Abyss Knight

Chapter 444

Before entering another plane, kukas went back to the source of the plane. Here, kukas found that the plane origin did not know when to start, and there was a trace of scarlet light in it. Although the scarlet light was few, only one thousandth of the golden light, he still felt a trace of bad.

Looking at the source, I found that there were no other changes except the color, so kukas didn\'t pay too much attention to it.

After leaving the origin of the plane, he passed the plane transmission altar, mixed with a large number of green people, and directly appeared in the burning plane.

Upon reaching this new plane, kukas did not feel any pressure from this plane, but he knew that it was all because of the zero order plane prop on him. If the level props on him belong to the first-order level props, whether he breaks out in this level or not, he will be suppressed by this level to a certain extent.

The arrival of kukas made the green skins excited at once, and after he controlled the attack of the green skins, the speed of expansion in this plane increased several times. But even so, the green skins under kukas lost a lot. Fortunately, the burning plane is constantly supported, otherwise kukas doubts whether the green skins of this plane will completely collapse under the pressure of countless giants and even dragons.

After a simple strategic deployment, kukas did not stay in the rear to continue his command, but led hundreds of thousands of the most elite green people to wander on the front line. His goal was to hunt those giants and even dragons. To this end, he specially returned to the burning plane and asked the remaining natives there to make some special weapons with him.

The whole plane is very chaotic. All kinds of giants, dragons, abyss demons, all kinds of races fighting by force, and at least hundreds of races are working with the natives to snipe the green skins under kukas.

In this case, hundreds of thousands or even millions of green skins die every day, but similarly, hundreds of thousands or even millions of green skins mature every day and then rejoin the war.

Relying on the burning plane to supplement the support of at least 20 billion green skins a month, kukas\'s green skins are not half afraid when facing all races. They even killed a giant with thousands or tens of thousands of green skins in order to kill each other completely.

After kukas appeared in this position, he relied on his strong strength to hunt and kill giants and members of powerful races. Facing these mercenaries, he often doesn\'t give each other any chance to escape. Of course, these outsiders do not have the plane transmission scroll in the plane battlefield, because they come here to fight directly from the main plane world or other planes through the plane transmission array.

Kukas stood quietly on a huge stone, with a long heavy javelin beside him, and thick chains connected with short spears stacked under his feet. Those short spears have barbs and look very ferocious.

A giant dragon is flying in the sky. The giant dragon is tens of feet in size, has two wings on its back and two feet. In kukas\'s view, it is an enlarged version of the mutant Komodo lizard.

Although the Dragon could not release its own magic power, it still made kukas feel a strong pressure by relying on the power emitted by the body. The emergence of this coercion also made kukas understand that the giant dragon has at least an existence of more than eight orders in the thematic world.

"Call him." kukas jumped down from the boulder and turned to hide behind the boulder. Then he reached out and grabbed a heavy javelin and turned it in his hand. He was accumulating strength and waiting for the fatal blow to the dragon.

Some green men carefully turned the stringed lathe crossbow, ready to kill the Dragon at any time. More green people waved simple sticks, stood on boulders of different sizes, shouted loudly, and cursed the dragon and his blood family with their simple words.

Dirty words and mean curses annoy your noble dragon. Unfortunately, because these are zero order planes, the noble dragon not only lost the power to release magic, but also sealed its ability to speak. He could only roar wildly, roaring like a beast, and then hovering in the air, ready to rush down at the dirty green skins below.

Tens of feet of giant dragons fell from the sky, the wings waved at will, and the hurricane rose. Some green people immediately stood unstable. They were immediately rolled up by the hurricane and thrown into the air. Then they got out of the hurricane and fell on the hard earth and broke into meat cakes.

Kukas hid behind a boulder. He narrowed his eyes and kept waiting for the dragon to descend. He knew that the dragon was rough and fleshy, because in order to hit it, he had to wait for the dragon to keep falling.

When the dragon with green scales fell to a position only tens of feet above the ground, kukas shot. The right arm that grabbed the heavy javelin rose as if inflated, and the whole arm became thicker four or five times, which was thicker than ordinary people\'s thighs.

