Abyss Knight

Chapter 506

"Do you think I\'m afraid of you?" looking at the blue armor on the red haired man, kukas was not afraid, but his blood was boiling. After so much experience, he saw for the first time that there were seven level professionals who could condense so many things that only eight level professionals had in advance.

"Has the final say, has the final say, but the holy gods has the final say." the redheaded man slowly rose from the ground and smiled with a smile. "Only when facing death, will you know whether you are afraid or afraid."

Kukas laughed at the speech. In the laughter, he waved his big hand, and a long gun evolved from pole position props appeared in his hand. This time he didn\'t have any reservation, so he showed his killing skills from inheritance.

The long gun trembled, like a flash of lightning, and suddenly appeared in the throat of the red haired man. After several special meridians in his body swam away, they all hid in the long gun and waited for the moment of outbreak. This shot seems to be just a simple speed.

However, the red haired man didn\'t think so. When the long gun hit, he just felt that the space around him was dark, and the endless Yin wind gathered around him madly, and then went crazy into his body along his pores. A scene of killing emerged in my mind, in which countless ferocious monsters rushed up at him from all directions. These monsters made strange whine sounds. These strange whine sounds not only stirred his mind, but also made his fighting space turbulent.

"Is this the real means of ghost crying knight?" the red haired man roared, his mind turned, but he opened his talent. A halo flashed from his body. The halo was golden and formed a three foot golden thirteen awn star array at his feet. Although this talent could not resist the attack of the long gun, it completely cleaned up all kinds of images in his mind in an instant. Even the turbulent fighting space calmed down in an instant. The strange sound hit his fighting space and burst without even lifting a wave.

"Drink!" the red haired man roared, one palm stood up, and a blue barrier burst out on the palm wrapped in blue gloves. The barrier was all inspired by his fighting spirit with secret methods. Although it had no attack ability, it was extremely strong.

Kukas\'s spear hit the barrier, and the fighting spirit hidden in the spear burst out in an instant: the violent ghost crying fighting spirit gushed out from the tip of the spear, turned into a crying skeleton, and hit the barrier hard. There was no loud noise, only the crisp sound of steel collision. The skull rattled and gnawed crazily at the blue barrier in front of the red haired man. Every time he gnawed, the barrier would tremble slightly, and the skull also shrunk a circle.

The red haired man felt that the green barrier he had just released had reduced his defense strength by more than half in the instant collision. He didn\'t dare to wait for kukas\'s second shot to puncture again. Instead, he took a step forward, waved his palm the size of a PU fan and slapped kukas on the head.

The blue fighting spirit spewed out of his palm. These fighting spirit condensed into Ancient Runes in an instant, and then outlined the array method to hide in the void. With the help of the array, it shrouded all the space within a radius of tens of feet.

In the void, there were blue light columns thick and thin of the thumb, the mud rolled below, and more blue light columns drilled out from below. These light columns rose into the sky, entangled with the blue light columns in the air, and then frantically hanged kukas.

"Is it because of his fighting skills or his fighting armor?" seven or eight thoughts flashed in kukas\'s mind, but now he had no time to think specifically.

"Ghosts are crying!" he thought, his arm trembled, and a black gun stabbed 360 gun shadows around him in an instant. The shadow of the gun bloomed and spread around. It touched the gathered cyan light columns and made a slight explosion. After the explosion, the gun shadow was just a little empty, and still spread around like a blooming flower.

The palm of the red haired man touched with the gun shadow. The gun shadow that can easily tear the cyan light column is like fragile glass under each other\'s palm.

The blue big hand tearing gun shadow appeared in front of him. Kukas roared and instantly released the limit of fighting space.

The fierce ghost cry and fighting spirit swam away from him. For a time, his body soared around, and there was a bulge under his skin like a poisonous snake, crawling madly on him.

He threw his long gun and went to puncture the belly of the red haired man. At the same time, his right hand was held high. A lot of ghost sobbing and fighting spirit spewed out of his hand, and then condensed the virtual shadow of the siege hammer.

