be seen within a radius of tens of feet.

Just as the strange snake ejected in the distance, two Knight\'s long guns burning fighting flame drilled out of the swamp, and then turned into two black lights, which instantly appeared in the back heart of the red haired man.

Seeing that the spear was about to pierce the red haired man, the three headed strange snakes under his feet made bursts of sad and shrill hiss. The strange snake shook its left and right heads and instantly intercepted the route of the long gun.

"Bang! Bang!" almost at the same moment, two long guns were nailed to the two heads of the strange snake.

The fighting spirit contained in the long gun broke out crazily, and the violent ghost cry and fighting spirit went into the head of the strange snake and raged. Hearing a loud bang and blood splashing, the left and right heads of the three strange snakes burst at the same time.

The head of the strange snake was broken, and the long gun turned from the plane prop returned to the virtual shadow in kukas\'s back, while the remaining ghost cry and fighting spirit was still wrapped around the wound of the strange snake.

These remaining ghosts cry and fight to condense two skeletons the size of an adult\'s head, open and close their mouths, and bite the flesh and blood of the strange snake madly.

The strange snake hissed, and the remaining head shook wildly because of pain. The red haired man standing on it noticed something bad, but he didn\'t care about anything for the time being, because he had just accumulated a lot of fighting spirit and was swimming away in his body, ready to make his most powerful attack and directly wipe kukas out of the world.

Now the strange snake is in pain and shaking. He has to be distracted and stay on top of the strange snake for a while. After all, the power of the ultimate killing move he wants to perform will be reduced by more than half without the help of a mount.

Although he didn\'t know what secret method the other party was using, the killing talent clearly told him that the smell of danger became stronger and stronger.

"Do you want a move to kill me? I\'m afraid you don\'t have that ability." kukas narrowed his eyes and smiled strangely. He didn\'t rush to kill again to forcibly interrupt each other\'s secret method, because the broken head of the strange snake grew up again in less than a breath. The newborn head was frantically biting and puffing around, shaking and colliding violently, which not only drove him farther, but also forcibly resisted the long gun he threw.

"Farewell." the backhand grabbed twelve black flags and fused them to form a burning black flag more than three feet high. The black flag shook, and a golden light appeared on the red haired man\'s head. The golden light is tens of feet in size. The golden light shrouded the red haired man in an instant, and then the next moment began to shrink forcibly and return to the void.

"Impossible! The ghost crying knight has never had such a means." seeing that his secret skill was about to be completed, the red haired man found a golden light hanging over him out of thin air. The golden light shrinks, and endless pressure is constantly squeezing towards him from all directions. Even the powerful three headed strange snake can\'t resist the strong pressure.

In a burst of rattle, the body of the three headed strange snake instantly shrunk for several circles, the three big mouths opened, a stream of blood sprayed out of the snake\'s mouth, and the scales the size of a palm were blown out by unknown forces, revealing red and white muscles.

The severe pain made the three headed strange snake roll more violently, but its range of activity became smaller and smaller, and the pressure on its body became stronger and stronger. However, after a breath, the three headed strange snake was like a stiff stone carving, suspended in mid air in a distorted posture.

The golden light is still shrinking. Although the red haired man wants to delay his breathing time, the pressure around him is too great. With the fighting spirit condensed by prayer, cracks began to appear on the half body armor. When the whole half body armor was broken, he would definitely be squeezed into a pool of meat mud by endless pressure and sink in the swamp.

"I can\'t wait any longer. If I wait any longer, I\'m afraid I\'ll be squeezed into meat sauce immediately." thousands of thoughts flashed in the red haired man\'s mind. At the last moment, he forced the unfinished secret method out: "even if it is forced to use the secret method, it will be dangerous to die, but it\'s more cost-effective than others directly killing me."

With such a thought, the red haired man regretted his trust, and forced his fighting spirit to spray out of his feet.

The blue fighting spirit tore the head of the three strange snakes under his feet, and then most of his body instantly melted into the broken snake head.

The flesh and blood rolled back and recovered in an instant. After the snake head recovered, there was only half of the human body on it.

