Abyss Knight

Chapter 446

"To tell you the truth, these conditions you said sound really bad." kukas touched his bare head again and smiled strangely: "what if I don\'t agree?"

"As you said, I\'m backstage, but you don\'t have any backstage. So I think as long as you\'re not a fool, you\'ll agree to my terms." the blonde priestess whispered: "Many powers are not satisfied with your single control of a position. They all want to kill you completely. I want to cooperate with us. Although you will lose some immediate interests, you will get more in the future."

"Ha ha! Priest, to tell you the truth, these conditions you said sound very funny to me. Well! Because of the threats of others and future threats, I must give up what I control? Don\'t you feel funny?" kukas laughed. He stretched out his finger, touched the blonde priestess\'s head and said grimly: "I kukas was able to control the burning plane in the past, but I can still control it in the future. No one can rob me of my things."

"Priest, you have changed. Now I\'d rather you were the priest who preached crazily than the priest who is high now." kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "let\'s go! For the sake of our past knowledge, I won\'t kill you now."

"Yes, I\'ve changed. Hehe, but so what? In order to become an eighth order priest, I have to change. If I don\'t change, I\'m afraid I\'m still like you, just a low-order cannon fodder." the blonde priest was silent a little, and then said softly: "In the past, when you occupied the burning plane, people of various forces didn\'t care too much, so you had an opportunity. But now it\'s different. If hundreds of forces unite and any organization mobilizes one thousandth of its own strength, it will completely crush you."

"Ha ha, completely crushed me?" kukas tilted his head and looked at the blonde priestess with a strange smile. "Do you know how many green skins I have?"

"It doesn\'t matter how many green skins you have. The important thing is that you occupy a position in order to obtain a large amount of materials. But now you join forces with us. Although it seems that the area you occupy is dozens or hundreds of times less, I promise you will get several times as much benefit as when you occupy it alone." the blonde priestess put away her arrogance and said seriously: "Kukas, can\'t you think about it?"

"The burning plane must be completely controlled by me, and the plane props of that plane are completely mine." kukas closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and his mood stabilized a little.

"It\'s impossible. You can control half of the area of the burning plane, and you must hand over the plane props. This is the bottom line of our eternal night church and the bottom line of all other forces." the blonde priestess shook her head and said solemnly, "there are some things you are not qualified to have."

"Really? Then tell me, what am I qualified to have? Your eternal church is qualified to have plane props, and other church forces are qualified to have plane props. Why can\'t I kukas?" when he said this, he was excited again.

"If you say you are not qualified, you are not qualified. Do you want me to make it clear? Kukas, there are many powerful people in the world, but almost none of them walk alone. Each one has the support of big or small forces behind them. Without the support of big forces, even if you are a legend, you are not qualified to compete with a big force\'s eighth level professional." When the blonde priestess said this, she showed a trace of fatigue: "in fact, this low-level plane is only a place for some of the heaven\'s favored sons of various forces to play, and in order to find a place for these heaven\'s favored sons to play, the amount of materials consumed by these forces is absolutely beyond your imagination."

"Let\'s go! Priest, don\'t tell me any more. If you go on, I\'m not sure if I\'ll kill you now. I think you should know my means. For the sake of the priest we used to know and the crazy preacher in those years, let\'s go!" After hearing the words of the blonde priestess, kukas suddenly felt inexplicably tired. He waved his hand and motioned the blonde priestess to leave, while he sat on the huge throne with his eyes closed and thought about something silently.

The blonde priestess wanted to say something more, but after she felt the faint smell of killing released from kukas, she finally sighed and turned away: "I think you will regret it."

"Maybe!" kukas murmured softly in low inaudible words: "if you want to make me regret, let me fall completely! If you can\'t even do this, even if my soul enters the abyss, it will grow up quickly again." Thinking of all kinds of previous lives and the strange places in this world, kukas laughed. In previous lives, he regretted all kinds of experiences, but he still walked down. Although he finally came to this world, he was still alive, and he didn\'t live any more than those who vowed to let him die completely.

