Abyss Knight

Chapter 437

"Kukas, I think we must have a good talk. When you left the main plane and came to this plane, the teleportation gate collapsed. It took us more than a year to improve and build it successfully. As soon as we built it successfully, someone came to the door to deal with us, so we fled to you for refuge." The blonde general took a deep breath, frowned and whispered.

"A year? It\'s only a year after the Lord\'s plane?" kukas looked at the blonde general in surprise and asked uncertainly, "you\'re not cheating me!"

"Hehe! What is there to deceive? In this plane, we have to rely on you. What\'s the reason to deceive you? You should know that there is a huge difference in the time flow rate between the plane and the plane. The higher the time flow rate of the higher-order plane, the slower the time flow rate of the lower-order plane, and the faster the flow rate of the lower-order plane. This is very normal." the blonde general whispered her experience seriously on her face.

"That\'s good. I thought you had deceived me all these years." kukas stared and carefully observed the blonde general. Finally, he took a breath and said softly, "do you have any plans in the future?"

"We have to wait until the military headquarters contact us to open up new cracks and get us into the main plane. Which underground military base must have been destroyed, and we can\'t take the initiative to return through the magic ring." the blonde general didn\'t hide the bad situation, so he explained it to kukas in detail: "You can rest assured that in seven or eight years or three or five years, the people of the military headquarters will certainly lead us out."

"Hey, hey!" kukas laughed, then sat down on the huge throne, narrowed his eyes and began to think about something. "What are your plans? If you have nothing to do in your spare time, you might as well help me deal with the soil here! My cannon fodder are really stupid. They will make a mess of everything without enough commanders."

The blonde general and the black robed men were silent. After a full dozens of breathing time, the blonde general sighed softly: "among us, only more than 100 people are close professionals, and the others are all spell casters. Therefore, only our more than 100 people can help."

"Ha ha! That\'s enough. Now I\'m every more intelligent person here, and the speed of controlling this plane will be one point faster. With your help, I will completely control this plane in a short time, and I will become the master of the plane." kukas giggled.

"Lord of the plane? Do you want to control the local people in this plane privately or in the open?" the blonde female general couldn\'t help thinking of the secret she heard from some legends.

"Of course, I will control all the natives in this plane. I will be the only emperor in this plane, and all the natives are my subjects." kukas laughed strangely, but his face was excited: "After controlling this plane, we can collect as many good things as we want. Then all the mercenaries who enter this plane will be killed at the first time. This plane will be my own plane of kukas." when he said this, he stretched out his hands and looked up, as if he had completely controlled this plane now.

The blonde general looked at kukas in high spirits and shook her head secretly. In her understanding, no one has ever controlled a plane alone in the open. If you want to control a plane in the open, you not only want all the natives in the plane to submit to him and obey him as king, but also want to cut off the invasion and division of the mercenaries Crack.

You should know that every discovery of planes will be invaded by countless plane mercenaries. She believes that before long, some huge forces in the plane battlefield will come to this plane and force a cup. At that time, kukas\'s saying of controlling planes alone will obviously become a joke.

However, she didn\'t explain this to kukas, because she knew that he would never take it to heart when she told kukas now. To say it, she could only say it after he was suppressed by the huge forces in the battlefield.

After talking to the blonde generals again, kukas waved his hand and gave them the palace. Even the blonde generals were satisfied with such a huge palace. After all, it was only a small zero order plane. It still made them feel some respect to be able to build such a huge palace in this low plane and give them these refugees 。

After arranging the blonde generals to have a good rest in the palace for three days, kukas motioned the blonde generals and the people in black robes to go with him to see the barbaric giants on another mountain.

"They have been hurt more or less. Let them continue to rest! I\'ll have a look with you," said the blonde general with a slight frown.

"Hey, hey, let\'s go!" kukas summoned some green skins and made lifting chairs to lift him and the blonde general to the mountain where the battle took place: "I\'m going to catch all these savage giants and let them serve me as slaves. Hey, I don\'t know what kind of virtue the caster will be when he knows that his savage giants become my slaves."

"If you want to catch those savage giants, your men will suffer heavy losses." in the past three days, when the blonde general had nothing to do in his spare time, she once stood on the mountain and looked at the mountain where the savage giant was in the distance. She found that three days and three nights had passed, and the battle there was still going on: "it\'s just some savage giants. There\'s no need to waste so much strength."

