Abyss Knight

Chapter 500

"Siren\'s wail! According to what you said, if I guessed correctly, the horn must be the siren\'s wail." the old priest of Danu Protoss frowned and said in a deep voice: "this siren\'s wail has always been controlled by the members of the hand of glory. How could it be lost in a cave and found by a prophet?"

"Maybe the people of the glorious hand joined them." hearing the words, kukas\'s eyes flashed fiercely, but he remembered some messy things between him and the glorious hand: "well, this time the enemies gathered together and solved it at one time."

"You really have a lot of enemies, and they are all powerful disciples."

"Maybe, but there aren\'t many people alive. I think I won\'t have any living enemies soon." kukas touched his bald head and smiled grimly. He cracked his big mouth with a strange smile, and then asked in a deep voice, "is there anything about the origin of the siren\'s cry?"

"Yes, the cry of the banshee is actually a fake thing used by a powerful debauchery deep-sea Banshee in ancient times for fun. Later, after she was accidentally killed by a passing legend, the fake thing she often used absorbed some of her blood essence and finally evolved into something that can summon countless male Warcraft. ER! In fact, the deep-sea Banshee disliked it Her race can\'t satisfy her, so she liked to cooperate with Warcraft very much. "The old priest of Danu Protoss whispered strangely," to tell the truth, I feel sick when I think of some people playing with that horn. "

"I see." kukas didn\'t feel any nausea. He just wanted to know the origin of the thing and try to fight it. In addition, he didn\'t have too many associations in other aspects, and the old priest of the Danu Protoss obviously thought of something he couldn\'t accept.

"Is there any way to resist?"

"Yes, I asked people to buy some special magic props in the trading market. These magic props can shield the effect released by the siren\'s cry within a certain range. Well, be careful. We noticed that some legends of the Dragon tooth alliance are flying towards the fallen mountain. If there is any accident, we should leave as soon as possible."

"Find a way to help me divine where the faubourg is now." kukas narrowed his eyes and stared at the projection of the old priest of the Danu Protoss. "Don\'t tell me any shit rules. I believe the faubourgs have broken the rules long ago."

"But" the old priest of the Danu Protoss wanted to say something, but he was rudely interrupted by kukas.

"There\'s nothing, but, priest, I think you should know that I\'m sleeping uncontrollably in the fallen mountains. Do you think this is what the professionals at the top of the seventh level can do? For the possible cooperation in the future, help me figure out the current position and specific situation of those people." kukas waved his hand and quickly muttered: "By the way, find out how to deal with the Dragon tooth warrior."

"OK! But I suggest you wait until I find out the method of the Dragon tooth warriors for you. Anyway, you can\'t resist their dragon tooth warriors now," said the old priest.

"Unfortunately, my green skins are not in this plane." kukas took a deep breath and laughed strangely.

"Even if your green skins appear in this position, I\'m afraid they are not the opponent of the Dragon tooth warriors of the Dragon tooth alliance." the old priest of the Danu Protoss whispered to himself, but didn\'t say it, because he didn\'t want to argue with kukas.

The two talked for a short time. Finally, the old priest of the Danu Protoss hurried to collect information for kukas. Kukas sat on the head of a giant and urged the team to continue to pursue and kill according to the traces left by the fubergers.

"Even if these thousands of fenliya warriors and hundreds of giants die, I can\'t let you rest for half a minute." kukas narrowed his eyes and thought about something. He was thinking whether the ripple spell in the valley was released from the scroll or stored there for human prohibition, waiting to give him a fatal blow.

In a flash, three or two days later, kukas\'s team collided with those dragon tooth warriors seven or eight times. Each time, at least dozens of fenlia warriors died in the battle. But even so, kukas still didn\'t give up.

In his opinion, if dozens of fenlia warriors die at a time, such consumption is too small. He has plenty of fenlia warriors to consume. What he cares about is where the limit of each other\'s Dragon tooth warriors is.

