Abyss Knight

Chapter 442

The large flag condensed into substance is dark. There are no patterns and patterns on the goose egg thick flagpole, and there are burning flames on the huge flag, condensing four big words: Burning Legion.

After the flag was completely condensed, kukas reached out and grabbed the flagpole. When his mind moved, endless information and knowledge appeared directly in his mind. This information knowledge is very different from the information he obtained in various ways before. The information was imprinted in his mind, and he didn\'t need to check and sort it out at all, as if he had mastered it naturally.

The big flag waved and the huge black flag narrowed to three feet. Then kukas took the black flag, jumped down from the throne and hurried back to his palace. There he went to the sleeping crystal coffin of the blonde general, then waved the flag, released the unknown power from the flag, and then instilled it into the blonde general\'s body. The next moment, the blonde general opened her eyes and woke up.

When the blonde general woke up, she saw kukas standing in front of her with a black flag to avoid burning fire. Then listening to the shouting outside, she immediately thought of what she had resisted and longed for before.

Pushing open the lid on the crystal coffin, the blonde general grabbed the crystal head and came out: "you succeeded. Can you share your harvest with me?"

"You can\'t imagine the benefits of controlling a plane, nor can those legends imagine." kukas shook his head and whispered, "if you want to know, find a secret plane to conquer it and become the only king there."

"Ha ha! I\'m afraid not many people can do it! Or even if someone does, he will hide the secret like you. Well, the king of faces, what\'s the requirement to wake me up?" the blonde general smiled bitterly, but knew how naive his inquiry was. But she is still eager to know what benefits she can get from controlling a plane.

"If you want to leave this position, I can send you away." kukas tilted his head and smiled strangely. He controlled the plane and had the only plane prop in the plane. The joy in his heart could not be suppressed in a short time.

"Are you expelling me?" the blonde general was a little stunned, then shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn\'t completely lose consciousness in my deep sleep. For more than 300 years, there was no struggle, no contest of power, and no all kinds of messy things. I thought about a lot of things I had done before. I found that it was good to have a rest in this zero level, don\'t you think?"

"As you wish. Whenever you want to leave, I will help you leave." kukas was a little stunned, then nodded and said with a smile: "you live in this Palace first! There is no war in the plane, and you can rest for a long time." with this, kukas\'s body disappeared directly in front of the blonde general.

"There is no fighting wave, no magic wave, and I\'m afraid it\'s also a benefit of becoming the king of the plane to disappear in an instant in this zero order plane!" The blonde general was stunned for a long time, and then smiled in a low voice. Yes, she knew that she would get endless benefits after controlling a position, but she could only guess what the benefits were. She had no chance and ability to try.

But after kukas disappeared from the blonde general, he took the burning black flag and directly appeared in a space full of endless golden light. The space is hundreds of miles in size. In the center of the space is a golden ball of light standing there quietly. Standing outside the ball of light, he felt endless warmth and inexplicable fluctuations Released from the photosphere.

Plane origin. Through the plane props in his hand, kukas knows the origin of the light ball in front of him and how important it is to the whole plane. What he has to do now is not to sit here and feel the various rules and fluctuations released by the plane origin, because he doesn\'t have that power. When he comes here, all he has to do is brand his mind mark on the plane Face source.

In the past, even if he was a legend, he couldn\'t condense his mind and spirit mark in this zero order plane, but now he controls the whole plane world alone. The face source recognized his greatness and condensed precious plane props for him. With this recognition and plane props, he can easily condense his mind and spirit mark Remember.

The mind and spirit mark condenses. Under the influence of zero order plane rules and plane props, the mark forms a burning ferocious skull. The skull\'s mouth opens up and down and sends out a silent cry.

"Go!" the burning black flag in his hand pointed to the skull mark, which turned into a streamer and hit the golden ball not far in front of him.

After the mind imprint was integrated into the surface source, kukas only felt his mind was shocked, and he had an extremely close connection with the surface source. Although this connection has not been able to make his fighting spirit accumulate rapidly, nor can he understand the surface rules like a high-level professional, it can ensure his immortality to a certain extent.

