Abyss Knight

Chapter 509

"It\'s not a damn joke, it\'s a fact." the voice of the nine headed strange snake xudela suddenly became angry, and he wanted to say something, but the virtual shadow of the nine headed strange snake began to dissipate quickly. The flesh and blood of the three headed strange snake that should have died began to recover rapidly in an instant, but in an instant, the half body of the swallowed red haired man appeared on the snake again. But at this time, the red haired man has completely lost any human characteristics.

The scales on the body open and close like fish gills, revealing the scarlet flesh below. What\'s more strange is that the long red hair on his head really turned into red poisonous snakes crawling on his head. The poisonous snakes with thick baby fingers opened their mouths and hissed. They spit red smoke and wound around the whole snake, quickly recovering some wounds on the snake.

"Gaga! Hydra, the nine headed strange snake, thought you were just a legendary existence, but I didn\'t expect there was a creature like you in the world. Well! Tell me, how can I solve your evil?" the resurrected red haired man spit out snake letters, hissing and talking in a strange voice. It sounds as strange as a Warcraft just learned human language.

"Death!" looking at the resurrected red haired man, the virtual shadow of the nine headed strange snake screamed, and then with a big mouth, he tore up the red haired man crazily. The red haired man didn\'t move either. He just coiled in place. Thousands of red snakes on his head were like long whips, constantly beating and killing the virtual shadow of biting the nine headed snake. Every time he bites, the virtual shadow of the hydra is illusory. It looks strange to repeat so much.

"Kill him quickly, he has been resurrected by some gods." Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, shrieked. However, his combat effectiveness became weaker and weaker, and there was no direct means to kill each other at the beginning.

Kukas hesitated when he heard the speech. Now he asked him to attack again, but he was not very confident about his means. For today\'s plan, he had to kill again with the help of the original power of the plane. But with the help of the original power of the plane, the consumption made him distressed. However, considering that he could completely kill those dragon tooth warriors in the future, he made up his mind as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Once again, he gathered twelve flags, which were easily fused together by him, and then formed a long gun. The spear shook and pierced into the void in front of him.

The gun head disappeared into the void, but at the same time, a gun head appeared in the back heart of the red haired man. A large number of plane source forces are blessed in it.

When the gun head appeared, the red haired man didn\'t notice it at all, even the monster instinct didn\'t notice it. He just thought that kukas put the long gun into the void and made a sneak attack on him, but he didn\'t expect that the long gun that didn\'t go into the void directly appeared on his back.

A foot long three edged gun head instantly penetrated the red haired man\'s back, and the original power of the plane conceived in it suddenly burst out, madly destroying his body.

The severe pain made the red haired man scream. His arms burst open and turned into a gold and silver Unicorn snake, one left, one right, one front and one back. One went to wrap around the gun head behind him and wanted to tear it out of his body. One ejected and bit kukas standing in the distance.

"It\'s late!" kukas didn\'t dodge, but with a grimace smile, he waved his fist and hit the oncoming unicorn. The violent ghost cry and fighting spirit wound around the fist, stirred the surrounding space, and finally formed a distorted conical air flow around the fist.

The unicorn opened its mouth and swallowed his arm. At this moment, the shackles hidden in the arm suddenly manifest and then integrate into the unicorn\'s body.

The fierce ghost sobbed and tore the back of the unicorn\'s brain, but even so, the unicorn still didn\'t give up, but instinctively swallowed and wanted to eat kukas.

The severe pain made the red haired man not aware of the virtual shadow of the shackles released by kukas. After the virtual shadow of the shackles followed the snake and integrated into his fighting space, the divine forces entrenched in his fighting space realized that the situation was critical. But when they found out, it was too late. The sigh of falling has already taken root in the fighting space of the red haired man.

Just after the falling sigh was branded in the body of the red haired man with three strange snakes, the Dragon tooth who had been trapped in it took the opportunity to escape. A dragon tooth appeared in the fighting space of the red haired man. Even under the protection of the divine power, the Dragon tooth still tore the space for its own use under some rules, turned into a streamer and flew away in an instant.

