Abyss Knight

Chapter 505

The long gun flew across the sky and made a shrill whistling sound, like lightning, but it appeared in the void a few miles away.

The rapidly flying spear stopped instantly, and a visible ripple spread from the top of the spear to the surrounding. Which spear was spinning slowly in the air, trying to tear the hidden forbidden defense in the void. Unfortunately, the defense was too strong. After a few breaths of stalemate in the air, the fighting spirit on the long gun was consumed, and the long gun also fell to the ground and disappeared.

"Arrogance!" through the fighting spirit attached to the long gun just now, kukas felt that the intensity of those prohibitions was not insurmountable. He roared, grabbed the projection of a pole position flag with his backhand, and then threw it out as a long gun in order to break the prohibitions hidden in the virtual air.

When the long gun flew into the air and was about to hit the prohibition in the void, suddenly a big hand poked out from behind the void. When the big hand grabbed it, it grabbed the long gun. There are blue gloves on the big hand that constantly burst out of fighting spirit. The gloves collided with the ghost cry fighting spirit attached to the long gun, and constantly burst out. The Black Ghost cry fighting spirit scattered everywhere, but they can\'t tear the defense on the glove.

"Hey, hey! I thought you guys were like rats, holding back inside and afraid to come out!" kukas was not angry, but grinned.

The ripple wriggled in the void, and the master of the big hand came out from behind the prohibition hidden in the void. The visitor was about 2.45 meters tall and dressed like kukas. Except for an animal skin skirt around his waist, other parts were exposed. He has short red hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a national character face, and blue armor on his arms. The armor is wrapped and cracked with fighting spirit. With his scars, he looks very tough.

"Boy, the burial place is the residence of our holy alliance. What crime should you commit if you attack and break into here without reason?" the red haired man sneered, shot his eyes, and threw kukas\'s long gun to the ground.

"When did this burial place belong to your holy alliance? Ha ha! There\'s no need to say any excuse to stop me from going to the burial place. Why pretend like this?" kukas laughed at the speech, but he understood that the man in front of him was originally to intercept the adventurers of Yingya Castle. But at this time, he didn\'t want to go back and let the people of Yingya castle fight, because he knew that the people of the Holy Alliance had already regarded him as the people of Yingya castle.

"Pretend? Boy, this burial place is controlled by our holy alliance. I don\'t think you\'re from Yingya castle. You\'d better leave now and don\'t wade in this muddy water." the red haired man knew from kukas\'s attack that although the strength of the bald knight in front of him was a little worse than him, he was extremely strong. Now he\'s just trying to delay time, That\'s why I said this.

"Joke, don\'t ink, since I came with them, I never said the reason to leave halfway." kukas sneered, opened his mouth and roared, but it urged the ghost to cry, and the war horse rushed towards the red haired man who came out of the void like a strong wind.

A black gun evolved from pole position props appeared in his hand. The long gun shook and shrouded all the space within a few meters. The violent evil fighting spirit exploded on the gun head, forming a fighting light curtain, and quickly pressed the red haired man.

"A small skill of carving insects!" the red haired man showed disdain, but waved with one arm. The blue light on one big hand flashed like a grinding plate and hit the gun shadow of kukas.

There was a violent collision, and both of them took a few steps back. Kukas\'s face armor glowed red, but it showed his inner surprise. In the collision just now, he finally noticed the particularity of the gloves on the arm of the red haired man in front of him. It turned out that it was not the armor made of magical materials, but the armor condensed by the other party with fighting spirit. The fighting spirit on it burst from time to time. It is obvious that it has not been completely condensed.

The red haired man was also surprised. The fighting spirit just attacked him was one third of his own fighting spirit limit. He thought he could kill kukas with the suppression of fighting spirit, but he was stubbornly resisted.

When the two of them collided and retreated, the adventurers of Yingya Castle didn\'t watch the excitement in place, but seven or eight soldiers jumped out and left and right to encircle the red haired man. Some mages had locked him in front of the magic and were ready to unite with kukas to kill each other. As for the remaining adventurers, they took out some boxes to play with, and it seemed that they wanted to start the magic crystal ejector.

