Abyss Knight

Chapter 503

"You\'ve been there many times?" kukas urged the killing talent with all his strength and constantly felt the adventurers of these shadow tooth castles. In his opinion, as long as he found that there was murderous spirit in the young man in front of him, he would not hesitate to kill each other. He believed that with his own strength, only one move was enough to kill each other.

"No, this is the first time." the young man of Yingya Castle shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, I suggest you\'d better not follow us, because someone is chasing us and they don\'t want us to reach the burial place."

"Ha ha! Coincidentally, I\'m afraid someone is chasing me now, and they don\'t want me to reach the burial place." kukas\'s fierce light flickered in his eyes, and there was nothing hidden to release his murderous spirit: "maybe we can unite to resist those pursuers."

When he said this, he burst into a fierce fight, and the fierce ghost cry wrapped around his arm, and then turned into the virtual shadow of the siege hammer. The young man of the shadow tooth Castle didn\'t understand why kukas suddenly broke out of murderous spirit. Although he felt that the murderous spirit was not aimed at himself, he still immediately stepped back dozens of steps. A bright Hand Axe appeared in his hand, but he was ready to kill.

At the same time, the knight\'s long gun in his right hand trembled and shrouded in the front right.

"Bang! Bang!" the two voids exploded at the same time. With the explosion, two groups of flesh and blood emerged from the air and scattered on the ground.

When he dispersed his fighting spirit and shook the knight\'s long gun, kukas giggled: "ha ha! These two lurks should not be your people! I\'m sorry, they are too close to me."

As soon as kukas said this, the adventurers of the shadow tooth castle looked embarrassed. They knew that the two lurks were definitely not their people, because the lurks of their team had been lost in the previous battle. At this time, there are lurks. Don\'t guess, they are definitely sent by the enemy.

"I think as long as we look for different things, we can do it." the young man of Yingya Castle seems to be the controller of the whole team. He doesn\'t discuss with others. After a little thought, he tells the reason why they came here: "It\'s called keel grass. We\'ve gone to many places where keel grass is produced, but we haven\'t found it. If we have it here this time, we must get it."

"I remember it should be easy to find in the trading market!" Kukas picked up the broken meat on the ground with a long gun and threw it little by little into the far swamp. The blood and meat scattered in the swamp and were swallowed by the hidden Warcraft below. The mud rolled and occasionally saw some strange limbs exposed from the mud, but they disappeared before others could see it clearly.

"The keel grass on the trading market is actively planted. Such keel grass is not only expensive, but also has no erosion of years. Its efficacy is much worse than that of the wild." The young man of the shadow tooth Castle put away his axe with his back hand. His gray cloak was windless, and a black light flew out under the wide cloak. The black light rolled up the scattered blood and meat on the ground, and even the soil and grass leaves stained with blood into the swamp.

"What I need is not keel grass, but to open a secret room left by my predecessors. Well, maybe you can open that secret room with me. I think there must be some good things in it." kukas laughed after habitually touching his bald head.

Looking at kukas\'s strange smile and the fierce light flashing in his eyes from time to time, the young man of Yingya Castle also smiled: "no, after all, the secret room is yours, and we\'d better not go in. Well! Maybe there are some mechanisms waiting for us to trigger?"

"No! No! No! How can there be a mechanism? As a temporary ally, I promise you that there is no mechanism in the secret room. The premise is that you must open the secret room to get the things inside. I think you will be crazy about the things inside." Imagine that he opened the seal and the fierce beast xudera came out of it. The adventurers of these shadow tooth castles will be absolutely crazy.

"Yes! We are only temporary allies after all." the controller of the shadow tooth Castle adventurers smiled strangely. He understood the meaning of adding the word temporary in front of the ally. For this reason, he skillfully changed his name when he said his intention. Well, although it seems a little unkind, they thought it was extremely normal.

The two sides with evil intentions have made a simple alliance. There is no covenant, no witness, and no oath. Some are only temporary alliances and cooperation.