"The loss of one million cannon fodder is nothing to me at all. In this position, the cannon fodder under my hand will increase by about one million people every day. Do you think I care about the losses caused by these savage giants? What\'s more, if those savage giants can kill again, they can\'t kill one million cannon fodder in these three days and nights." kukas smiled grimly, But he was confident enough to capture those savage giants as his slaves.

"Millions of cannon fodder? Aren\'t you afraid of insufficient replenishment of soldiers in the future?" the blonde female general didn\'t know the characteristics of those green people. She thought that these green people would be the same as ordinary creatures. They needed to be pregnant for October and 20 years before they could go to war as adults.

"Ha ha! General, you\'ll know when you stay in this position long enough." kukas didn\'t explain to the blonde general, but took her to the mountain battlefield.

As soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, kukas laughed excitedly. The blonde general\'s face suddenly became surprised. Because among the corpses all over the mountains and the green skins climbing towards the mountains, more than 100 despondent savage giants were bound by chains. Some green skins beat them with iron bars from time to time, and even cut wounds on them with a knife. They laughed and were excited to watch them bleed.

A savage giant lost all his strength in a roar. After a green skin jumped up and beat him on the head, the savage giant turned over, but he could no longer stand up.

As soon as the savage giant came to the end, green skins swarmed up. They waved sharp chisels to cut two holes in the savage giant\'s shoulder, then penetrated a chain with the thickness of an adult\'s arm, and finally forcibly pulled the chain to drag the giant away.

The remaining savage giants were unable to struggle, but roared loudly to vent their anger and unwillingness. The endless fighting for three days and three nights made these savage giants too tired. In the past, they fought for a long time, but at that time, the enemy was often beaten and completely scattered by them after fighting for a while. But now no matter how many hateful green skins they kill, the battle will not stop for half a minute. Countless green people were stunned and squeezed them down from the mountain with their bodies, exhausting all their strength.

Looking at the green people sitting on the ground tearing the bodies of their former companions to eat, the blonde general frowned. In her opinion, this kind of green skin was so easy to eat the bodies of the same kind that she couldn\'t help doubting the origin of these green skins. But no matter how she thought, she couldn\'t remember the origin of these green people.

"Go! I asked someone to build a movable throne for me a few days ago. The throne is too huge to find the right power to drive. Now there are these savage giants. It\'s just right to use them to pull my throne." kukas saw that the mountains are full of green skins\' bodies, He was not in the mood to lead the blonde general to the top of the mountain to watch the battle of the savage giants at a close distance. So he turned and walked behind another mountain.

"Without magic prohibition, will they be your slaves?" the blonde general rubbed her forehead with a headache and said, "aren\'t you afraid that they will suddenly unite to kill you?"

"What are you afraid of? If I dare to use them as my slaves, I will not be afraid of their encirclement and killing me." kukas turned his head and looked at the blonde general with a funny face and said, "in this position where there is only pure physical power, I kukas is the most powerful. Even if there is a giant dragon coming, I can make him become a minister under my feet." kukas looked confident when saying this.

The blonde general did not take kukas\'s remarks to heart. You know, after her fighting spirit was sealed, her own strength suddenly decreased thousands of times. Now she is a single savage giant. She may not be able to deal with it, not to mention the dragon with more powerful physical strength? "Maybe I should exercise my physical strength. Ha ha, but it\'s not very useful. Only this low-level plane needs physical strength. Who cares about these high-level planes?"

Just as the blonde general was thinking, kukas took her to a huge valley. In this valley, countless green and native craftsmen are busy. There are all kinds of coarse metal smelted around, as well as a large number of metal blocks and various instruments. They manipulated all kinds of strange instruments and were busy around a huge throne in the middle of the valley.

The throne is seven or eight feet tall, with a base of more than 100 meters. The whole body is made of unknown metal. Under the base, there is a steel wheel more than one person high, surrounded by a huge chain with the thickness of adult arms. Some savage giants were penetrated into their shoulder blades by these chains, and their arms were tightly wrapped around their bodies. On them are the steel platform with three foot long spikes imitated by the green skins. Some green skins stand on the platform. They stand inside waving whip and long gun with barbs, and attack the savage giants with their weapons from time to time.

