Abyss Knight

Chapter 447

It didn\'t take much time for kukas\'s mind to feel the breath of the Latour empire. Of course, being able to sense it so quickly was completely done by the special means told to him by the blonde general. In the region of the Latour Empire, blonde women generals marked various marks on them, which can guide long-distance professionals to return here.

After finding the area of the Latour Empire, the imperial capital of the Empire will be better found. The mind entered the imperial capital under the original package of the throne, and countless strong and arrogant breath rushed out from all corners of the imperial capital and surrounded him. At this time, kukas scattered part of the plane origin and revealed his fifth order mind power.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I want to kill all the forces of the violet family in the Latour empire. I hope you don\'t misunderstand." with the support of the original power of the throne, kukas said his intention through his mind.

"In the imperial capital of the Latour Empire, you must abide by the rules here. If you want to kill the violet family, you must go outside the imperial capital. Killing and fighting are prohibited in the imperial capital." an old voice sounded aside. Of course, what he said was just perfunctory words. If the murderer was stronger than the violet family, the rules he said were just illusory.

"Want to kill our violet family? You\'re just a little fifth order knight? Don\'t think you can do whatever you want with a low-order level prop." a woman\'s voice sounded beside kukas\'s mind. With the sound, a powerful breath broke through the air and suppressed it fiercely towards kukas. If this was suppressed, it would tear his mind to pieces in an instant.

When his mind moved, the original power of the plane immediately wrapped kukas\'s mind. The woman\'s powerful breath hit these plane origins, which was just a slight ripple of the power of the origin.

Ignoring each other at all, kukas was moved. A burning black flag appeared in the air. The flag waved and sprayed countless strands of golden red light from inside. These lights condensed and outlined in the air. They were not afraid of the pressure of all kinds of breath, and instantly condensed into a sacrificial platform hundreds of feet in size.

The altar fell and fell on the earth, but it destroyed countless houses and pedestrians. Then the light on the altar flickered, and teams of green skins emerged from it. These green people rushed down from the altar with all kinds of simple weapons in their hands. Under the command of kukas\'s mind, they madly rushed to the violet family residence not far away.

There was no strong breath to stop, even the breath of the woman who tried to destroy kukas\'s mental power at the beginning did not hit again. Countless breaths looked at the green skins emerging one after another on the altar below, and watched those green skins reaching the peak of ordinary people rush towards the residence of the violet family.

After the successful projection of the throne altar, kukas immediately recovered his mind and spirit power, and then transmitted through the altar, and his noumenon directly appeared on the altar in the theme plane world.

"Is this farce interesting? Put away these green skins. They have no ability to capture violet\'s family residence." just after kukas\'s body appeared in the main plane world through the plane altar, an illusory image suddenly appeared in front of him. The image is wrapped in a black robe with the mark of the military headquarters on it.

"I have hundreds of billions of green skins. Do you think this is a farce? The violet family must disappear completely." kukas just glanced at the image, then sat cross legged in a corner of the altar and whispered his plan: "You can kill millions of green skins with a wave, but in the plane world I control, billions of green skins mature every day. I just want to kill all members of the violet family."

When kukas spoke, the green skins had rushed to the violet family\'s residence. When these green skins rushed to the place tens of meters in front of the residence, there was a flash of Guanghua. One head of green skins was hanged into meat sauce by Guanghua in an instant. However, the green skins behind were not afraid of death and still waved their simple weapons along the street towards the destination.

Blood piled up on the street and became a river. It followed the wide street and spread to other places. However, they did not spread too far. Some red robed casters suddenly appeared. They used various methods to constantly melt the blood and flesh on the earth.

Silence, except for the incessant screams of the green people, almost all the emperors of the Latour Empire were silent. Ordinary people noticed the bad smell, and they carefully hid in their houses. Professionals felt the increasingly strong smell of blood in the air, which made them scared. Except for a few brave people who dared to obey the detection of blood, most of them Professionals all chose to wait silently. In their view, such a large-scale killing in the imperial capital often represents the spread of death and even the outbreak of war between empires.