The blonde priestess left, and kukas thought about the situation in this position.

Now his green skins have occupied one-third of this area, but now, their expansion activities have been slowly curbed. The fundamental reason is that his green skins are too weak compared with those giants. Every time a giant is killed, the green skins will lose hundreds of thousands or even millions.

"Maybe it\'s time to increase the number of green people," kukas said to himself. Under his will, the hundreds of savage giants pulled the huge throne and slowly advanced towards the nearest level transmission altar. Then he gave up the means of hunting giants in this plane and returned to the burning plane directly through the transmission altar.

When he returned to the burning plane, the blonde general told him with some regret that all the large-scale native lands in the plane had disappeared, even those specially reserved in the central area of the plane.

"Some mercenaries suddenly appeared on a large scale. They plotted against the natives in a short time, so I had to kill them all." the blonde general said indifferently.

"Well, I see." kukas was a little stunned. He remembered what he promised the maid. Unfortunately, he can\'t do it now, because all the descendants of the maid have died.

Due to the disappearance of the natives, kukas was no longer entangled in trifles in this plane. After talking about some things with the blonde general, he went directly back to the origin of the plane. There was nothing else that surprised him here except that he found more scarlet light in the origin of the plane.

The burning black flag emerged from his back and pierced into the plane source in front of him. The next moment, all the green skins in the whole plane got kukas\'s orders at the same time.

The command is very simple, that is, the number of green skins in the whole plane should be maintained at about 50 billion. This quantity is passed from the source of the potential plane to kukas. After all, this is just a zero order plane. Although the earth is broad enough, the original power is not strong enough. Too many green skins will make them seriously lack food.

The number of green skins increased by 20 billion at once. In the following short period of more than a year, the killing in another plane became more crazy. Kukas has been projecting new altars between the transmission altars of various planes for more than a year, so as to bring all the green skins together.

Although kukas\'s green skin base expanded so much, progress of the war in that area was still very slow. As the blonde priestess said, every huge force can stop the pace of kukas\'s war just by releasing a little force. Of course, kukas could not guess whether those huge forces would love their loss in that plane.

The war in that area became more and more crazy. Under the command of kukas, the purpose of the green people was no longer to occupy the earth, but to kill creatures.

Therefore, in the following decades, kukas continuously projected and transmitted the altar to the areas where the natives were concentrated through the power of the plane source. Then throw hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of green skins there and let them kill madly. After a little rest, he went to project another native city.

When war is no longer for land, but for simple killing, war in that area is more bloody. Kukas did not even care about the bearing capacity of the burning plane itself, and increased the breeding base of the green skins again and again. In this case, tens of millions of hungry green people drill into another plane to devour flesh and blood or be killed by people every day.

Under kukas\'s crazy control, the development of combustion plane completely stalled. Fortunately, he was restrained and did not hurt the foundation of this plane.

For decades, under the killing intention of kukas, the natives in that plane were almost completely extinct. A large number of green people appeared directly in the city. Instead of attacking the powerful giants and mercenaries, they killed the native residents. Such killings, in just a few decades, made the big city where there were no more than tens of thousands of people gathered.

The demise of the natives made the mercenaries lose countless cannon fodder at once. Under such circumstances, even if these mercenaries are greedy for interests, they dare not fight with the green people all over the mountains. This is especially true for those members of great forces. Although their individual strength is incomparably strong, they have to retreat in the face of tens of billions of green skin.

The number of bloody killings is still dominant to a certain extent. With their fierce and fearless attitude, the green skins killed giants and demons.

Some people began to retreat. Before they left, they grabbed a large number of green skins and wanted to study them. However, after they left through the plane transmission array, kukas could immediately sense the departure of the green skins. When I thought about it, all the green people who left the two planes died instantly, but they didn\'t give them half a chance.

Occupy a new plane, in the countless green people shouting surrender, a new plane came out. The face prop is also a burning black flag. The main body is immersed in the origin of the face, and the projection is melted into Cass\'s back.