A series of changes were only completed in a short breath. After the shackles were branded on the red haired man, kukas turned his mind, but with the help of the original power of the plane, he instantly returned to the burning plane under his control.

He returned to the burning plane, and the red haired man integrated into the strange snake body was forcibly transmitted there under the sigh of falling. Because according to the rule power contained in the falling sigh: all creatures branded by the shackle, no matter what means you have, must wait hundreds of meters beside the shackle holder. Of course, if you don\'t want to be restricted in this way, you can do it only if you don\'t let the shackles imprint on yourself.

After kukas dragged the red haired man integrated with the strange snake back to the burning plane, the virtual shadow of the nine headed strange snake xudela was relieved. "Damn it, the young gods are so rampant that they even plot against my great xudera. Hei hei, when I leave the seal, I will devour not only all of you, but also your believers, and even the position of your believers."

Thinking carelessly, the 18 cold eyes were constantly flashing all kinds of lights. These lights condensed into broken things and flew out of his eyes, or turned into tokens or weapons. All these things melted into the void and disappeared. "If this boy can\'t save me from the seal, someone else will take his place. Ha ha! I\'m too smart."

Just when Hydra, the nine headed monster snake, was complacent, a burning fire cloud suddenly appeared out of thin air in the sky. The fire cloud fell and shrouded an area of nearly ten thousand miles centered on the burial place.

The fire cloud is creeping and hundreds of millions of flames are burning on the ground. In just a few breathing times, it burns the miles of swamp into a magma area. Countless adventurers died instantly, but there was no means to resist the burning of the fire cloud.

Xudera\'s virtual shadow didn\'t escape, but after a few hisses, he stood in the fire and let it burn. He knew that his virtual shadow could barely escape from the sealed land with the help of the secret method used by the red haired man just now. When he swallowed the body of the red haired man just now, he was plotted by some gods, but now he can\'t escape.

"When Lao Tzu comes out, all of you will die." the burning of the fire made xudera feel extremely painful. He gave out bursts of shrill hiss, and then the barely preserved virtual shadow was completely swallowed by the fire. As for the prohibition set by those in the holy alliance, it disappeared without a trace.

However, after kukas returned to the burning plane, he immediately saw the red haired man who integrated into the strange snake body. At this time, the red haired man\'s mind was a little unclear. His whole body was constantly wriggling and changing. Red poisonous snakes began to drill out of his broken back heart, and then fell on the lower half of the snake and merged on it. Only half of his body was exposed and screamed wildly around.

"I\'ll kill you." the red haired man didn\'t notice that his position had changed. He waved two arms that turned into poisonous snakes and beat kukas fiercely. At the same time, the poisonous snakes with changed hair on his head wore in disorder, as if they were catapulted at him.

"Kill me? In this position, who can kill me?" kukas smiled grimly, and his body disappeared in an instant. Then, countless green skins emerged from all directions. These green skins waved simple weapons and rushed up crazily.

A small poisonous snake bit them, but they were excited to grasp the poisonous snake and began the same bite. For a long time, they lived by swallowing their own kind, and now there are other creatures, which makes them more crazy.

The sharp teeth tore the snake\'s body. Before the green skin swallowed the fallen snake\'s body, his body was killed by the venom contained in the snake\'s blood. But now it is a green skin down, but tens of thousands of green skins stand up. They waved all kinds of weapons and sacrificed their precious lives for the pure cause of burning plane.

Ignoring the crazy red haired man, kukas blinked into the central area of the plane with the help of the power of the plane origin, where he returned to the palace.

The female doctor conducted some experiments in a valley not far from the palace community, while the blonde general sat quietly in the palace. Maybe she was practicing secret methods, or maybe she was just thinking about something silently.

Without greeting the blonde general, kukas directly found the female doctor. When he came to the valley, he saw that the female doctor was quietly lying on a stone platform and writing quickly. Around her, there were some tough green people guarding her. Not far away, there were some bodies, including not only those of green people, but also those of green giants.