Abyss Knight

Chapter 499

The means of the fenlia warriors were useless. Another dragon tooth warrior turned into a dragon tooth and flew away. In this case, the unique control power of the fenlia warriors could not control them at all.

A fenliya warrior flushed his eyes and rushed to a dragon tooth warrior held by his companions. Then he opened his deformed three petaled mouth and tore up the Dragon tooth warrior madly. Large chunks of flesh and blood were bitten down by him and swallowed into his stomach, which cleaned up the milky liquid flowing from the wound.

Other fenlia warriors followed suit, believing that eating the enemy into their stomach could completely solve them. Watching a group of deformed fenlia warriors bite the flesh and blood of dragon tooth warriors, kukas giggled. He stretched out his hand and pointed to a giant and said with a smile: "go up and eat one for me to see if you can completely suppress him."

The giant got the order from kukas and immediately took heavy steps to rush to the front. Along the way, several injured fenlia warriors didn\'t have time to escape. They were trampled into the soil by the giant. When the giant came over, they dragged their injured bodies out of the soil again.

The giant held out two fingers to hold a dragon tooth warrior who was being bitten, and then opened his mouth and swallowed it. Before he could swallow the second one, his stomach bulged violently. Then he heard a dull noise, his towering stomach burst, and a white light flew out of his stomach. At the same time, the stomachs of several fenlia warriors who swallowed the Dragon tooth warrior\'s flesh and blood also burst, and a trace of white light flew from inside to take off.

"Stop, don\'t eat." kukas knew that these dragon tooth warriors could not be killed by swallowing. After thinking about it, he asked the fenlia warriors to pierce the Dragon tooth warriors\' bodies from their heads with steel spears, and pierce their shoulder blades and pelvis with chains. But even so, when the Dragon tooth warrior was weak to a certain extent, he also turned into a dragon tooth and flew away quickly under the package of white light.

Unable to find a way to deal with the Dragon tooth warriors, kukas had no mind to pursue and kill. Now there are only two dragon tooth warriors who are still under his control. He wants to find a way to completely kill them through these two dragon tooth warriors. At worst, he must find a way to find their weaknesses and seriously hurt them in a short time.

After thinking about it, he ordered the ghost crying war horse to release a few green flames to burn one of the Dragon tooth warriors. The flame burned, and the body of the Dragon tooth warrior shrank continuously, but finally turned into a dragon tooth and disappeared.

Angry, kukas reached out and grabbed the last dragon tooth warrior, but he didn\'t care about anything. Just to vent his anger, he squeezed the warrior\'s head with five fingers.

The milky liquid splashed out. Before he could take back his arm, a new head grew out of his original position.

"Get back to me." kukas screamed, raised his hand, and then hit it hard. With this punch, the newly grown head was smashed again. The fist was castrated and penetrated into the chest of the Dragon tooth warrior through the neck cavity. The arm shook and tore fiercely to the side, but it tore the warrior from the inside to the outside.

The broken dragon tooth warrior has no internal organs at all, only some milky liquid and white bones. The flesh and blood scattered on the ground began to turn into some white bone fragments. These fragments gathered together in an instant, and then condensed into a dragon tooth, turned into white light and flew away in the distance.

The Dragon tooth just flew out, but hundreds of meters away, a huge golden shackle appeared out of thin air. The shackle was wrapped around the Dragon tooth and forcibly stopped it.

Seeing the appearance of the yoke, kukas couldn\'t help moving, but he found that the sigh of the fallen man integrated into his arm had an effect. When his mind turned, the yoke forcibly dragged the dragon\'s teeth and flew to him.

The white and flawless dragon tooth was beating slightly in his hand, and there was a Golden Shadow around it. Every time it jumped, the golden light burst out a yoke, and the virtual shadow hit the dragon\'s teeth. After hundreds of times of impact, a small crack appeared on the dragon\'s teeth. After the crack appeared, the Dragon tooth did not beat any more, but lay quietly in the palm of kukas\'s hand, like a dead object.

"Can only this thing be trapped?" looking at the quiet dragon teeth in his hand, kukas began to think disorderly. He is not satisfied with this result. You know, since he integrated the falling sigh into his arm, the power of the yoke has increased a lot, but he can only catch one creature at a time. If he doesn\'t try to clean up the dragon\'s teeth, he can\'t continue to use the yoke. More importantly, there are many dragon tooth warriors of the enemy, and there is only one sigh of his falling. What he needs is a large-scale cleaning of the Dragon tooth warrior\'s things.

"Do you have any way to deal with the Dragon tooth warriors? I mean to completely kill the Dragon tooth warriors and prevent them from turning into dragon teeth to escape?" kukas took out the magic map and began to talk with the old priest of the Danu Protoss through the secret method, hoping to get the way to deal with the Dragon tooth warriors from each other.

"Have you met the Dragon tooth warrior? It seems that the Dragon tooth alliance is really going to fight with us." the old priest frowned slightly, and a trace of sadness appeared on his calm face: "At first, I just thought that the people of the Dragon tooth alliance would not use the Dragon tooth warriors or more than ten dragon tooth warriors, but they used so much, which really surprised me."

"What did you expect? The methods of these people were even more unexpected. There are only about 5000 left of the 30000 fenlia warriors." kukas took a deep breath and said with a grim smile: "Get me all my fenglia warriors who can fight, and help me buy some slaves who can fight in the mountains and forests. I want to see if their more than 100 dragon tooth warriors can resist the cover of hundreds of thousands of my army."

Speaking of this, he remembered the scene of being attacked by infinite Warcraft all the way, so he repeated the news given to him by the dead female military division to the old priest of the Danu Protoss, hoping that the other party could find a way to help solve it. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of fenliya warriors would be killed and injured again because of the Warcraft.