Yes, immortality to a certain extent. This is just one of the most common benefits of the king of planes. As long as the plane does not decline and the plane source will not be robbed or collapsed, no matter how kukas dies, he will be resurrected again through this plane source. And after resurrection, he is the peak state before his death.

After the mark of mind and spirit branded the origin of the throne, kukas still didn\'t leave here. After thinking for a moment, he tore the plane props in his hand. One burning black flag changed into two. One of them is three or five feet in size, and the other is still three feet in size.

The big black flag was thrown into place by him, while the small one was thrown on his back. The big black flag fell into the plane source, and the plane source tens of miles in size suddenly expanded the radius of at least one meter. The expansion of the face origin will slowly enhance the strength of the creatures in this plane. It can also strengthen the production of various materials in this level. Of course, the most important thing is to accelerate the speed, condense and enhance the birth and power of all plane treasures.

After the small black flag fell on his back, it hid in his back and disappeared, just showing the mark of a burning ferocious skull. With this mark, kukas can use about 90% of the function and power of the face prop.

After doing this, kukas sat quietly cross legged under the origin of the plane and began to think about some things. While he was thinking, the face source expanded and contracted from time to time, but on the whole, it was still expanding at an extremely slow speed.

After a long time, kukas waved and condensed the black flag integrated into his back. The black flag stabbed into the origin of the plane, and some ideas were instilled with the black flag.

With his ideas instilled into the plane origin, this newly unified plane world began to produce a series of changes.

The 72 copper pillars standing around the throne suddenly turned into golden light, which scattered in some areas of the ruling world.

The huge copper pillar took root and formed a sacrificial platform of seven or eight miles in a few breathing times. The altar was covered with patterns and patterns. Although there was no power fluctuation, a mysterious smell and desolate feeling were involuntarily distributed.

The sacrificial platform of the evolution of the copper pillar rotates several times on the earth, then collapses, turns into hundreds or even small sacrificial platforms, and flies in all directions. These small sacrificial platforms did not fall in the high mountains, nor did they fall in the places with rare human traces such as poor mountains and rivers. On the contrary, they were evenly dispersed in the growth bases of green people. In the center of each green skin growth base, there will be an additional stone altar nearly 100 meters in size.

Yes, stone altar. These stone altar took root, thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters below are formed by the huge stones spreading from the altar. The altar was so strong that even the powerful savage giants waved the sharpest weapons, but at most they left a white mark on the altar.

After some changes caused by copper pillars disappeared, some poor mountains and rivers also changed. The mountains sink and form a plain. The bad water disappeared and formed a canyon. A barren land produces springs, and a rich land produces treasures. Although a series of changes were rapid and intense, they did not cause many casualties. This series of changes made all the natives worship and fear kukas, the king of planes. Because in this series of changes, although they have suffered some losses, they have gained a lot of benefits.

After sitting under the plane source for a long time, kukas finally showed some of his ideas in this plane through the plane source. After doing this, his body instantly disappeared from the origin of the plane, and then appeared directly on his throne.

At this time, the envoys of various empires had already left, because kukas had been in power for three or five years, and those envoys had already left under the command of the blonde general.

As soon as kukas appeared on the throne, the blonde women\'s general knew about it. Wearing a golden military uniform, she found kukas as quickly as possible: "now you should think about what to do with those green skins who have multiplied rapidly. Without war, the number of green skins is growing too fast. If you don\'t appear again, I\'m afraid the hungry green skins will eat up those native ones."

"Ha ha! There are so many things, I really forgot it." kukas patted his bald head and grinned: "by the way, general, how did you find this zero level? I mean, how did you recognize the level of this level from countless levels?"

The blonde general was a little stunned, then raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile: "Ha ha, this is very simple. In the world of main planes, we can use the Dharma array to penetrate our mind into the void, and countless planes are hidden in the void. In fact, the strength of these planes has some fundamental signs, but only those legends can specifically recognize how many levels these planes are."

"The legends left some signs on the throne. As long as they follow those signs, they can know what level that plane is." the blonde general introduced the plane signs to kukas in detail. Finally, she said with some uncertainty, "are you going to enter other planes?"