Some savage giants could not bear this attack and rolled wildly on the ground. In this way, although they crushed some green skins, they were severely punished by the platform with barbs. More green skins beat around the savage giants rolling on the ground, only beating those savage giants to pieces, and even Bai Sensen\'s bones were revealed in some places.

More than a hundred savage giants with grief and anger on their faces and wunaira pulled the huge throne and walked slowly in the valley, while the craftsmen constantly adjusted the throne in order to achieve perfection, so that kukas, the controller, could sit on it safely.

Looking at the fate of those savage giants, the blonde general couldn\'t help sighing. These savage giants are also a strong race in the main plane world. Even some eighth level professionals have to bow their heads in the face of the siege of a large number of savage giants, but now the strong race members are wantonly driven by a group of weak green people and become the most humble slaves.

"This is the end of provoking me. Ha ha! When I completely control this plane, I will return to the main plane world and wipe out the violet family, the hand of glory and the churches hostile to me. Ha ha!" kukas Gaga giggled at the anger and helplessness on the faces of those savage giants: "Blame them for bullying others. I used to rely on the power to bully me. Now I rely on the power to retaliate against them and make them regret forever."

"Give me the scepter and I\'ll help you control this plane." the blonde general couldn\'t bear to see those savage giants fall into such a field, so he turned to ask kukasso for the command of the green skins.

"Well, put the scepter in my residence and I\'ll take it out for you when you go back. General, helping me is also helping you. After controlling this position, you can occupy half of all the materials produced in this face for free." kukas stood up and gave a courtesy to the blonde general with a serious face: "You have given me great help. Although some are mutual transactions, I still haven\'t forgotten your efforts."

"Ha ha! I\'m afraid I\'ll owe you half of the supplies for a position in the future." the blonde general couldn\'t help smiling bitterly. She knew that kukas didn\'t see the position in his eyes when he said this: "one percent is good, I don\'t want to owe you too much." the blonde general closed his eyes and thought for a while, and suddenly said this word.

"I just want to use half of this material as your reward for helping me in the main plane world." kukas took a deep breath and said seriously, "if the general doesn\'t agree, I will have no confidence in my heart."

"Ha ha! How can I promise to let you mobilize millions of cannon fodder into the Latour empire of the main plane world to attack and kill wantonly? The Empire\'s ruler will not allow you to send so many people to retaliate. He will be afraid that you will destroy the whole Latour empire." the blonde general shook her head and said in a deep voice: "I can\'t help you. Even if I have the intention, some legends of the military headquarters will not agree. Your revenge will only cause heavy damage to the whole Latour empire."

"Hey, hey! One day, I will completely destroy the Latour empire." kukas smiled grimly. "The royal family of the Latour empire once bullied me by relying on forces. I will never forget this."

"The military headquarters will not allow you to act so crazy. Maybe you can secretly support some families to overthrow the current royal family, but you can\'t go to war with the whole Latour empire." the blonde general sighed, jumped down from the lifting chair, turned his head and walked towards her residence step by step.

"No? Support another family to destroy the Latour royal family? Ha ha! That\'s a waste of time." kukas closed his eyes and sat down in the lifting chair to himself: "When I take control of this situation and hundreds of millions of green skins attack and occupy the Latour Empire, I don\'t believe that the military headquarters has any ability to stop. I exchange hundreds of millions of green skins for all the creatures of the Latour empire. At that time, I don\'t know whether you will still protect the royal family and the violet family."

After muttering nervously for a long time, kukas returned to his residence. He was not in the mood to take the throne. He wanted the greens to improve the throne and teach the savage giants. He had plenty of time to wait.

After returning to his residence, kukas asked the green people to bring the white bone scepter to the female general of Jinfa, and then asked her to lead some black robed people to help him attack the native empire. In order to quickly control the whole situation, he increased the output of the green people again and again, crazy urging the green people to control or destroy one native empire after another.

Kukas\' crazy behavior frightened the natives in the whole position. Some of them united to block kukas, while others defected. For the rebels, what waiting for them is the complete slaughter of the whole empire. For the defectors, what waiting for them is just an additional shackle on their heads, and their status has been slightly reduced, from over ten thousand people to over ten thousand people Compared with complete death and the destruction of the family, their situation is still very good.