"Roar!" the red haired man uttered an inhuman roar. With his roar, a red short hair suddenly soared for several Zhang long. The red hair spread out from his head like a slender poisonous snake, and then wound around the body of the three strange snakes to form a red armor outside the scale armor.

When the hair braided armor was formed, the body of the three headed strange snake instantly shrunk by more than half, and became a red armored strange snake with a length of seven or eight feet and a thickness of more than one foot.

Some long red hair madly pierced the other two snake heads, but the two snake heads seemed to notice something of fear and shook their heads madly to avoid the control of their master. Flames, venom, Yin Sha and fishy wind erupted from their mouths. The target was not kukas still shaking the black flag, nor the golden light surrounding them, but half of the body of the red haired man in the center.

"Roar! I am your master and you must obey me." the red haired man stiffened his tongue and roared ferociously. He waved his hands, and the turquoise fighting spirit spurted out of his palm madly, and then formed a simple fighting armor.

The hands wrapped in fighting armor beat the left and right snake heads crazily. Each time they beat, the two snake heads shrink by one point.

With the contraction of the snake head, the breath from the red haired man became more and more powerful. The fierce and murderous atmosphere rose into the sky, and even forcibly opened some gaps for the continuously compressed golden light.

"Dying struggle? If your strength is strong again, can it be comparable to the strength of a plane?" kukas roared, instilled his fighting spirit into the burning black flag, and more madly urged the secret method to forcibly extract the original power from the burning plane and come here to suppress each other through the void.

"Get out of this way, you little damn reptile!" half of the body of the redneck haired in a strange snake, leaving a white foam in its mouth, turning its eyes upside down, and breathing into a pair of vertical eyes. In those vertical eyes, the virtual shadow of a nine headed strange snake swam among them.

"Ha!" without waiting for kukas to ridicule him, he fiercely pierced his hands into the left and right snake heads, and then forced his arms to tear off the two snake heads alive.

The broken snake head did not grow again, but changed into two soft whips several feet long on the red haired man\'s hands.

The whip waved and beat wildly like raindrops around kukas. With each whip, some bit sources were polished off by a soft whip.

In this case, kukas was very distressed. He used the secret method to attract the original power in the burning plane to come to this plane. Originally, he consumed a lot because of the endless void and the rules of this plane. Now, with the other party\'s beating, he consumed more original sources of the plane, but he was a little distressed.

"Death!" in order to kill each other, kukas gritted his teeth, but forced more planes to come from the void. Endless plane blessings crunched around the red haired man, and his armor woven with his hair broke instantly.

Seeing that the red haired man with the body of three strange snakes would be squeezed into meat sauce by endless plane original forces, the red haired man shouted wildly. He reached out and dug out his eyes, then opened his mouth and swallowed them.

The next moment, the head full of poisonous snakes suddenly increased three or five times. The rapid increase made the flesh and blood on his head burst, and even the skull flew out, revealing Bai Sensen\'s brain.

A cyan halo spread from his waist and abdomen, and then integrated into the lower body of the strange snake. With the blessing of these auras, the body of the strange snake grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye. The snake\'s body collided with the surrounding surface and made a continuous explosion.

"Damn, how could this happen?" kukas didn\'t expect this to happen when he tried to connect the plane source to kill the enemy for the first time. At first, he always regarded this method as a killer mace, but now even a special Knight at the peak of level 7 can\'t kill or even surround him, which makes him doubt his killer mace.

He was puzzled, but the rapid consumption of the source of the plane made him feel distressed and shake the burning black flag crazily: "Mom, next door, no matter how powerful you are today, I must completely kill you with this thing." the crazy roar in his heart made his already ferocious expression even more ferocious.

Shake the black flag. Every time he shakes it, he will exhaust all his strength. This gives some of the resistance of the plane rule to the plane source, and some to him.

The skin on the thick arm quenched by the secret method burst and exposed the flesh and blood, and even the strongest arm bones appeared cracks one by one. In just a few breaths, the extremely weak force of rule resistance almost completely scrapped his arms, but even so, kukas still didn\'t give up. Things have come to this point, he can not give up, nor willing to give up.

