Abyss Knight

Chapter 443

As time went by, kukas sat under the origin of the plane and thought for a long time. Then he fiercely pierced the black flag into the origin again. The idea was instilled into the origin with the black flag, and the origin wriggled and shrank from big to small. At this time, a trace of golden light began to appear on the altar in the plane world, and finally these golden lights generated a golden light mask on the altar.

"Go! Conquer that plane. All the creatures standing upright in that plane are your enemies. Only those who have fought there for ten years are qualified to return to this burning plane and plant their descendants."

Kukas\'s voice rang out in the minds of those green people who were ready to go to war. Under his command, countless green people waved weapons and screamed. After carrying a small amount of food, they frantically rushed into the altar and killed into the unknown.

When these green skins stepped into the altar, kukas\'s mind attached to the props on the throne: on the burning black flag, the black flag integrated into the origin of defending the title, and then carried a golden light to directly tear the endless void and hit a zero level surface he branded.

Under the impact of the golden light, the zero order plane trembled slightly, and then the golden light on the plane dissipated. At this time, hundreds of huge stone sacrificial platforms suddenly appeared in that plane. The golden light on the altar flickered, and countless green skins rushed down from the altar, then waved maces and knives, and spread around madly centered on the altar.

Killing, naked killing without any mercy, unfolds in this zero order plane. Countless indigenous people had no chance to respond, and were brutally killed by the green people all over the mountain in an instant. Those green people subconsciously form a tribal state. They gather thousands or tens of thousands of people to form tribes and constantly occupy appropriate positions to plant their descendants. Then hunt all the creatures in this plane to fill the hunger.

Through the transmission array between the two planes, relying on the original power of the plane, 10 billion green skins were put into that plane in just a few days. It is also the wonder of the plane source that the transmission matrix between the two has become a permanent transmission matrix under the influence of the source. As long as the burning plane source of kukas is not destroyed, these transmission arrays will never disappear.

After making a series of follow-up green paper dispatch plans, kukas put his mind on the origin of the plane in front of him. At first, he didn\'t interfere too much with the plane source, but this time, after he opened up a permanent transmission array between the two planes, the plane source he now controls suddenly stopped expanding and contracted at an extremely slow speed. Although this contraction was extremely slow, it still made him feel some concern.

After a little thought, kukas divided the source of the plane to a certain extent according to the information and knowledge he got from the black gourd.

Under the control of the only plane prop he remembered, this huge plane source began to change. A small golden light ball is separated from the big source, leaving only a small part linked with the power of the big source. This small original power gives up all other functions and specializes in dealing with and running things about the permanent transmission array.

Then there were seven or eight balls separated from the upper half of the large source. Some of these balls were specialized in dealing with the mountain and river operation of the standard surface, some were specialized in dealing with the birth of minerals, and some were specialized in dealing with indigenous fertility. In short, these balls are semi independent. In this way, the source of the whole plane is more than half smaller than at the beginning. However, the reduced potential source began to increase slowly.

In kukas\' view, this face source is actually some super light brain and other things he saw in his previous life. As the center of the whole plane, it has to deal with many things. He now divides some areas on this basis, saving too much resources for various calculations.

After dealing with the origin of the plane, kukasben wanted to go back to his pyramid throne, but at this time, he suddenly found that streamers suddenly emerged from the void in front of him. After these Streamers appear in the space where the origin of the ruling plane is located, the light dissipates and reveals strange things.

These things are strange, but through the origin of the plane, kukas immediately understood that these things are actually plane treasures in another plane world. You know, in his order, when the number of items robbed by those green skins in another plane reaches a certain amount, they will be transmitted to this plane through the altar. As soon as the plane treasures hidden in all kinds of messy items appear in this plane, this plane rule will take effect, which virtually leads those plane treasures that are not controlled to appear here directly.

Dozens of facet treasures revolved around the facet origin. After rotating around the facet origin for dozens of circles, some weak facet props slowly collapsed and turned into light of various colors and integrated into the facet origin. When the plane source swallows the plane treasure in another plane, its volume will increase slightly. The expansion of the source of the plane further accelerates the improvement of the power of the plane itself, so as to enter the ranks of the first-order plane faster.