After mastering the new plane, kukas immediately limited the number of green skins in the burning plane to a reasonable level, but there were no restrictions on the newly occupied plane, which made them expand and multiply madly. Because kukas has found a new zero order plane and is ready to kill.

After hundreds of thousands of teleportation altar projections were built in the new zero order plane, kukas was allowed to rush in and kill by the green skins of the first two planes. Yes, naked killing. In his consciousness, all the planes he occupies can only be composed of wild animals and green skins, and the wise native people will be completely extinct.

After launching a new war, kukas had the idea of returning to the thematic world. When he brought up the idea with the blonde general, the other party didn\'t show a surprised expression.

"After returning to the main plane world, you must be careful not to contact with those members of great forces. Well, the more remote the better." although the blonde female general did not know why kukas wanted to return to the main plane world, it did not prevent her from persuading kukas.

"I just want to be promoted to a sixth order knight and collect the materials needed for the next transfer." kukas didn\'t hide what he did when he returned to the main plane world, but took the initiative to say: "is there any way to avoid the detection of powerful forces? I think my breath has been remembered by some people now."

"Are you sure you don\'t provoke right and wrong? If you just go back to the main level and promote in the world, I have some melodies of fate for you to use." while talking, the blonde general took three ancient gold coins from a small leather bag around her waist and put them in kukas\'s hand.

"It\'s time to solve the violet family." kukas hesitated a little and said his other ideas.

"Go ahead! You have plane props and can return to this plane at any time. But you should think clearly. Forcibly returning to this zero order plane through the plane props will consume a lot of power of the plane props, although it is not limited." the blonde female general doesn\'t know that the power of the plane props is actually linked with the power of the plane origin. After all, the plane props she saw before are not the exclusive plane props controlled by a plane king.

Yes, as the blonde general said, in this world, from the low-level plane to the high-level plane, it usually only needs to pay a small price through the plane props. However, the cost of returning from the high-order plane to the low-order plane is too high.

However, kukas has decided to retaliate against the violet family, so now he doesn\'t care about the consumption of the plane source. After all, he already has two planes, and consuming some plane sources is nothing to him.

After talking to the blonde general about other things, kukas returned to the origin of the plane. At this time, the golden plane source has become scarlet. Sitting under the source, a trace of cold breath inexplicably drilled into his body. He had no way to solve such a thing. Fortunately, the cold breath would come out soon after it entered his body, so he didn\'t have to worry too much.

Turn your mind, infiltrate your mind into the source of the plane through the plane props, and then feel it in the endless void according to the secret method of the blonde female general. In a short time, he perceived the thematic world.

The thematic world is huge, floating in the void, looking millions of miles in size. There are countless marks on it. These marks are strong or weak, but no matter which one, kukas can\'t resist. A trace of familiar feeling was released from the plane and transmitted to his mind. Under the entanglement of this familiar feeling, kukas understood that this was the main plane world he was in.

The original power of the plane wrapped his mind, easily penetrated the plane barrier, and then fell into the plane in place. Just as his mind entered the main plane world, thousands of huge breath broke through the air. These huge breath easily tore the plane source wrapped around his mind, and completely exposed his fragile mind power.

Before kukas could react, the breath of countless channels dissipated in an instant, as if it had never appeared. If he didn\'t feel that the original power wrapped around him had been damaged a lot, kukas would almost think that the experience just now was just something he imagined.

Magical forces are flying in the air, either hitting the earth or the sky. However, no matter how active they are, they won\'t hurt kukas by half.

The plane origin was re instilled. After wrapping up his mental power, it broke through the air and didn\'t take long to appear in the Latour Empire where kukas was born.

Flying all the way, there were strong smells breaking through the air to detect him, but these smells just circled around him without any hostility. Of course, this is because he originally came from this plane world. Otherwise, I\'m afraid he will be torn and killed on the spot by countless powerful breath at the moment he just entered the plane.

Along the way, I felt the pleasure of my mind crossing the sky, and kukas\'s desire for legend became more intense. In particular, the powerful breath hovered around him, which stimulated his determination to become a legend.