If you give up, you will not only let go of this unknown enemy, but also be entangled by each other and even lose your life. More importantly, he has invested a lot of bit plane sources. If he gives up so, the bit plane sources consumed at first are completely wasted.

Just as he continued to enlarge the source of the plane, the huge head of the red haired man inhaled again and swallowed all his remaining hair.

After swallowing those hair, the head of the red haired man suddenly burst open, and instead, the virtual shadow of a nine headed strange snake appeared in front of kukas.

The nine headed snake\'s virtual shadow didn\'t care about the original power of the constantly squeezed plane around. It just shook its head and devoured the crippled body of the red haired man. Every time you swallow some flesh and blood, the virtual shadow of the nine headed strange snake becomes clearer.

"Put away these things, stranger, or I\'ll eat you." the virtual shadow of the nine headed monster snake is no more than one person, but the danger to kukas is dozens of times or even more than that of the ten foot long three headed monster snake.

The violent dangerous stimulation made his body tremble uncontrollably. He said that he was not afraid of death countless times and struggled on the death line countless times, but he had never felt so dangerous and afraid as today. At this moment, he was so disgusted and afraid of death. His body instinctively retreated, his hands loosened, and the face prop fell off his hands, integrated into his back and disappeared.

Without the connection of the secret Dharma, the endless plane source power began to disappear rapidly, but in a moment, all the plane source power disappeared.

The words of the virtual shadow of the nine headed monster snake were directly transmitted to kukas\'s mind. Although he couldn\'t understand those words, he understood the meaning.

After three or five breaths, kukas reacted.

He took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his fear, and then asked in a deep voice, "Hydra, the nine headed monster snake?"

"Hydra Gaga, the nine headed monster snake, I didn\'t expect anyone to know my name!" the virtual shadow of the nine headed monster snake twisted its body in the air, and its 18 eyes looked at kukas coldly, but there was no half smile. "The resistance to opening the seal is in a maze under the so-called burial place. Only there can the seal be opened, otherwise even if you completely break the mountain, you can\'t save me from the seal."

"As long as you open my seal, I will help you deal with the so-called dragon tooth warriors. Even the whole dragon tooth alliance can help you destroy it." when saying this, there was a trace of excitement in the cold eyes of the nine headed strange snake xudela. Although the excitement flashed by, it could not hide kukas\'s perception. He was easily aware of this under the perception of killing talent. However, the doubt in her heart was born with xudera\'s words.

"How do you know about the Dragon tooth warrior and the Dragon tooth alliance?" kukas narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice. The unknown mystery is terrible. When Xu della promised benefits, his fear of each other disappeared for more than half in an instant.

"Although I have been sealed for countless years, as long as someone mentions my name in the endless void, I can feel it. The weaker the strength, the clearer I feel." the virtual shadow of the nine headed strange snake answered kukas\'s words and quickly devoured the flesh and blood under the person. Its swallowing speed was very fast. In a short time, it ate less than half of the body of the three headed strange snake.

"Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, there are too many in this endless void. Do you know I\'m talking about you?" kukas summoned his ghost crying horse and jumped to the line. A black gun was in his hand, but he was preparing something.

"Every nine headed monster snake is called xudela, and every nine headed monster snake can sense the person who mentions this name." the nine headed monster snake xudela gave a strange laugh, which was like animal roar and rigid words.

"If you want to open the seal, you must find a way to break the maze. Only when you enter the central area of the maze can you find something to unlock the seal."

"What broke the seal was put in the place where it sealed you? Hehe, xudera, do you think such a joke is funny? Can\'t it really be broken by violence? It can only pass through the maze?" kukas didn\'t believe the words of the nine headed monster snake in front of him. In the news he got, the place where the seal was untied was not in the so-called maze, That place is a special place in the burial place. There is the most vulnerable place of the whole seal. As long as he breaks the seal there, even a trace of it can completely collapse the whole seal.