A lot of fighting spirit was instilled into the right arm, and the condensed siege hammer was completely materialized. Unfortunately, the materialized fighting spirit only gathered together to form all the characteristics of the previous siege hammer, but there were no other special effects. But even so, kukas felt very satisfied with the power generated when he hit the other party\'s big blue hand with a hammer.

The big blue hand collided with the siege hammer with three sharp spikes, making a violent explosion. The blue and black fighting spirit dispersed and wriggled, and the impact blew out holes several feet deep in the mud. Even the blue barrier first released by the red haired man was torn by the scattered fighting spirit in the fierce impact.

In this violent collision, both of them retreated out at the same time. The violent power was transmitted to kukas through his arms, but he did not use his body to resist these forces, but transmitted the powerful power to the sitting ghost crying war horse.

The ghost crying war horse was just summoned by him. How can it resist that powerful force? For a moment, the white bones burst, the war horse neighed, and when the whole ghost cried three or five steps backward, the body of the war horse was torn to pieces by the powerful force.

The red haired man was also uncomfortable. In order to transfer the influence of kukas\'s ghost cry on him, he quickly retreated. Every step backward, he used a secret method to transfer kukas\'s fighting spirit on him to his feet. For a time, the mud rolled under his feet and burst out holes more than Zhang deep. Finally, when he stood firm, all the parts below his knees had sunk into the mud.

"Ghost crying knight, ha ha, I didn\'t see your knight skills, but I saw your fighting spirit. Yes, it\'s worthy of being a knight in ancient times. The fighting spirit is so strange." the red haired man looked at kukas with flashing eyes and laughed.

"Do you want to see my knight skills? Unfortunately, I haven\'t practiced too many skills of ghost crying knight, maybe I\'ll disappoint you." kukas didn\'t waste fighting spirit to carry floating feet, but summoned a new ghost crying horse at the moment when the horse was broken. Now he is sitting on the horse, With a knight\'s long gun in his hand, he was observing a piece of blood in the big man\'s lower abdomen. If he guessed right, the blood was just left by him with a long gun.

"If it\'s just that skill, you don\'t need it. It doesn\'t look interesting." the red haired man sneered. However, he said so, but he felt a little afraid of kukas\'s attack just now. It turned out that the skull biting on the cyan barrier had drilled into his shoulder at the moment when the barrier was broken. If he hadn\'t opened several powerful talents immediately and forced the skeleton out, his whole shoulder would be hoarse and clean by the skeleton, but even so, at that moment, his blood essence was swallowed by the skeleton, a small amount, but it made him very distressed.

"Really? Then I\'ll use a new one. Maybe you\'ll like it." kukas giggled a few times, but once again the limit urged the fighting spirit to start charging.

This time, his fighting spirit was instilled into the ghost crying war horse. The war horse got the help of fighting spirit and immediately screamed. Even the skull on the back tail began to cry. The sound echoed and spread out within seven or eight miles. For a time, all kinds of Warcraft hidden within seven or eight miles began to roll wildly in the mud. They were weaker and couldn\'t resist the cry. They burst their bodies and died directly in the mud tens of meters or even hundreds of meters deep.

The war horse neighed, and a large number of white bones spread on kukas, forming a white bone armor on him. This time, after the formation of the white bone armor, the ghost crying war horse suddenly cracked, and then turned into a black light suspended on his back to form a huge skull virtual shadow.

"Kill!" the endless murderous spirit rose into the sky, and kukas\'s body turned into a streamer and instantly appeared in front of the red haired man. His arms were raised, and the ghost sobbed and fighting spirit spewed out from his palm, but it did not form a siege hammer. Instead, he hooked the skeleton behind him, wrapped him up, and completely turned into a skeleton. Then he had a big mouth and bit the big man with red hair.

As soon as the red haired man transferred the ghost cry and fighting spirit from his body, he saw that the skull turned into kukas was torn down in the air.

"What a arrogant boy, do you think you can defeat me by using the knight\'s secret method?" although the red haired man felt the threat brought to him by the skeleton, he was not frightened, but his fighting spirit was high. He didn\'t use a horse to fight with kukas this time, just wanted to create danger artificially to make his cultivation stagnant for more than 100 years further, in order to find an opportunity to break through level 8.