Of course, those stolen plane treasures can also not be integrated into the plane source. In that way, although it can still increase the growth speed of the plane source to a certain extent, it is not fully integrated into it.

From the first batch of plane treasures to the following decades, some plane treasures appeared here almost every day. The gathering of a large number of plane treasures gave way to the origin of the plane, which suddenly expanded the diameter of a mile in just a few days.

The rapid expansion of the origin of the plane made kukas focus on the idea of agglutinating the treasures of the plane. In the long war of three or five hundred years, even now, there are still a large number of mercenaries on the plane battlefield in his control. Those mercenaries are like omnipresent locusts, infiltrating everywhere in order to obtain the plane treasures, return to the main plane world and increase their strength. In this way, most of the plane treasures were taken away, except that a small number of plane treasures were returned to the origin of the plane after kukas controlled the plane.

The lack of facet treasures, to a certain extent, reflects the evolution speed of this facet. Similarly, because the plane treasures have returned to the plane origin, there is a lack of treasure suppression everywhere in the whole plane, so strange disasters often occur everywhere. In order to quell those disasters, the plane source has to spend more power to suppress, so as to slow down the development of the source power again.

Now, due to the absorption of some other plane treasures, the current plane source has been greatly expanded. Therefore, kukas did not hesitate to order the plane source to start breeding plane treasures again.

However, this time, the plane source is controlled by him to a certain extent, so the cohesion of the treasure is very different from that before.

A semicircular bulge is separated from the upper half of the source of the plane, but a fuzzy cylinder appears in the semicircular bulge in dozens of days. The column is fuzzy, but it is crazy to absorb the power of the plane source. For almost more than ten days, the column is completely solidified.

Of course, such a rapid condensation of plane treasures is entirely caused by kukas mobilizing plane power to condense one alone. If the plane source condenses itself in the past, it will condense all missing plane treasures at one time. In that way, it will greatly slow down the speed of the emergence of plane treasures. It is precisely for this reason that the plane mercenaries will give up the plane temporarily after they can\'t find the treasure in a plane for a certain time, and will come in again after the plane condenses a new plane treasure.

However, the burning plane that kukas now mastered has offended hundreds of forces in the main plane world, and even other powerful planes. Therefore, those forces have set up a lot of rewards in the battlefield and constantly seduced ordinary mercenaries to this plane for destruction, so as to give kukas a headache.

However, although a large number of mercenaries arrived at this level for all kinds of destruction and search, there were no powerful professionals such as legends to come to this level. After all, a legend fell in the zero order plane, or a small-scale sensation in the battlefield. Those who have a heart will not enter it rashly, even if they are greedy for the expensive reward.

The condensed cylinder is more than ten feet high and 35 feet thick. After such a huge cylinder is separated from the source, it tears the space and directly appears in the central area of the plane. A huge underground space suddenly appeared tens of thousands of feet below the earth in the central area of the plane, and then a golden column appeared there.

After the column appeared in that space, some strange arcs and patterns spread from the column, and soon they were branded on the surrounding walls of the underground space. Such a means is a huge gap from the birthplace of the previous plane treasures. In this way, those mercenaries who enter this plane will never be able to take these treasures from the earth tens of thousands of feet deep underground.

After staying here for almost a year, kukas set up various treatment schemes. During this period, not only the battle in another plane became more and more intense, but also the burning plane he now controls became more chaotic.

A large number of mercenaries swarmed into the burning plane to pick the earth to carry out all kinds of resistance, and the maid\'s strategy more than 300 years ago gradually lost its effect. For a time, there was smoke everywhere on the earth, and countless earth began to resist the rule of the green people.

However, more is another aspect of the green skin\'s expedition. In that aspect, the green skin mercenaries not only supported the green skin who attacked kukas, but also spent a lot of money to drag dozens of seat surface transmission arrays there. A large number of the creatures relying on physical power appeared in that plane and killed with the green skins. There are not only all kinds of giants, but also dozens of dragons.

The dragons appeared in the zero order plane. Although there was no way to release any magic power, with their strong body, they could cruise over the transmission altar unscrupulously and kill batch after batch of green skins crazily.