"Kukas, the king of the two zero order planes and the ghost crying knight? When did our violet family sin against you? Do you think you can fight against the violet family by virtue of a green monster stronger than ordinary people?" the woman\'s voice sounded again: "It only takes a ten level spell, and your green skins will turn into fly ash at the moment they leave the altar."

"Hehe! Among the two zero level planes I control, it\'s really nothing for me to mature billions or even billions of green skins in one day and die tens of billions or billions. The main level world is one year, and it\'s 20 years in the zero level plane. I put the green skins mature in the 20 years in the zero level plane into this imperial capital. I don\'t know whether you can completely destroy them." Kukas laughed strangely. In his opinion, these green skins are really lovely. With the rapid reproduction of the green skins, he can carry out a certain range of unscrupulous killing requirements in this thematic world, which filled his heart with pride and madness. Hatred twisted his heart and made him care nothing now.

"When I had a conflict with a direct member of your violet family, he kept sending people to hunt me down. He even robbed my castle on the elraze wasteland. After I got the finlear gray wolf ring, the violet family joined other forces to hunt me around the country, and the royal family of the Latour Empire also participated in it."

"Fortunately, although many things happened during the period, I survived. Now I have the ability to retaliate. Do you think I will forget my hatred?" kukas looked up at the sky and smiled grimly: "if you can suppress and kill me, don\'t you allow me to retaliate?"

"Kukas, I don\'t care about the hatred between you and the violet family and the imperial family, but what I want to tell you is that you can\'t carry out such boring farce within the imperial capital. Stop! If you really want to revenge the violet family, destroy the foundation of the violet family bit by bit, and then watch them decline bit by bit, which is better than killing them yourself Have pleasure. "The virtual shadow of the military headquarters flickered quickly in front of kukas.

"But I don\'t know where their foundation is. I once destroyed their residences in many cities, but I feel that it doesn\'t seem to have much effect." kukas thought blankly. In fact, he knew very well that when he could not confine an area, he could not determine whether the main members of the violet family were in the huge manor not far away.

"Ha ha! Most of the foundations of a family are not in the main plane world, but in some low-level planes or even other higher-level planes. Attack all the areas they control in those planes, make them lose all their supplies, and then the whole family slowly declines. At that time, people of other families will help you deal with things without you After all, the violet family has been strong in the Latour empire for too long, and many forces are not satisfied with them. "

"Including your military headquarters?"

"Yes, otherwise do you think I would tell you this? The main power of the violet family is not in this thematic world at all. What they leave in this thematic world is just a group of brainless self righteous geniuses. They will only compete for the so-called power, carry out all kinds of ridiculous political transactions and their death in the court banquet , the blow to the violet family is not as good as the complete destruction of a horizontal force. "Represents the distorted virtual shadow of the military headquarters, smiling strangely. The surrounding breath released either joy or anger, but these had nothing to do with kukas.

"But I don\'t know the power distribution of the violet family in all aspects." kukas tilted his head and laughed strangely. To tell the truth, he was very amused by the words of the military professional in front of him, but now he had to listen unless he wanted to give up revenge.

"I know it\'s OK." one side of the breath suddenly tore the space, and several unfolded scrolls flew out of it. This scroll records the areas controlled by the violet family and the Latour royal family in various planes. "Ha ha! Kill! Kill all the creatures in those planes, so you won\'t let go of the violet family. Kill! It\'s exciting to destroy the creatures in one plane. Well! If you become an eighth level professional, I will be loyal to you, and then under your leadership, destroy one plane and enjoy the taste of killing. Well ! I can\'t wait. Strange knight, strange green skin, how many years have there been no such fun? "The breath muttered madly. It seems that like kukas, his spirit is a little abnormal.

Taking up the scroll and canceling the plane projection altar, kukas walked towards the imperial library without looking back. He wants to get some supplies there and be promoted to a sixth order knight.

The breath in the sky dissipated, the red robed casters disappeared, the violet family\'s manor was quiet, and the silent city slowly resumed its excitement.