Kukas did not resent the moves of the adventurers of Yingya castle, but stepped up the offensive in order to unite with others to kill each other as soon as possible. He didn\'t want to delay at all now. He thought of dozens of strong killing intentions circling in the sky and possible pursuers in the rear, but he didn\'t have half a chivalry. Of course, he hasn\'t done it before. In his opinion, this is just a profession. The so-called chivalry is just an invisible shackle set by the controller in those years.

The red haired man had planned to use means to fight with kukas, and finally killed the matter. He didn\'t think that this change occurred in the end. He was not a kill. Seeing the situation, he immediately stepped back, quickly integrated into the void behind him, and disappeared behind the prohibition.

A series of attacks fell on the open space, only the mud splashed under the explosion. Some Warcraft wails waiting for food were completely silent, and their bodies were dragged by the remaining Warcraft to the deeper part of the swamp to hide.

"I\'m afraid the whole burial place is surrounded by this prohibition." a mage used a crystal ball to constantly detect the surrounding situation, and finally said a result that made everyone feel depressed.

"Attack, tear all the prohibitions here." kukas waved, and two long guns hidden in the earth for sneak attack flew back and hid in his back.

In fact, there was no need for him to speak. The young controller had already issued the order of attack with a ferocious face. When the box was opened, countless streamers turned into scrolls flew out of the holes. These streamers flew through the void, fell on the ground in the distance, and constantly exploded, but they were not blocked by the forbidden half. However, the attacks of mages and other professionals were blocked by the prohibition in the void.

"Good! Good! Good! What a good means." just as kukas was still thinking about why the prohibition let go of the scroll alone, the controller on one side laughed angrily. He gave his men a hard look, and then continued to order them to take out more boxes to start bombing and attacking the mountains and surrounding areas of the burial place.

"I\'ll go somewhere else." kukas frowned slightly and found that these people\'s attacks only made the prohibition hidden in the void ripple in circles, so he didn\'t want to stay here.

"Well, I have a situation here. I\'m afraid only you can break this prohibition." the young controller took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "In fact, we are not here to collect any keel grass, but to open a legendary seal and release the sealed creatures. Although our scroll can attack, the power of the scroll is too small. No matter how many, we can\'t open the seal. Now the prohibition arranged by the Holy Alliance here is specifically aimed at Ours. "

Kukas was not in the mood to listen to each other\'s nagging. He just nodded, identified the direction and wanted to go around to the opposite side to check the situation.

After kukas reached the other direction of the burial place, before he tried to attack the prohibition, he saw a figure flash out of the void in front of him. The figure was no one else, but the red haired man who would retire.

"Ha ha! Boy, you\'ll rely on more people to deal with me. Now I don\'t take advantage of you, so I\'ll take a picture alone and compete with you." the red haired man laughed up and looked at kukas with a joking face.

"It\'s not an advantage for the knight at the top of the seventh level to fight with me, a sixth level knight?" kukas Pooh disdainfully, but he was disgusted by the other party\'s words.

"Although I\'m a knight, I don\'t need to ride today. Can\'t this resist the gap of a rank?" the red haired man looked ugly.

"I\'m afraid you don\'t have a mount that can take your hand!" kukas sneered and didn\'t talk nonsense to the other party. He directly pulled a long gun into a streamer and threw it at the other party.

"Hum!" the red haired man inhaled fiercely, then raised his hands high, stood on the swamp, roared, and slapped the long gun thrown at kukas fiercely. Without any exception, the long gun was smoothly shot by him and sank in the swamp below.

"Those who disobey the advice of the divine alliance must die; only in the kingdom of the gods can you wash away your sins." The red haired man suddenly looked sacred and serious. After flying kukas\'s long gun, he knelt on one knee and prayed loudly. With his end, the fighting spirit on the blue gloves on his arms suddenly converged. Finally, it not only solidified completely, but also spread upward from the bend of his arm, but spread to his chest and abdomen in a short moment , forming a blue half body armor.