"General, how should we deal with this kind of thing?" kukas talked about the current dilemma with the blonde general in some trouble. The blonde general shrugged her shoulders and said there was nothing she could do.

"With the passage of time, more and more forces will know that you control one plane and now want to completely control another. They will never allow this to happen. If they unite and continue to put troops into these two planes, I\'m afraid your situation will be more difficult." the blonde women\'s general can only reluctantly speculate what may happen in the future, But there is no specific way to solve the current dilemma: "otherwise, you will announce to take refuge in one or several major forces and control this plane with them."

"I am the only king in this plane. Do you think I will give up after enjoying the treatment of this king?" kukas touched his bare head and grinned: "this burning plane must be stabilized first."

"Then kill all the natives in this plane. Only in this way can those forces completely stop their idea of pulling the plane to transmit the Dharma array here." the blonde female general hesitated a little and said this answer.

"Completely exterminate all the native land in this plane? Maybe it\'s a good choice. But I promised a maid that year and decided to let her descendants become the rulers of this plane and control the power of magic." kukas touched his bare head and said in a deep voice.

"Draw a random area in this area to place the people and families you don\'t want to kill, and let them reproduce their descendants in this area. At that time, randomly sending some green people to supervise can prevent the plane mercenaries from pulling the plane transmission array here." the blonde general shook her head and whispered, "it\'s much easier than you controlling hundreds of areas."

"That\'s the only way." kukas didn\'t hesitate too much. He immediately issued a new order. After finishing these, he came to the plane source again. Through the plane props and source power, he made a new modification plan for the creatures in the plane.

Apart from the natives he was determined to preserve, other natives could no longer bear offspring. At the same time, in order to provide a large amount of food for the green people and save them from killing each other on a large scale, the face source has prompted the rapid improvement of the reproduction speed and number of wild animals on the land in this plane. In this way, the beasts can not only provide all kinds of food for the green people, but also serve as a grindstone for the green people in disguise to help the green people clean up the weak among them, so as to make the green people strong as a whole.

A large-scale battle broke out again in the burning plane, which was so sudden. Countless green people rushed into the big cities where the natives gathered at night and killed all the natives madly. The natives had no weapons, no armor, no army, and lost two-thirds of their population in just three or five days. And over time, their number is still decreasing rapidly.

Of course, it will take a long time to completely exterminate the natives. Nevertheless, kukas completed his plan.

A large number of natives can no longer gather on a large scale. They have lost their own culture and most of their skills. They can only gather into a tribe like savages returning to primitive society and simply walk on the earth. They should not only avoid the increasing number of wild animals, but also avoid the crazy killing of the green skins.

Tens of millions of people have moved to the central area of the plane, where they will not be attacked by the green skins. Because most of these natives are descendants of the kukas Burning Legion and the maidens who served him.

In this burning plane, the green skins will not attack the natives in the central area, but all the natives in other places are their targets. And they also scattered into some tribes, wandering densely on the land, hunting and killing all living creatures. In this way, those mercenaries who came to this position suffered heavy losses.

Perhaps because of the large-scale killing, perhaps because of the increase of the original power of the plane, in the burning plane, the overall strength of the green skins began to slowly improve again. However, even so, the number of green sheets in the combustion level is only maintained at about 30 billion. Whenever there are redundant green skins, driven by the original power of the ruling plane, green skins will enter the plane transmission altar and enter another plane to join the war.

In addition to the central area, other places in the burning plane are full of wild animals and lush vegetation. The whole plane suddenly lost all civilization. It is such an environment that constantly eliminates the weak among the green people and constantly makes them strong as a whole.

After staying in this burning plane for almost a year, kukas finally made up his mind to enter that plane where war was taking place. Before that, he handed over some trivial things in this position to the blonde general and her black robed men.

For kukas\'s trust, the blonde general did not take it to heart. She just nodded and agreed. In fact, what she has to do here is very simple, that is, to prevent the tens of millions of aborigines from joining hands with the plane mercenaries to lead the plane transmission array.

"If necessary, it doesn\'t matter to kill them completely." kukas told the blonde general his final plan before leaving.