Abyss Knight

Chapter 501

"Some people died, but they still appeared. How to explain?" after listening to the words of the old priest, kukas couldn\'t help thinking of the strange situation he encountered when he and the crazy caster worked for the bloody place.

"Dead still appeared?" the old priest was stunned when he heard the speech. It was obvious that he had never encountered such a situation: "is it a person who pretended to die?"

"It should not be. I heard that the man was really dead, and he had been dead for a long time." kukas frowned slightly and said his experience briefly.

"The supreme existence. The person who shows your dreams is absolutely the supreme existence. As for the person who can give gifts to others, he is estimated to be extremely powerful. Although he may have fallen, he still exists in the long river of time in the past. He projected the past into the future after death and did something, maybe only the supreme existence The old priest\'s face looked a little bad. He walked back and forth uneasily for a few times, then waved his scepter and said in a deep voice: "You go to the piros position as soon as possible, and there will be an accident in the province. Although the people of the Dragon tooth alliance don\'t know that there is a hydra there, we asked for the news. Compared with it, it won\'t take long for them to know the news. If they were the hands of glory, their intelligence might be faster."

"Are there any restrictions on that side?" kukas asked uncertainly.

"There are no rules. Legends can kill mortals, gods can kill low-level professionals, and living is the only restriction there." the old priest coughed a few times and said with some embarrassment: "we Danu Protoss are very unpopular there, so we can\'t help you this time."

"Well, I can come back to life when I die." kukas nodded, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the remaining fenlia warriors and giants around him. "Find someone to lead them to continue to pursue and kill the fuberger immediately, even if it doesn\'t matter to consume all the fenlia warriors."

"Don\'t worry about this. I can\'t say that before you come back, we killed the faubourg."

"Is this possible? Your means are too low. You are reluctant to spend a lot of money and waste a lot of time doing things." Kukas giggled a few times, but stopped talking. Instead, he reached out and grabbed the black flag on his back, and then shook it in his hand. A golden crack more than one person tall appeared in front of him, went straight into the crack, and instantly returned to the burning plane.

After he returned to the burning position, the female doctors and blonde generals still had no way to deal with the Dragon tooth. Hundreds of black robed professionals participated in it, and there was no way to solve it. Kukas even tried to throw the Dragon tooth into the face source and suppress it with the help of the source, but it was still useless.

"Has the essence blood of the natural Banshee recovered?" kukas looked at the female doctor strangely, and then asked in a low voice.

"It will take at least a hundred years for the natural Banshee to fully recover. Can\'t you stand it? I heard that the skills of the natural Banshee in bed are even better than the siren Banshee." the female doctor blinked her big eyes and smiled softly: "But the natural goddess has been taught by the general. Maybe you should see her. A pure natural goddess, many people will have a strong desire for her."

"Possessive desire? I only have possessive desire for you now." Kukas picked up the female doctor, ignored the blonde general who was writing, and then took her to the room beside him. Listening to a tempting groan, the blonde general angrily lost the paper in his hand, and then his hands danced in the air. A trace of golden fighting spirit flew out of her fingertips. These fighting spirits were in the air Her head condensed into a golden lotus, and then disappeared in the air. In this way, it shielded the tempting groan.

Kukas didn\'t know what happened to the blonde general. Now he is riding on the ass of a female doctor like a knight.

"I\'ll call the goddess over for you to see." the female doctor screamed in a burst of intense excitement. After shaking her body several times, she pulled the rope on the bed to make the natural goddess come to cheer.

"No, I\'ll take the woman in front of the prince when I deal with him later. Ha ha!" when he thought of this way, he not only didn\'t feel ashamed, but shouted excitedly.

"It will take a hundred years for the natural Banshee to recover." let the female doctor lie on her. Kukas quietly hugged her and asked in a deep voice, "if I have her now, what are the chances of directly becoming level 8?"

"It\'s less than a tenth chance. You can succeed after five years of patience. Why worry?" the female doctor looked up at kukas and asked.

"I\'m going to deal with some things in a 12th level plane. I want to improve my strength without any side effects before that." kukas didn\'t hide his plan and said in detail the methods to deal with the Dragon tooth soldiers. Finally, he mentioned the danger of that plane.

"Let the general go with you!" the female doctor was silent. She knew she could not help kukas in this matter, but could give him some suggestions.

"I died there and can be resurrected. But the general can\'t do this. She has been hiding here for so long. I\'m afraid she really has something to do. It\'s better not to disturb her. Moreover, in case of any accident there, she will fall completely." shaking her bald head, kukas rejected the proposal of the female doctor.

"Well!" the female doctor snorted, and then wrapped kukas tightly like a beautiful snake again, madly lingering with him.

After resting in the burning plane for more than ten days, kukas entered the piros plane through the center of the plane.

When he first entered the Pyrrhus plane, kukas did not find any difference between it and the Trojan plane, but he found the uniqueness of the Pyrrhus plane after he left the huge transmission base and went outside.

Leaving the transmission base through the magic gate, what appeared in front of him was not a prosperous city, but an endless wilderness. A large number of professionals walk in the wilderness, and some have built simple tents to do business or accommodation here.

In the sky, streamers are constantly passing and colliding with each other, and bursts of violent magic waves and morale waves are released with the collision of streamers.

From time to time, professionals who are level 8 fly quickly in the air, and no one covers up their breath. They try their best to release their breath, so that those who have misgivings about themselves have some scruples. Here, no one will hide their strength, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, because that will bring them a lot of trouble. Although they can pretend to be forced, they waste a lot of time and energy. Here, no one can be sure how many legends and gods are behind a erbi youth who comes to trouble you.

When leaving the transmission base, kukas got a free plane map. Similarly, the plane map did not record all the places in the plane, because the people in the plane had not completely detected the plane. Or after the detection is clear, they are not willing to contribute.

Although the plane map was not comprehensive, kukas found the location of the sealed nine headed strange snake xudela on it. The passage of time did not make the swamp of ancient times disappear, but expanded a little with the passage of time. Up to now, the swamp is tens of millions of miles in size.

Countless Warcraft monsters live in the huge swamp. Some professionals hunt these Warcraft monsters to obtain materials or crystal stones, so as to trade with others to get what they want. Fortunately for kukas, the swamp is very close to the plane transmission base where he is now. According to his speed, he can get there in three days without accident. Of course, after he paid a lot of magic spars, he returned to the transmission base and arrived there directly through the fixed-point transmission gate.

There are tens of millions of miles of swamps, including high mountains and tens of thousands of miles of grassland. In some legends, the high mountains here are transformed by countless legends and the weapons of the gods over a long period of time. It is said that someone once found dozens of legendary weapons in a suddenly emerging swamp mountain. He not only got a lot of inheritance from them, but also obtained a lot of materials by selling those weapons. Of course, although he died because of his wealth, it greatly stimulated the professionals who entered the swamp for adventure.

Countless professionals enter it every day, and countless professionals die in it every day. Some people get a lot of harvest, and more people stay there forever. Death and wealth have slowly increased the attraction of the swamp, because many people have directly obtained the legendary crystal skull from it, and many people have found the divine personality of the gods in it. The success of these people makes more people enter them crazily. They know that the hope is very slim, but they still think they are one of the lucky ones. They want to make a big splash and rise to the sky step by step.