Yes, he doesn\'t believe that those dragon tooth warriors can rise immediately after death, and he doesn\'t believe that the number of dragon tooth warriors led by the Dragon Knight is large enough. He wants to kill each other\'s Dragon tooth warriors a little and don\'t give them any rest time. Therefore, he constantly urges the team to speed up. And the fenlia warriors and giant slaves have to follow.

During this time, kukas was not idle. He kept studying the Dragon tooth trapped in the falling sigh and wanted to destroy it, but no matter what method he used, he couldn\'t destroy it. Finally, he even took the Dragon tooth back to the burning plane and asked the blonde women generals and doctors to find a way to destroy it, but there was still no way. Finally, he let it go temporarily I loosened the control of the yoke on the Dragon tooth. I didn\'t think that the Dragon tooth wanted to tear the plane out of thin air. Fortunately, the falling sigh was very strong. At the moment when the Dragon tooth was about to escape, he imprisoned it again.

After a long time of study, kukas returned to Troy again, where he finally waited for the news brought to him by the old priest of the Danu Protoss.

"In a plane named piros, there lived a kind of nine headed strange snake, hsudra. It is said that the ancestor of this monster was the offspring of a poisonous dragon guarding the Styx River and a python. They are very greedy for food. Their places, whether mountains, rocks, plants, birds and animals, are all their meals. It is said that some powerful people The nine headed strange snakes even devour the plane as food. They wander in the endless void. Wherever they go, the plane disappears. "

"If I remember correctly, the poisonous dragon is also the ancestor of the Dragon tooth warriors. Someone once saw the nine headed strange snake xudera swallowing the Dragon tooth warriors as food. If you want to completely kill the Dragon tooth warriors, I\'m afraid you have to find the nine headed strange snake xudera."

After listening to the words of the old priest, kukas could not help frowning: "is this nine headed strange snake Hydra a snake? Or a race?"

"A race, all its members are called xudra." the projection of the old priest shrugged his shoulders and smiled softly: "However, it is said that most of them were killed. I got the news that there was a nine headed strange snake xudera that was sealed in ancient times. When it was sealed, it said that if anyone could save him, he would agree to the other party\'s two requests for killing."

"There are no such monsters in other places? Sealed? Do you think I can open the seals of those powerful beings in ancient times?" kukas sneered and was not satisfied with the news brought by the old priest.

"The time is too short. We Danu Protoss didn\'t find any news about whether there is such a nine headed strange snake in other places." the old priest was not happy about kukas\'s dissatisfaction: "you know, we spent a lot of money to get such news this time. I think you should pay more attention to this news."

"Well, what is piros plane? What is order plane?" kukas asked, frowning slightly.

"A twelfth order plane, the bitroy plane is a more prosperous and prosperous top order plane."

"Well, is there a detailed seal position? I don\'t want to waste time there."

"Yes, it is said that the head of Hydra was sealed by a man named Hercules. The nine headed strange snake Hydra has nine heads. Eight heads can be cut and burned with secret flame to prevent new heads from growing again, but when the last head is left, that head is immortal. It can only be sealed."

"The Hercules man buried xudera\'s head in a swamp, and finally pressed it with a boulder, so as to completely seal it." the old priest shook his head and told the secret history that he didn\'t know whether it was true or not.

"It is said that Hercules offended a goddess because of his mother, so he was tested by the goddess to consider whether to let him go. Well, these are legends, and their stories have nothing to do with us. Hehe, the passage of years has already made most people forget them."

"The immortal xudera was killed and only one survived in the seal. Yes, such creatures don\'t need to be remembered." kukas laughed a few times. He was in a much better mood because he knew how to completely kill those dragon tooth warriors.

"It\'s immortality, but nothing can exist forever in this endless void." the old priest of the Danu Protoss said with a bleak face: "The so-called eternity is just a general designation of the low-level creatures of life to the high-level creatures. In the ancient times, all the creatures who tore the plane and crossed the endless void fell and disappeared in the long river of time. Maybe some people think of them occasionally, but what\'s the use? Death is death, but they can\'t live any more."