Abyss Knight

Chapter 445

The Dragon rolled in the air. Countless green skins on the ground pulled dozens of special chains thick and thin at the mouth of the bowl to control his range of activities, while kukas turned over with his two claws, tearing each other\'s green scales and tearing off the dragon\'s flesh and blood.

His two claws were flying. After a while, kukas climbed onto the dragon\'s head. Here, he clenched his hands like two siege hammers, attacking the dragon\'s head one after another. His fists fell and hit the dragon\'s head, making bursts of roar, like the sound of beating iron. The green scales the size of a shield were broken, revealing the flesh and blood inside. The flesh and blood broke under kukas\'s fist, revealing Bai Sensen\'s skull.

The fist hit Bai Sensen\'s skull and made a crisp sound like the impact of steel. Dozens of fists went down and forcibly hit the dragon\'s skull with some small cracks. Seeing that his fist is meritorious, kukas is even more addictive. After a few more punches, he only smashed the hard skull into a hole the size of a head.

Ten fingers like a hook, spread into the hole, grabbed a handful of milky white brain and crushed it. The Dragon moaned and rolled. After a crazy struggle, it fell to the ground and couldn\'t stand up again.

After killing the dragon, the plane props behind kukas suddenly emerged. The flag was windless and rolled in the air, and then hid in his back again. Just a few breathing time after the flag was waved, the plane source in the burning plane suddenly expanded. Although it was only the distance between the thickness of the fingers, it had caught up with the growth rate of the plane source for decades.

He grabbed a handful of the dragon\'s brain and stuffed it into his mouth to swallow. After he ate all the real dragon\'s brain, he just chirped his mouth, but he didn\'t find any abnormalities. Unwilling, kukas forcibly tore the dragon\'s skin, then grabbed the dragon\'s heart and ate it. But even so, he still didn\'t get anything.

"Damn thing." he kicked the dragon body on the ground, and kukas cursed in a low voice. In his opinion, he should get some inheritance about the dragon from the dragon\'s body. However, the development of things was not what he thought, so he cursed and complained.

Regardless of the precious of the dragon, kukas directly ordered the remaining green skins to eat the dragon. He led hundreds of thousands of green skins. After killing the dragon, he found that at least more than 10000 green skins were killed, and a large number of green skins were injured or even disabled. Finally, the sound green skin that can fight is only about half. The power of a giant dragon is too strong in this zero order plane. Kukas believes that if he doesn\'t have himself, hundreds of thousands of green skins may be killed in the end. Of course, if the green people don\'t run away.

After killing the dragon, kukas still didn\'t return to the rear, but summoned new green skins to start the war. His goal is to hunt and kill those powerful giants and dragons, and let the green skins devour the flesh and blood of these powerful creatures to increase their strength.

These green skins didn\'t disappoint him. Some of them improved their physical fitness on a large scale after swallowing a small part of dragon meat. In the face of such green skins, kukas sent them back to the burning plane without hesitation. Where these green skins want to exist as breeding pigs, their biggest task is to produce offspring, So as to fundamentally enhance the power of descendants.

Day by day, when kukas hunted and killed three dragons and hundreds of giants tens of feet tall, someone came to the door. It wasn\'t anyone else. It was the priestess kukas had seen in the eternal night church.

The blonde priestess\'s smile and arrogance were very different from that when kukas first saw her. Although she was still wearing an ordinary priest\'s robe, there was no way to hide the smell of success and superior.

"Kukas, I hope you can cooperate with us, with the eternal night church," said the blonde priest, looking at kukas with a smile. However, kukas could not see a little kindness and friendship in her smile, but only high contempt.

"I didn\'t expect that we would meet here." kukas touched his bald head and smiled strangely: "are you here to persuade me?"

"No, I just occasionally passed by here and happened to hear some people talking about you, so I wanted to come and see you and persuade you." the blonde priestess was a little stunned, then pursed her mouth and said with a smile: "I heard that you actually controlled a zero level. Is it true?"

"I don\'t know. As a member of the eternal night church and a superior, don\'t you even know that I don\'t control a position?" kukas laughed strangely, but he couldn\'t bear the contempt and superior attitude in each other\'s eyes.

"Once we were all low-level professionals, but now I have become an eighth level professional, and you are just a fifth level knight." the blonde priestess hesitated a little, then maintained her contempt and arrogance on her face and said, "do you know why there is such a big gap between you and me?"

"Because you have a strong backstage, but I don\'t have a strong backstage. Do you still ask me such a simple thing?" kukas sneered and then continued: "why, now that you have become a level 8 professional, come to me to show off? Do you want me to flatter you? Or do you want me to obey you?"

"I just want to cooperate with you," said the blonde priest with a proud smile "If you cooperate with me, I can not only ensure that you will become an eighth order knight in a hundred years, but also let you control one-third of the area of this plane, and also make the plane you now control stable forever. Of course, if you want to make the so-called burning plane stable forever, you must pay two-thirds of the area to be controlled by me And the plane props must be given to me. "

"You have changed." kukas touched his bald head and smiled. "Is this your condition or the condition of the eternal night church?"

"My condition, after all, we used to work together." the blonde priestess still smiled and arrogant: "The condition of the eternal night church is that you must completely give up the burning plane, hand over the plane props of that plane, and give your green skins. You can only control 1% of this plane. And now I have some power, so I modified the conditions of the eternal night church without authorization, so I hope you don\'t refuse."