The scene in the imperial library is no different from that when kukas left. The crowd surged, with nobles colluding with mercenaries and mercenaries colluding with nobles. Or a physical transaction, or a killing transaction. In this library, there are conspiracies and deceit everywhere. Each has a large number of material transactions, and each has innocent people who inexplicably lost their lives because of some people\'s words.

After paying a certain amount of supplies, kukas got a quiet room where he planned to be promoted directly to the sixth order knight. But before that, he took the lead in releasing some tasks of collecting materials. Of course, the collected materials were all he intended to use when he was promoted to a seventh order knight.

When kukas first entered his room, a young caster came to him. There was no sign of influence on the caster, and the smell was very common, but I don\'t know why, after the other party walked seven or eight steps in front of him, the killing talent sent him an extremely strong dangerous wave.

"Kukas, on behalf of the battlefield center, we want to invite you to join us." the young man stood beside kukas and whispered, "maybe we can go into your room and have a good talk, rather than let those irrelevant people notice here."

"I won\'t join the battle center." kukas shook his head and immediately refused the young man\'s invitation.

"I think you will, because it concerns your life and death."

"After the death of the main plane world, I will be resurrected again." kukas shook his head and refused again without expression. "I think you can find others to cooperate. Well, in the thematic world, there are countless people stronger than me. Any huge force and organization can suppress me."

"You can see this." the young caster shrugged his shoulders, turned his hand, took out a silver gray crystal pillar and threw it to kukas. "Maybe it will let you know what death is and what complete fall is."

The silver gray crystal column is more than seven inches high and more than three inches thick. The whole body is thirteen prismatic, and there are some silver gray lights shining inside. The mind detected it, but immediately accepted all the information contained in the silver gray crystal column. The indoctrination of those information made kukas completely silent.

"Well, maybe we can talk, but I don\'t think you can kill me." after a long silence, kukas said his thoughts.

"If it\'s not the rule, there are many things you can do." the young mage smiled. After he followed kukas into the room, without kukas greeting, he directly sat in a chair and whispered, "many people know the center of the battlefield, and many forces have joined it."

"You know, there are so many forces. Every force wants to have a voice, so there are all kinds of differences." the young mage flicked his fingers and produced a circular wave in front of him: "Some forces demand centralization of power and unity of all; some forces demand appropriate autonomy; and some forces demand independent action. All these have brought great development restrictions to the development of the position center."

"But in any case, everyone\'s goal is the same, and they all have a common enemy." the young mage reached into the wave in front of him and pulled out a small and exquisite kettle. The kettle poured out, and the strong aroma of wine came out, but it smelled very comfortable.

"You can simply say that, in fact, if I guess correctly, the destruction of planes is not allowed to happen. Only in the ancient times, those powerful beings can wantonly and completely destroy one plane after another. And what you show me is just an image in the ancient times!" Kukas narrowed his eyes and stared at the young caster.

"You may think so. After all, you will be skeptical about what I say now."

"Completely exterminate the royal family of the Latour Empire and members of the violet family. Moreover, even the church against me will destroy at least half." kukas laughed.

"At most, I helped you completely destroy the violet family. Other forces can\'t be cleaned up. You know, their forces are too powerful than yours." The young mage took the kettle in my hand in some distress. He didn\'t understand how the bald man\'s brain worked. When facing the overall situation, he was still persistent in personal gratitude and resentment, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Then I don\'t have to cooperate with you." kukas shook his head and stood up to signal the other party to leave.

"The alliance of the main plane world does not accept you, and other plane world alliances will not accept you. In this case, what\'s the use of relying on some green people with low combat effectiveness?" the young mage said with some regret: "if I don\'t forget, you used to be a mercenary in the Lich land and participated in the last war."

"Yes." kukas was a little stunned, then nodded and recognized the other party\'s words.

"Later, you served as a mercenary in the bloody prison and entered a place called the polar ice sheet. That polar ice sheet is actually a special plane." after a long silence, the young caster continued: "Later, the whole polar ice sheet was completely conquered. Some powerful beings carried out interesting experiments. They integrated the polar ice sheet into this plane world. The place where they merged is the Rocky Mountains you used to be, that is, the rocky ice sheet."

"Does the plane merge?" kukas\'s calm mind stirred violently.