Abyss Knight

Chapter 507

The skeleton\'s hair sobbed and said it was a bite. In fact, kukas\'s hands crossed and cut off the red haired man below.

The red haired man roared, his feet forced, and the fierce fighting spirit gushed out from under his feet. Then he picked up his body and jumped into the sky to meet kukas\'s skull. His hands were also staggered, and the fighting armor on his arms glittered blue. These blue fighting armor walked upstream of the armor, but it activated some secrets of the seal on his armor.

Several special talents are opened at the same time again. Although it will bring heavy pressure to the whole fighting space in a short time, the corresponding talents opened at the same time can greatly improve his strength.

The four arms intersected without any sound, and only a green and black ripple spread around from their collision. The ripple spread and rolled the mud on the ground. Just the aftershock of the collision, it rolled up several feet thick mud within a radius of tens of feet and splashed out in all directions.

At the moment of collision, the skeleton wrapped around kukas broke with a whine, and the fighting armor on the red haired man\'s arms also cracked. The next moment, it was torn apart by the ghost\'s fighting spirit invaded by kukas with all his strength.

The red haired man saw that the fighting armor on his arms was torn, but he cried out in pain. You know, he has been blocked outside the eighth level for more than a hundred years. He spends a lot of time to refine and make his fighting armor every day. In order to become the most powerful existence in the peak of the seventh level, he also wants to make the foundation after being promoted to the eighth level. But now everything is over, the fighting armor is broken, and more than 100 years of hard work is a complete waste.

"Careless!" the red haired man hated in his heart, but this was not the time when he felt distressed. With the help of the collision, he flew out in an instant.

When he flew backward, his mind turned, but he summoned the sleeping mount through a secret method. The fragmentation of fighting armor made him lose his mind and made him give up the idea of trying to break through the seventh level peak for a time.

A beast roared, and a huge six pointed star Dharma array appeared below him. With the roar and Dharma array, three huge triangular heads with horns drilled out of the Dharma array. Each of the three heads is several feet in size. The big man with red hair is standing on the largest head in the center.

Three huge heads stretched out three or five feet above, and the lower body also appeared. A scarlet python with scales appeared in front of kukas.

The boa constrictor has three heads. The three heads shake in the air. The red flame in the center rolls towards kukas like a waterfall, while the head on the left emits a mass of green smoke covering a range of hundreds of feet. All kinds of swamp Warcraft hidden in this range turn into a pile of white bones in an instant after inhaling the green smoke. The head on its right opens its mouth and emits a mass of apricot yellow light. Instead of attacking kukas, the light burst in front of him, forming a thin curtain of light over him and his master. It\'s like wearing a thin layer of armor outside it and its owner.

"Today you have to die, but you destroyed the fighting armor I quenched in advance with the secret method. No, even if you die, I won\'t let you go. I\'ll nail your soul on the split wall so that you can\'t reincarnate forever." the red haired man roared madly with anger on his face.

"It\'s not me that died, but you." kukas held his bare head in one hand and laughed up: "you\'ve lost your fighting armor. You\'re just an ordinary seventh order peak knight. I\'ve killed too many people like you."

While talking, he didn\'t give the other party half a chance to reply. He screamed strangely, his hands shook, but two Knight long guns came out.

"Double wrong kill!"

Two knights\' long guns drew strange arcs in the air at the same time, but one was on the left and the other was on the right. The two were intertwined. Driven by the long gun, the huge body spun wildly, turning into a meteor and drilling towards the red haired man. The hidden black shadow on his back also wriggled wildly under the urging of his fighting spirit, and even stirred the surrounding space to twist, and even appeared small black space cracks.

After summoning his sleeping three headed python, the red haired man found that the breath from the opponent he had been unable to see was powerful. He felt that the other party\'s attack seemed to move the rules of the world, as if it had enveloped all areas tens of millions of miles around. For a moment, he felt that he could not avoid and resist.

"No, I want to be a great eighth order professional, or even a legendary knight. How can a small sixth order Knight kill me?" the red haired man roared reluctantly in his heart, perhaps aware of the owner\'s unwillingness and anger. The three strange Python who had just been summoned made a harsh hissing sound at the same time, and then his body rolled up, His upper body arced in the air to avoid kukas\'s attack, but tore at him from the side.

The black light burst and splashed around from the rotating spear, as if it had turned into stars in the sky, and as if it had turned into an endless black flame, spreading all over the world.

The three strange Python tore and bit, and a fuzzy twisted virtual shadow came out from behind its head. After the virtual shadow emerged, a desolate and ancient breath came out of it. The breath spread and even suppressed the breath sent out by kukas.

The breath was only slightly closed, and the red haired man noticed the change.

"Die!" then the red haired man screamed. At this time, he couldn\'t care about the fighting space. Instead, he forced the fighting spirit beyond the limit to instill it into his arm from the fighting space. These fighting spirits turned into the virtual image of a three headed strange Python on his arm. The virtual image of the three headed strange Python was almost the same as that under him. The next moment, his fist hit the rotating kukas with his forehead.

The sound of Zizi continued. Kukas only felt an extremely vicious force from the other party\'s fist along the long gun into his body. Although these smells were strange, he still clenched his teeth and tried his best to urge shuangcuosha to puncture the red haired man. He knows that he must kill him today, otherwise he will not let him go when the other party slows down. At that time, the red haired man must urge the Warcraft mount to fight with him for a long time.