After whispering, the two sides simply finalized some general frameworks, and finally the alliance became.

In order to celebrate the alliance, the people of Yingya Castle also took out a large number of luxury drinks from the magic ring to celebrate. Of course, the celebration time is very short, just a glass of drinks.

After resting for more than three magic hours, kukas and them set foot on the journey again. During this period, the two sides compared the map and found that although the drawing on the map was surprised, there was little difference.

With the vehicles pulled by swamp Warcraft, kukas was too lazy to ride his ghost crying horse. It doesn\'t matter if there is one more person in the vehicle.

"Who\'s chasing you?" the young man asked kukas loudly.

"You\'d better not know. I\'m afraid I\'ll scare you away." kukas laughed loudly. Beside him sat a female mage. The female mage looked carsick and was holding his arm tightly. Her face was pale, her eyes were closed and panting hurriedly. This feeling made him very comfortable. After entering the death swamp for more than ten days, there was depression everywhere, which made him want to relax. Now the female mage has given him this opportunity. As for whether he can succeed in the end, it depends on the female mage\'s idea.

You know, most of the success of one night stands depends on women\'s psychology. If she wants it, she can definitely succeed.

"Who is the force against you?" kukas shook his bare brain bag, glanced at the female mage next to him, and then asked the controller loudly.

"You\'d better not know. I\'m afraid I\'ll scare you away." the young controller returned what kukas had just said to him.

"Ha ha! I haven\'t been afraid of any forces yet." kukas smiled grimly at his speech.

"Really?" the young controller looked at him with an extremely strange look, and then whispered, "the holy alliance, you know? The garbage of the holy alliance is chasing us."

"Holy alliance? It\'s just a small force. Don\'t worry. Their lurks are coming and I\'ll help you deal with them." kukas laughed with a careless look.

"Small force? Maybe! But are you sure you really don\'t want to run away?"

"We have formed an alliance, well, go to the burial place together." kukas touched the bare brain bag and smiled: "by the way, which power does your shadow tooth Castle belong to?"

"Freedom forces, we are the local forces in the Pires position. Although we are not strong, we don\'t think it is necessary to take refuge in other organizations," the young controller said in a deep voice.

The conversation soon ended. The vehicles pulled by the swamp Warcraft were very fast. The strong wind with the smell of death and ominous blew past our ears, which made everyone feel a little depressed. Especially kukas. He was not familiar with the people of the shadow tooth castle. He thought that more people could talk about some things, but now dozens of people are silent together, which is more depressing than his silence alone.

"One day, I want no one in the world to chase me." looking at the changing gray scene in front of him, kukas crazy grew the idea.

All the way, the swamp Warcraft almost didn\'t have to rest. Every few magic hours, the casters took out a lot of meat and threw it to the three pangolin like Warcraft. After eating the food, these Warcraft recovered their strength and began to run wildly again.

During the three-day and three night journey, they didn\'t encounter any attack from Warcraft because of the speed. They didn\'t stop until they were about to reach the burial place.

There are more than a hundred miles from the burial place. This distance is only half a magic time for kukas, and for the casters of the seventh level peak, the hundred miles is the best place for them to release some special spells.

Through magic props, kukas began to observe the mountain hundreds of miles away. The peak stands alone in a swamp with a large number of black dry trees. These trees are different from those in other places. Instead of hanging white bone corpses, there are bumps the size of an adult\'s head.

The adventurers of shadow tooth Castle did not make a sound. When kukas observed the mountain, they began to take out metal boxes more than one person high from magic bags and magic rings. They fixed and adjusted the boxes with some strange supports, and the casters nervously released their mental power to check the boxes again and again.

"What is this? Special magic props?" after finishing his observation, he was curious about the boxes played by these people.

"No, it\'s just a small excitation device. Well, there are some space Dharma arrays in it. Although they are very simple, they are very good to use." the controller laughed, and he still introduced his things with exaggerated body language without half concealment.