Abyss Knight

Chapter 502

Some scattered adventurers formed teams here and joined forces to enter the death swamp. Although kukas was not familiar with the situation here, he did not unite with other adventurers. On the contrary, he rushed into the death swamp alone.

The ghost crying war horse burning the green phosphorous fire ran quickly in the dead swamp. Regardless of the swamp or sheep intestines path ahead, it ignored it and stepped directly in the past. There is no need to avoid those swamps that can swallow people. He moves forward very fast.

According to the information collected by the old priest of the Danu Protoss, he kept adjusting his direction towards the location of the sealed Hydra, the nine headed monster snake.

Along the way, he met many adventurers, some of whom were hostile to him, but gave up because of his speed. Others wanted to win him over and make him a scout in their team, but kukas also refused.

In the death swamp, whether day or night, it seems dark and depressed. Some strange crows squat on the dry trunk and quack. Their dark eyes stare at the adventurers who break in, waiting for their death and the emergence of food.

The twisted and dry trunk pierced the sky. From time to time, the bones of some unknown creatures could be seen hanging on it. The breeze blew, and the bones collided, making a jingling sound. Some trees with holes make a strange whistling sound when the wind blows, which makes people feel extremely dangerous.

Kukas has entered the death swamp for dozens of days. During this period, he tried to bypass all kinds of strange places and just headed for the sealed place. At this time, he often walked a day without seeing a team of adventurers. If it weren\'t for some powerful Warcraft from time to time in the swamp, he thought he had entered a place without any vitality.

Those Warcraft are very fierce. Although their rank is not high, most of the things on Warcraft are extremely expensive. However, in order not to waste time, kukas does not fight with these Warcraft, but relies on the speed to leave them far behind and let them roar.

The ghost crying war horse quickly moved forward in a large swamp. The green flame on its four hoofs was very weak. The burning green phosphorus flame entrusted its body to walk in the swallowing swamp. When the green flame disappeared, kukas jumped up from it and jumped into the air more than ten meters high.

The war horse hissed. Under the strong power of kukas, its body plunged into the swamp. Before its body completely disappeared into the swamp, those Warcraft living in the swamp rushed to tear it into pieces. At the moment of its death, kukas summoned a ghost crying war horse to continue on his way.

Turn around and watch the swamp area that keeps rolling but no creatures drill out. Kukas knows that under each swamp, there are some strange Warcraft hidden. They don\'t show themselves at all. They just swim in the swamp under the cover of mud and wait for food.

After passing through the swamp quickly, kukas saw a green in front of him. Yes, there was a large green grassland in the dark death swamp. Of course, the grassland will not stay here for a long time. Every time, they will disappear and become swamps, or move on the earth and elsewhere by themselves.

After more than ten days of non-stop driving, kukas was very tired physically and mentally. Now there is such a green space here. He happens to have a rest here.

Shaking the mud on his black cloak, the bald man gave a low shout of joy. After stepping on the green space and finding a place that looked good, he jumped off the war horse and lay heavily on it. He stretched himself out and lay down for a long time. Then he sat up and took out some food to eat.

The spirits brewed by the black robes under the blonde general, the bacon made by the female doctor, and the strange bread and a small amount of honey made by the female general in one attempt.

"Well, there are still three days to go. I hope the terrain there hasn\'t changed much." kukas carefully looked at the magic map on his knee as he stuffed food into his mouth. "I don\'t know if the people of the Dragon tooth alliance noticed that I was here."

Looking at the map, I wondered about the possible seal, how to deal with the people of the Dragon tooth alliance after they appeared, and whether xudera would abide by the promise of that year after unlocking the seal for the nine headed monster snake.

I don\'t know how long it took. After he drank all the liquor in his hand, he suddenly found that there were several black spots in the direction he came from. The black spot moved very fast, which made kukas alert. He knew that in this death swamp, most Warcraft were hidden in the mud and almost never showed their body. Now there are several black spots, which are likely to be a group of adventurers. The adventurers are even more ferocious than those Warcraft in this death swamp. Many of them rely on hunting other weak adventurers to get all kinds of harvest.

After finishing his cloak, kukas jumped onto the horse. He knew that when he saw the black spots, the other party must have seen him. Now the only thing he can do is wait for those people to appear.

The big hand turned over, and the black flag hidden on his back suddenly appeared in his hand. The black flag fluttered and turned into three feet long. For a long time, the flag was rolled on the flagpole, forming a knight\'s long gun.

The waiting time was not long, but after seven or eight breathing times, the black spot became several shadows in his sight. Finally, when the adventurers rushed to the edge of the green space, he saw the people thoroughly.

Five strange carriages, but the one pulling the vehicle is not an ordinary Warcraft, let alone a war horse, but a Warcraft like a pangolin. Kukas has seen this kind of Warcraft. It is a powerful Warcraft living in the swamp. They can release magic attacks. With the help of the terrain of the swamp, they can often release negative spells affecting hundreds of meters. Kukas met many times. If these Warcraft didn\'t live alone, even his ghost crying war horse would be entangled by this kind of Warcraft no matter how fast it was. Although that won\'t endanger his life, it can waste a lot of his time.

The Warcraft pulling the cart was swamp Warcraft, and the cart looked strange. It was long and narrow, like a widened sled. Some magic runes and Dharma arrays are carved on it, so that the sledge like car will not be swallowed by the swamp.

These adventurers have men and women. They all wear gray robes and wear a five pointed star medal on their chest. It is obvious that they are all powerful.

These people just glanced at kukas, then got out of the car and began to prepare food in an orderly manner at the edge of the green space. They talked in a low voice, while kukas squinted at the people. Under the perception of his killing talent, these people had no intention of killing, so his vigilance suddenly weakened a lot.

"This friend, we are from the shadow tooth castle. I think we will have a rest here and won\'t disturb you! We have no malice, and you don\'t have to worry about anything." a young man walked up to kukas in the crowd, waved his body and instructed his companion with an exaggerated posture.

Kukas understood what he meant. He knew that the other party was talking about a lot of his companions. If there was a threat to him, he would have killed him long ago, rather than talking nonsense to him here.

"Yes, where are you going?" kukas took a deep breath, shook his head and asked in a deep voice.

"Well, we shouldn\'t bother you when we go there!" the young man of Yingya Castle said with a strange smile: "this is the death swamp. Maybe you\'re here for the first time and don\'t know the rules here?"

"Just curious." kukas habitually touched his bald head, suddenly changed the topic and asked, "do you know a place called the burial place?"

As soon as kukas said this, the people of the shadow tooth Castle almost all focused on him at the same time. They put down their food and water and took out their weapons instead.

"The place of burial? Is it special? Maybe we are all the way? Our destination is that place?" kukas giggled. He looked at the nervous faces of those people and felt so funny.

"It\'s very special, you go there too?" a woman\'s voice sounded.

"Well, go there and find something. If it\'s all the way, maybe we can go together. It\'s better to take care of the road. But don\'t worry, my speed is not much worse than you." while talking, he stretched out his hand to point out the ghost cry and the strange voice of the war horse: "anyway, our destination is the same. We\'ll meet again sooner or later."

"Aren\'t you afraid we\'ll kill you?" the woman\'s voice sounded again.

"No one can kill me, either now or in the future." kukas suddenly remembered what the old priest of the Danu Protoss said about the long river of time. At that time, he wanted to ask the other party about the long river of time in detail, but the other party refused to tell him. "Will future enemies project to kill me now?"

"Ha ha! Of course. Our final destination is the same, but it doesn\'t mean that what we\'re looking for is the same." the young man of the shadow tooth Castle glared at his own people, but he was complaining about the woman talking.