"This plane is too narrow. My green skins can\'t grow at all. I need more planes to grow my green skins." kukas smiled grimly: "what\'s more, I want to plunder other plane treasures and props to speed up the evolution of this plane. Only in this way can my green skins become stronger."

"According to my rough estimation, there are at least more than 30 billion green skins in this plane, and so many green skins are strong soldiers. Aren\'t you satisfied?" the blonde general looked a little confused. She didn\'t understand what kukas wanted to do.

"There are a lot of more than 30 billion green skins, but I\'m afraid there are not as many high-level professionals in the thematic world. I want to fight with some powerful forces in the thematic world, so I need more green skins to help me do these things." kukas hesitated a little and said his plan: "What\'s more, the more planes we master, the more wealth we can get from them, isn\'t it? We will eventually return to the main plane world, where the consumption of a large number of magic materials and materials is huge. I have to prepare in advance."

Having said this, kukas didn\'t wait for the blonde general to say anything. He directly appeared in the source space of the ruling plane. Sitting cross legged under the source of the ruling plane, kukas began to use the level props to influence the source to leave and began to make some adjustments to the standard plane.

A circular Canyon covering thousands of miles appeared in the central area of the ruling plane, where he stipulated that only green skins who had been fighting for more than ten years were eligible to plant their own teeth there.

After finishing this, he attached a trace of mental strength to the black flag and stabbed it into the plane source according to the method provided by the plane source. The three foot long black flag disappeared into the plane source. Under the action of the secret method, the whole plane source trembled slightly. The next moment, the plane prop attached to kukas\'s mind appeared in a void.

There was an endless void. There was chaos in the void and gray smoke everywhere. The burning black flag broke through the smoke and walked quickly. When the burning black flag shuttled through the void, kukas felt a powerful and incomparable force shuttling through the void. Those forces were incomparably powerful. Any force passing near him would make kukas My mind felt a burst of intense fear and awe. Those powerful breath crossed through the void, tore the gray smoke, and occasionally released a trace of fluctuation. These fluctuations hit the burning black flag, and the impacted black flag trembled violently. If it wasn\'t for the support of the plane origin behind, I\'m afraid that the face prop would have been released by those breath occasionally The wave of was destroyed.

Of course, not all the breath is extremely powerful. Most of the breath is similar to or even lower than the breath of the plane prop attached to kukas.

Without exploring the identity represented by the breath, kukas just quickly searched for the plane hidden in the void. He was lucky and felt that he found a zero order plane soon. He quickly used the secret method provided to him by the plane props to brand his mark on the zero order plane, and kukas put the black flag back.

Here, I have to mention these planes in the void. In the endless void, sometimes when the mind moves for a few breaths, it can meet one plane, and sometimes it takes longer. These planes hidden in the void are like an oval pebble. Some are hundreds of miles in size, while others are tens of miles in size.

The size of these planes does not have much to do with their order, nor does it have anything to do with the world area in them, but it has something to do with the self evolution of the origin of this plane.

Countless planes are hidden in the void. They are beating all the time, like a beating heart. When each plane beats, some strange waves will be released from them. These waves swim and collide in the void, or integrate into other planes, or evolve into an information knowledge flying in the void.

In short, there are too many strange things in the void. Kukas, who came to the void with the help of plane origin and plane props, couldn\'t notice too many things. But even so, he was deeply shocked by the prosperous endless void.

Of course, we won\'t mention in detail the description of the shock brought to kukas by the plane here. If you like to see it, please take a look at the mage Road, the glory sacrifice and the demon Qi practitioner.

Hurriedly return to the plane origin, and then return the mind and plane props from the plane origin to the noumenon. Then kukas\'s Noumenon mastered everything that his mind had experienced in the endless void.

Grasp the burning black flag and shake it gently. A trace of mental power is instilled into all the green skins\' blood through this plane prop. At one time, in each green skin planting base, in addition to leaving millions of green skins to guard unborn descendants and maintain the surrounding area to prevent sudden plane mercenaries from making trouble here, other green skins are rarely arranged They waited for the opening of the stone altar, and then went to the next level according to kukas\'s will.