The heavy javelin was thrown out in an instant. The special javelin hit the belly of the green scale dragon. Under the instillation of strong power, the green scale on the belly of the dragon was like weak armor, which was easily torn apart. The javelin, which is more than ten feet long, runs through the dragon. The violent force directly tore his wound into a blood hole half a meter thick.

The sudden blow made the Dragon more crazy. He came to this zero level for three or two years. On weekdays, only he abused those humble and dirty green skins without any harm. But now when he tortured and killed a group of dirty green skins, he suddenly suffered such trauma. How can he bear it?

"Kill!" kukas roared, turned his wrist, grabbed a heavy javelin and threw it out. At the same time, the green skins started the lathe crossbow and began to attack the giant dragon in the sky.

The lathe crossbow roared up, but the effect was not great. Most lathe crossbows flew into the air and were blown off the route by the hurricane caused by the Dragon waving its wings. A few lathe crossbows and crossbows hit the dragon, which only made him feel a little pain, but could not pierce the green scales the size of a shield on him.

Although the attack of the green skins can\'t hurt the dragon, kukas\'s attack has caused great trauma to the dragon. After throwing three or five heavy javelins in a row, kukas began to throw short spears connected with chains. These short spears with barbs pierced the dragon\'s body, and then the barbs on them popped out and caught a lot of flesh and blood.

The dragon only wanted to revenge kukas and their green skin. For a time, he didn\'t find the barb of the short spear in his body. So he kept falling, or grabbed the boulder and threw it down, or waved his wings to blow the hurricane, rolled up the green skin and threw them into meat patties.

Kukas stood firmly on the earth. In just a few breathing times, he threw at least seven or eight short spears with thorns into the dragon\'s body. When he wanted to attack again, the angry dragon finally found his hiding place.

"Roar!" the Dragon roared wildly. He circled in the air, then swooped down, stretched out his huge claws and grabbed kukas.

The claw was four or five feet in size. The green scales on it were ferocious, and the nails were as sharp as a hundred steelmaking knives. When the dragon claw attacked, kukas did not hide or flash. He lost the short spear he had just grabbed. He also roared, and his hands were oblique and cross, and fiercely greeted the dragon claw.

He waved his arms out fiercely and wanted to cut off the dragon\'s claws. The dragon was disdained in his heart. He thought that the hardest part of the dragon\'s body was the dragon head and dragon claw. What\'s more, he was still an eight level dragon. Although his magic power could not be exerted, the dragon claw had already reached its hardness after years of refining. An ordinary man wants to kill his dragon claws with physical power. It seems like a big joke to the dragon.

However, the development of the matter was not in the estimation of the green scale dragon. As soon as the huge dragon\'s claw collided with kukas\'s arm, he felt a great pain in his claw, and then heard the sound of bone fracture.

The pain of the Dragon rang through the sky. The dragon made a sad cry and waved its wings to fly away. However, a large group of green people sat on the catapult, asked their companions to project them onto the dragon, and then beat the dragon\'s body with a spiked spear, frantically destroying his dragon wings.

Kukas let out a low roar. In the impact just now, although the giant dragon was powerful and its claws were extremely hard, it was nothing compared with his arms. Waving his arms, he not only tore the skin on the dragon\'s claws, but also stubbornly cut off the bones on the dragon\'s claws with the help of strong inhuman power.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" kukas took a few steps back, then reached out and grabbed the chain on the ground and threw it to the prepared green people around. These green skins pulled the chains and ran hard towards the distance, but they wanted to limit the dragon to a certain range.

Kukas roared, ran, bounced with some boulders, and jumped on the Dragon hovering at low altitude. Empty hands, fingers into claws, ruthlessly puncture the green scales of the dragon. The green scales comparable to Obsidian were easily torn apart under kukas\'s hands, and large pieces of flesh and blood were forcibly caught out by him.

The Dragon rolled in pain in the air and wanted to throw down the reptile door on his back, but those green people who were born with the sense of killing were prepared. After kukas tore the dragon\'s green scales, they took out some short spears with barbs and stabbed them into the broken green scales, and then firmly grasped the short spear, but they couldn\'t throw it down.